• 每当早上醒来看见第一件事就是闪耀光芒名字,特别是我能看见这巨大标志笼罩我的上,令人窒息的灿烂的光芒和用花彩装饰的星星与圣诞节灯光把我的名字用硬纸板拼了出来。

    The first thing I see when I wake up in the morning is my name in lights. Specifically, I see a giant sign that hangs over my bed.


  • 最终规定时间都快耗尽期盼已光芒照亮了整个山谷迅速的按下尼康相机快门,它所发出的声音,整个山谷不断回响

    Finally, as our time on the island was running out, the longed-for light swept across the valley and the chatter of my Nikon motor drive echoed off the hills.


  • Kepler 10 - b围绕恒星运转时会遮挡恒星千分之一光芒,举个例子来说,就好像一万多个灯泡个。

    The planet blocked about a ten-thousandth of its star's light, "like if you had 10,000 light bulbs and take one away," Batalha said.


  • 满园弥漫沉静光芒更容易看到时间看见自己身影

    In the still rays of light suffusing the park, it was easy for a person to see the time, and easy to see his own shadow.


  • 切伦科夫辐射粒子物理学标准模型所预测现实世界观察到了经常是从核反应堆的核心处所发射的蓝色光芒

    Cherenkov radiation is predicted by the "standard model" of particle physics and is also observed in the real world, most often as a faint blue glow emanating from the cores of nuclear reactors.


  • 这次月食北美洲最佳观测点可以看到寒冬天空出现一轮铜黄色的是因为月亮由于地球黯淡阴影过的光芒而变红了。

    During the eclipse, the best viewing in North America found the coppery lunar disc high in a cold winter sky, the Moon reddened by light filtering into the Earth's dark central shadow or umbra.


  • 午后夕阳红光缓慢扩散,逐渐暗淡,光线透射绿松石般青绿色耀眼光芒

    The turquoise color permeates the water late in the afternoon as the red rays of the setting sun spread out and grow weak.


  • 诸如独臂刀《双侠》这样的电影与姜大卫真是交相辉映,光芒万丈。

    HKC: Your duo with David Chiang was really brilliant in films such as New One-Armed Swordsman or Deadly duo.


  • 黑洞超级高温气体燃烧发出白热光芒干涉下,会转变为红色。

    The black hole's white-hot glow from super-heated gas is reddened by intervening dust.


  • 一月下旬日,火星行星地球天空巨蟹座群星闪耀明亮光芒

    At opposition in late January, Mars shone very brightly in planet Earth's night sky, among the stars of the constellation Cancer the Crab.


  • 仅仅六个星期以前巴克曼夫人还浸浴爱荷华艾姆斯模拟投票胜利但是佩里先生来的突然宣布参选之后光芒很快就遮盖了。

    A mere six weeks ago Mrs Bachmann was basking in her own victory in the Ames straw poll in Iowa, only to be eclipsed as soon as Mr Perry made his late eruption into the race.


  • 沐浴金色光芒新的实相自身长度宽度扩展到整个太阳系

    This new realm of golden Light is to extend throughout the length and breadth of this solar system.


  • 一个男人天资不幸混杂洗礼稀世光芒和无深渊显虚弱

    Unfortunately, the genius of a man bands into the mix of water baptism, in light of priceless, the weak bottomless pit.


  • 这里清新光芒之风唤醒着人们关于他们就本来的权利生活和平,但是,他们却是如此的带入歧途,而去相信谎言谬误

    There is a refreshing wave of Light that is awakening people, as to how they have been mislead into believing lies and falsehoods regarding their entitlement to a peaceful life.


  • 物质养分过剩的温室迅速地粗放膨胀,散发着刺眼眩目的光芒

    Material expenses itself quickly by observing too much nutrient inside the warm houses, distributing some dazzling light.


  • 部分闪烁光芒生活创造欢乐

    I let the part of me that is God shine forth, creating joy in my life.


  • 第三轮吊环比赛他们开始发挥光芒观众开始惊叹

    They began to shine on the still rings - their third event - and the crowd began to marvel.


  • 《大审判拒绝他人递给过来的一张巨额支票时,双蓝眼睛律师脸庞上发出优美光芒

    They stared beautifully in his middle-aged lawyer's face as, in "The Verdict", he was handed an enormous cheque which he refused to take.


  • 所想画面座城市沐浴曙光红色光芒包裹风景营造出一种平静的气氛

    The image in my mind was that of a city in the first lights of the day, a week red light that cherishes the landscape and gives a peace sensation.


  • 显得那么高贵笑容里还透着宽容光芒。她朝我了点头,然后门口走去并很快消失晨光

    This time, with grace of dignity and acceptance, she smiled, nodded quickly to the door, and disappeared into the morning light.


  • 闪耀人性最美光芒我们降生,我们靠爱而得以生存。

    Love shines the most beautiful light of humanity, we born in it, we live by it.


  • 一旦处于真实身份灵魂就能摆脱物质身体的限制光芒觉醒了悟自身的灵性本性

    Spiritual soul who lives in true identity, however, is freed from that limitation and awakened and realized it's spiritual nature in the light of the Supreme Soul.


  • 他们一个离得更近,苔藓铺就床上,带涟漪光芒他们周围展开

    They come together into a kiss and sink down on the bed of moss, and ripples of light spread out around them.


  • 靠得越近长得越快最后一阵光芒的迸发,你就会看见自己天使真正样子,也就是自己真正的样子。

    The closer you come, the more it will grow, until finally, in a burst of light, you will see your angel in its true shape, and at that very instant, you will also see yourself.


  • 生命美好不能否认最为壮观的前景最为琐碎的细节,请仔细观察,因为美好的事物总是散发耀眼光芒闪亮登场。

    There is goodness to life that cannot be denied. In the most magnificent vistas and in the smallest details, look closely, for that goodness always comes shining through.


  • 这个影迷们就会看到这位上了年纪聪明的,依旧光芒四射的贝瑞新片“完美陌生人扮演好刨根究底的女记者谋杀谜团布鲁斯·韦利斯演对手戏。

    This month, moviegoers get to see the older, wiser, still-stunning Berry play an investigative reporter in Perfect Stranger, a murder mystery costarring Bruce Willis.


  • 这个影迷们就会看到这位上了年纪聪明的,依旧光芒四射的贝瑞新片“完美陌生人扮演好刨根究底的女记者谋杀谜团布鲁斯·韦利斯演对手戏。

    This month, moviegoers get to see the older, wiser, still-stunning Berry play an investigative reporter in Perfect Stranger, a murder mystery costarring Bruce Willis.


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