• 思路本文有限合伙中的有限责任例外适用予以研究

    In this vein, the paper is to study the theory about the denial of limited liability.


  • 尽管2009年时候有个短暂的和平稳定期,但是发生地乃至刚果东部地区进行的无法无天的、令人舌的暴力行为不太可能以常规的思路理解的。

    The horrific violence that has occurred in this place—and continues in lawless eastern Congo despite a 2009 peace accord—is impossible to understand in simple terms.


  • 基础上,利用质量信号博弈模型声誉理论分析方法提出解决信贷配给思路建议

    And on this basis, it puts forward the thinking and suggesting of resolving credit rationing by means of quality signal game model and reputation theory.


  • 基础扼要分析了现有提高存储器存储密度思路关键技术给出当前国际先进水平的技术指标。

    The solutions for optical mass storage system and their principles are analyzed briefly, based on which, the key technologies for the improvement of the recording density are discussed.


  • 基础上,提出论文研究思路方法采用波特竞争力模型实证案例分析法基于供给市场营销模式等作为分析理论基础。

    On this basis, the proposed thesis research ideas and methods, the use of the Porter competitive model, empirical and case analysis, supply chain marketing model as the theoretical basis for analysis.


  • 基础上,本文我国目前高校产学研结合模式以及西工大产学研结合模式提出思路新对策

    Under this condition, the paper raises up new ideas and countermeasures in allusion to the mode of UNISPAR both in China and Northwest Industry University.


  • 基础上确定了项目研究内容、目标、教改思路及课程体系。

    On this basis, the article proposes the train of thoughts of the professional teaching of mining engineering.


  • 基础上给出了补偿电网中消弧线圈自动调谐单相接地故障选线一体化综合控制思路

    Then the idea of integral control of automatic resonance and single-phase earth faulted line selection was put forward.


  • 在此基础上提出采用遗传算法对压实参数模糊控制规则进行优化思路

    We also propose novel ideas in optimizing the fuzzy control rules, using genetic algorithms.


  • 基础上,文章提出了多目标项目集合选择问题DEA解法基本思路给出了相应的求解多目标项目集合选择的DEA模型

    Based on these, the general idea of the dea model to solve multi-objective subset selection problem is proposed and corresponding model is constructed.


  • 基础上,结合矿山品位分布采矿方法提出整体优化部分优化的思路通过计算机软件系统实现

    Base on this, Offer the idea of total and part of the mine optimization consider of the grade distribution and mining methods, then implement it by computer software system.


  • 基础上,提出分析控制性非控制性下垫面因素共同作用洪水影响基本思路建立综合计算模型

    Then, a fundamental suggestion for estimation of impacts of both control factors and non-control factors on floods is presented and a comprehensive model for this estimation is developed.


  • 然后近现代以来科技异化观形成演进作了概述,并在此基础上提出本文研究思路意义

    Then the author summarizes the shape and development of the idea of alienation since the modern times, and puts forward the pathway and the significance of this study.


  • 基础上,结合最新研究成果,提出了一些有待深入探索进一步扩展思路

    With the latest research results, the author held that some new ideas needed further exploration and extension.


  • 基础上,还提出了对集中负荷处理思路

    Furthermore, the author puts forward a novel method for dealing with concentrated load.


  • 基础,从洁净风量空调风量分离、减小系统送风量、风量优化控制运行管理多方面多角度,提出具体节能的思路、方法和措施。

    Based on the above, some measures were put forward in many aspects such as the reduction of air volume flow and the fresh air, optimization control, operation management and so on.


  • 本文就当前流动儿童教育面临财政问题进行了分析探讨,并基础提出了解决一问题的对策思路

    This paper analyzes and discusses the financial problems facing the education of floating children, and then puts forward some counter measure based on it.


  • 然后充分借鉴国内外最新激励理论成果基础上经过理论分析为企业做诊断,提出构建激励机制思路找到解决问题的办法。

    Then referred to the latest domestic and international theoretical outcomes, the thesis suggests a new idea to establish the new incentive mechanism to solve the problems.


  • 基础转变营销观念角度提出企业实施诚信营销基本构架,为企业实施诚信营销提供思路

    Based on the above analysis, in order to change people's marketing concept, the paper suggests the basic framework of implementing credible marketing and offers direction of credible marketing.


  • 基础上,文章提出完善我国民事撤诉制度具体思路

    On these bases, the article puts forward some concrete ways for perfecting the system of civil withdrawing charges of our country.


  • 阐述了零售业CRM系统特点技术要求基础上对零售业CRM系统的数据挖掘思路进行了探讨

    Represents characteristic and technical request in retail-CRM. Based on the thesis, investigates an arithmetic finding association rules on a small quantity of data information.


  • 基础上阐述研究逻辑思路研究假设

    On this basis, explained the logic of this study ideas and hypotheses.


  • 在此基础上对戴维斯的等级层次进行评价:等级层次观新的思路、一种新的方法、一种新的工具

    Then some comment on his view was made, that is, ranking arrangement is a new point of view, method and tool.


  • 基础上,从研究思路方法角度,对绩效管理研究未来努力方向提出了几点看法建议

    Based on the review, the final section makes some recommendations on methods in the study of performance management.


  • 基于文件血统访问控制机制近年提出一种全新的控制思路方法,本文是基础上,提出了基于血统机制的文件模型。

    The access control based on file lineage mechanism is a new ideas and method in recent years, and a file lineage model is presented.


  • 基础上提出了拓宽sclcp研究领域分子设计思路与新方法,预测了功能性SCLCP应用前景。

    Based on this, new route of SCLCP's molecular design were discussed in order to broaden the research fields.


  • 基础上,探讨下行床出入口结构及其性能之间关系,并提出了下行出入口设计放大的基本思路

    Based on this, the relation of structure and performance was discussed, design and scale-up criteria were suggested.


  • 基础上,提出了本文研究思路

    Based on this, proposed this article research mentality.


  • 本文提出线性耦合非线性耦合概念,并基础上研究机械传动系统的组成规律,拓宽机械传动系统综合的思路

    The paper puts forward the new concepts of linear and non linear couplings, On the basis of them , the composition method of mechanical transmission system is proposed so that we may extend the res…


  • 本文提出线性耦合非线性耦合概念,并基础上研究机械传动系统的组成规律,拓宽机械传动系统综合的思路

    The paper puts forward the new concepts of linear and non linear couplings, On the basis of them , the composition method of mechanical transmission system is proposed so that we may extend the res…


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