• 来,他们学会了按季节耕作,适时播种,以及在干旱地区利用每年的洪水来灌溉他们的农田。

    Later, they learned to work with the seasons, planting at the right time and, in dry areas, making use of annual floods to irrigate their fields.


  • 地下水通常聚集河流流域在干旱地区,地下水也可能完全保留干涸河床表面之下

    Groundwater commonly collects in stream drainages but may remain entirely beneath the surface of dry stream-beds in arid regions.


  • 干旱地区水分影响植物生长限制因子

    Water is the main restricting factor that influences the growth of plants in arid area.


  • 干旱地区使用甜菜这样农作物制作燃料的行为必须抛弃掉

    Using crops like sugarbeet to make biofuels in dry regions must be abandoned.


  • 水荒干旱地区威胁日益严重全球43个国家7亿面临水源紧张问题。

    Water scarcity had become more of a threat in arid regions, and about 700m people in 43 countries were facing water shortages.


  • 除此之外,干旱地区,会导致泥浆大量蒸发因此减少了泥浆体积

    In addition, in arid areas, a considerable amount of evaporation occurs, thus minimizing mud disposal volumes.


  • 干旱地区土壤中的粘粒矿物组成影响土壤物理化学特性重要因素之一

    Clay mineral compositions are one of important factors that influencing the chemical and physical characteristics of soils in the arid regions.


  • 葡萄通常木本蔓生植物,藉卷须攀缘干旱地区可以长成近乎直立灌木

    The grape is usually a woody vine, climbing by means of tendrils. In arid regions it may form an almost erect shrub.


  • 干旱地区深入那么频繁浇水帮助工厂开发深刻,更耐旱根本结构

    In dry areas, deeper and less frequent watering helps plants to develop deeper, more drought tolerant root structures.


  • 国际农业研究中心合作伙伴干旱地区所做的研究已经证明成功的

    Research by the International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas and its partners has already proven to be successful.


  • 干旱地区湿地则提供了循环用水方法减少用水需求,特别是饮用水的需求。

    In drought inflicted areas, wetlands provide a method of water reuse, which reduces water demand, especially for potable water.


  • 采用农膜、根宝、生根粉、保水剂干旱地区刺槐造林成活率进行田间对比试验

    Making a field comparative test on forestation living rate of locust in arid area by using plastic film, Genbao, root-growing dust, water-keeping agent.


  • 例如干旱地区葡萄牙西班牙高尔夫往往严重用水短缺负责当地地区

    For example, in the dry regions of Portugal and Spain, golf is often held responsible for serious water shortage in some local areas.


  • 土壤水剂新型化学农业抗旱材料干旱地区农林业生产具有广泛的应用前景。

    Soil water-holding agent is one kind of new chemical drought-resistant materials. They are widely used in the agricultural production and afforestation in arid zone.


  • 这种头巾干旱地区常见,他可以提供保护,免受太阳直接暴晒护,同时可以保护嘴巴眼睛免受和飞沙的伤害。

    It's commonly found in arid regions to provide protection from direct exposure to the sun, as well to protect the mouth and eyes from blowing dust and sand.


  • 干旱地区土壤深层储水可以调节植物用水但是人工苜蓿土壤深层吸收大量水分导致土壤干燥化发生。

    In the arid area, the storage water in deep layers of soil can adjust water utilization of plants, but artificial alfalfa can absorb lots of water from deep layers and lead to soil desiccation.


  • 修补漏水以及贫困的国家更好灌溉庄稼帮助减少多达70%的消耗量干旱地区种植需水量的庄稼同样可以减少水的消耗。

    Repairing leaks and better irrigation in poor countries could help reduce wastage by up to 70%, as could switching to less thirsty crops in arid regions.


  • 水资源专家表示有一进行大规模水管改造简单更为贴近实际解决方案,该方案关键部分各家各户,那就是在干旱地区学着依靠有限水资源生活

    Therein lies a crucial part of the solution, water experts say, one much simpler and closer to home than a massive plumbing patch: learning to live within the water resources of an arid landscape.


  • 一方面,干旱干旱地区湖泊数量,湖泊之间距离远,减少相互关联可能性

    In arid and semiarid regions, on the other hand, the small number of lakes and the great distances between them reduce the possibilities for correlation.


  • 这样计划非常必要的,因为许多干旱地区我们并不清楚地下水资源范围

    Such programs are much needed because in many arid lands there is only a vague idea of the extent of groundwater resources.


  • 干旱地区草地通常主要天然植被,而地区主要经济活动家畜饲养。

    The raising of livestock is a major economic activity in semiarid lands, where grasses are generally the dominant type of natural vegetation.


  • 为了粮食稻草珍珠谷子非洲和亚洲炎热、干旱地区种植谷物。

    Pearl millet is a cereal grown for foodgrain and straw in the hottest, driest areas of Africa and Asia.


  • 研究中国干旱地区分布

    Distribution of glires in arid regions of China is studied.


  • 土豆中榨取水分能够取代自来水供应一些干旱地区甚至能为人们提供饮用水

    Water extracted from potatoes could replace supplies from the tap and even provide drinking water in areas suffering from drought.


  • 1984- 85年饥荒肆虐乌干达东部卡拉莫贾地区,乌干达与索马里埃塞俄比亚同属干旱地区气候

    In 1984-85 famine ravaged the Karamoja region of eastern Uganda, which shares the same dryland climate as Somalia and Ethiopia.


  • 8090年代大部分时间,达尔以及西非荒漠(撒哈拉以南干旱地区)的其他地区发生的环境退化主要是由于当地居民。

    For much of the 1980s and '90s, environmental degradation in Darfur and other parts of the Sahel (the semi-arid region just south of the Sahara) was blamed on the inhabitants.


  • 马兰豪州南部是棕榈树最为集中地方,分布巴西干旱地区东北部亚马逊雨林交界地区

    The trees are most heavily concentrated in the south of Maranhão, in the transition zone between Brazil's semiarid northeast and the Amazon rainforest.


  • 马兰豪州南部是棕榈树最为集中地方,分布巴西干旱地区东北部亚马逊雨林交界地区

    The trees are most heavily concentrated in the south of Maranhão, in the transition zone between Brazil's semiarid northeast and the Amazon rainforest.


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