• 介绍了烟气工作介质通风机国内火电机组中的配置状况,分析了烟气输送风机配置模式发展趋势

    The configuration of fan with flue gas as medium in domestic thermal power unit is introduced, and the development trend of configuration mode of flue gas forced draft fan is analyzed.


  • 另外,业主支付担保公共工程中未来发展前景需要结合具体的公共工程建设组织模式来确定。

    For public works, the perspective of the Owner's Payment Bonding System may be varied due to different project organization models.


  • 随着人工智能飞速发展模式识别相应地许多领域得到了广泛的重视和应用。

    With the rapid development of artificial intelligence, pattern recognition accordingly has been widely used in many fields.


  • 因特网全世界蓬勃发展带来无穷的商机同时改变企业传统商业运营模式

    In the world of the Internet's development has brought enormous business opportunities, but also changed the traditional business model of commercial operations.


  • 综观新型教育模式基础不同角度指出特点优越性弊端它的发展前景作了展望

    Based on reviewing this new type of educational model, this paper points out its features, advantages and shortages from different angles, and looks forward to its developing prospect.


  • 介绍网络计算基本概念基础上,回顾了网络计算的几种模式演变历程简要分析网络计算的发展趋势

    On the basis of the concept of network calculation, this paper reviews the network calculations modes and its developmental process, and then analyzes its developmental trend.


  • 研究教学传统灌输式教学相对一种新型教学模式起源于古代,明晰近代现代社会得到了长足发展

    Compared with traditional infusion teaching, research teaching is a new model of teaching, which is derived from antiquity, cleared in modern time and greatly develops in the contemporary age.


  • 传统人工运行模式不能适应新的港口发展趋势,因此港口物料输送系统中引入现场总线技术实现无人值守自动化运行模式显得尤为重要。

    The traditional manual operation mode can not adapt to the new harbor development trend and has to be combined with the field bus technology in order to realize the automatic operation mode.


  • 营销渠道模式发展趋势如何,渠道模式变革增值怎样实现,渠道成员变革中扮演怎样的角色等都急需解决问题

    It is urgent to solve the problem of the developing tendency, the realization of the innovation and what role the member act of the channel.


  • 近年来,电视购物我国蓬勃发展成为一种新的商品营销模式

    In recent years, television shopping in China booming, become a new kind of commodity marketing mode.


  • 随着计算机技术以及电子技术飞速发展虚拟仪器技术作为一种新的测量模式工频耐压试验测量中得到了很好的应用

    With the rapid development of the electronic and computer technology, the virtual instrument technology is widely applied in the field of the power withstand test as a new measure method.


  • 移动通信技术飞速发展新的组网模式传输技术、营销模式业务种类层出不穷

    Mobile communication technology develops rapidly, new network structure system, transmission technology, marketing models and products 'types emerge in endlessly.


  • LD泵浦固体激光器出现使激光器得到飞速发展,但是大功率运行时表现出强烈透镜效应严重影响激光器的稳定性输出光的模式、光束质量

    Laser techniques is surging with LD-pumped solid-state laser. But, the stability, model and beam quality of the laser are strongly affected by the thermal lens effect at high power.


  • 曾经美国西南航空公司创造了连续30盈利奇迹的成本经营模式能否民营航空中发展壮大成为世人议论的话题

    It is an issue whether low-cost model from which Southwest Airlines have benefited for 30 years will grow up in the private airlines.


  • 17蒙古族散文题材内容表现手法叙事模式体裁等方面出现此前作品明显不同的变化,形成新的发展趋势

    There is obviously different with the previous works in "17 years" Mongolian prose in the subject matter, content, performance practices, narrative mode, genre, and had made the new trend.


  • 特许经营作为一种全新商业模式我国大城市沿海地区经济特区迅猛发展

    Franchising has spread rapidly in the big cities, coastal areas and special economic zone as a new business mode recently.


  • 研究目标选取上,以产学研结合模式基本内容研究为基础产学研结合模式管理体制运行机制产学研结合发展趋势进行较全面系统的研究。

    In goal, on the basis of the content of CEUSRI models, the paper deals comprehensively and systematically with the management system, operating mechanism and development trend of CEUSRI.


  • 介绍网络计算基本概念基础上,回顾了网络计算的几种模式演变历程,并简要分析网络计算的发展趋势

    On the basis of the concept of network calculation, this paper reviews the network calculations modes and its developmentalprocess, and then analyzes its developmental trend.


  • 电子商务作为全新交易模式我国呈现蓬勃发展态势社会带来巨大经济效益同时消费者权益保护带来极大的挑战。

    As a kind of new transaction mode, E-commerce is presenting the booming trend in our country. It brings huge economic benefits while it also threatens the protection of consumers' rights.


  • 研究表明,分理论局部放电模式识别中的应用极具发展前景,它可以大大减少特征提取数量

    The prospective development of fractals in PD recognition is presented, with an emphasis on cutting down the amount of the feature.


  • 日渐兴起电子商务环境下,企业部门间的协作型模式发展潜力

    With the increasing prosperity of thee-business environment, collaborative model of enterprise-to-enterprise or sector-to-sector is the most potential model.


  • 日渐兴起电子商务环境下,企业部门间的协作型模式发展潜力

    With the increasing prosperity of thee-business environment, collaborative model of enterprise-to-enterprise or sector-to-sector is the most potential model.


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