• 改装范畴轮毂改装外形涂装各大改装力推项目

    In the field of modification, wheel modification and contour coating is a major modification of the store pushing the project.


  • 他们大约40匹马中,有一部分都安顿改装集装箱里的。

    Some of the stable's 40 or so horses are housed in converted shipping containers.


  • 改装过程中,需要加装一个加热装置使得油墨合适的温度下进行工作。

    In the modification, there should be a heater to provide the ink to work in its working temperature.


  • 表现最好是一宾夕法尼亚州卡内基梅隆大学工程师建造改装悍马,抛锚行驶了7英里11公里)。

    The best performer, a modified Humvee built by engineers ar Pennsylvania's Carnegie Mellon University, traveled 7 miles (11 kilometers) before breaking down.


  • 表现最好是一宾夕法尼亚州卡内基梅隆大学工程师建造改装悍马,抛锚行驶了7英里11公里)。

    The best performer, a modified Humvee built by engineers at Pennsylvania's Carnegie Mellon University, traveled 7 miles (11 kilometers) before breaking down.


  • 随着英格利斯后来其他商人开始工作改装电话亭开始城市乡村重新出现,人们发现了它们用途

    As Inglis and, later other businessmen, got to work, repurposed phone boxes began reappearing in cities and villages as people found new uses for them.


  • 新的显示发生航天飞机1998年期间波音公司改装的帕代尔,加利福尼亚州,穿梭工厂发生许多升级项目之一。

    The new display was one of many upgrades that took place at Boeing's Palmdale, Calif., shuttle factory during the orbiter's 1998 modification period.


  • 无论看上哪块石头,不管这石头耳环胸针还是项链上马丁都会判断一下它能否改装戒指

    If any stones appeal - be they from earrings, brooches or necklaces - Martin will be able to judge whether or not they can be transformed into rings.


  • 美国宇航局新的燃料箱容易泡沫脱落地方进行改装同时安装上了加热器防止泡沫胶结

    On the new tank, NASA has reconfigured the struts and fittings where foam was prone to peeling off, and installed heaters to prevent ice from forming.


  • 英航2009年开通条航线,对沿用至今空客318客机大量技术性改良——机舱中改装配备了空中互联网接入电子邮件以及手机短信服务。

    When the route launched in 2009, BA made much of the technological prowess of the aircraft being used, an Airbus 318, which was retrofitted to include in-air web connection, email and SMS facilities.


  • 中国已经军用飞机领域迅速取得进展俄罗斯-104为模型制造的H-6大型双引擎轰炸机可以轻松地就改装商用飞机。

    China has already made rapid advances in military jet aircraft and its H-6 large twin-engine bomber, modelled on the Russian Tu-104, can be converted quite easily into a commercial aircraft.


  • 查理斯·库柏以前英国萨里郡苏别顿市的修车场改装赛车。人们他们的迷你开过去做好道路赛或拉力赛的赛前准备。

    Charles Cooper's garage in Surbiton, Surrey, used to build racing cars; it was the place to take your Mini to have it prepared for racing or rallying.


  • 德国杜塞尔多夫普通广告柱子改装巨型的纸筒。

    Ordinary advertising columns were turned into giant toilet paper rolls in Dusseldorf, Germany.


  • 日本生产跑车款,后来加州美国特种车厂进行了改装

    These vehicles began life in Japan as coupes and were later modified in the California facilities of American Specialty Cars (ASC).


  • 其他物品包括再生纸花瓶、用再生玻璃制作艺术品改装文具

    Some of the other items up for grabs include recycled paper vases, stationery holders made from recycled glass and even art pieces.


  • 展望R2改装适应太空空间站环境的情形,那里笨重防护设备限制了人类清理房间或者设施时的灵活性

    Taub and Diftler also envision R2 being adapted for workplace environments where bulky protective gear limits human dexterity, such as clean rooms or nuclear facilities.


  • 波音707改装KC- 135,艾森豪·威尔当政时服役的,(服役时间)已经接近设计寿命

    The KC-135, a cousin of the Boeing 707, entered service in the Eisenhower era and is near the end of its design life.


  • 我们辆货车里是个18轮的大家伙,改装移动餐厅,全美各处用来举办路边表演烹饪教学作坊

    We are sitting in the truck which he has parked outside. It is an 18-wheeler big rig, and has been turned into a mobile kitchen to travel the US hosting roadshows and cooking workshops.


  • 消费者调查杂志二月刊中详细说明价格问题回顾了一个售后市场Prius改装油电混用车挂件(Plug-in)的案例。

    Consumer Reports magazine detailed the price problem in its February issue, reviewing an after-market conversion of a Prius to a plug-in.


  • 这个2008年匆匆推出项目充其量就是简单改装,只是后座位置安装了5000个小型电池而已

    The rushed project pushed out in 2008 is a simple conversion, which placed more than 5, 000 laptop batteries where the back seat is supposed to be.


  • 一个Urbee的全尺寸原型首次美国拉斯维加斯的改装车零配件展览会(SEMAShow)进行展览

    A full-scale Urbee prototype will be displayed for the first time in the US at the SEMA Show in Las Vegas.


  • 他们俩很快认识是安德森先生diy无人机伙伴搜索网页看到穆尼奥斯先生改装的任天堂游戏机控制器操控直升机视频之后。

    The two met soon after Mr. Anderson trolled the Web for fellow homegrown drone makers and saw a video of Mr. Munoz flying a helicopter using a repurposed Wii controller.


  • 改装过的商业客机上装配了可以用来测量飓风线(wind profile)的仪器不管是地面还是飞行高度上,仪器都发挥作用。

    The converted commercial airliner is equipped with an instrument that can measure a hurricane’s wind profile from ground to the aircraft’s height.


  • 改装航母可以容纳60先进飞机,基本功能上比得上其它国家航母

    The carrier is refitted to hold 60 advanced aircraft and match the basic functions of the carriers of other nations.


  • 发电器被装置一个特别改装过的运动交叉训练里,然后连结个别灯光装置电池里

    A generator is built into a specially-modified cross-training exercise machine, which is connected to individual light fixtures and batteries.


  • 发电器被装置一个特别改装过的运动交叉训练里,然后连结个别灯光装置电池里

    A generator is built into a specially-modified cross-training exercise machine, which is connected to individual light fixtures and batteries.


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