• 马尔克洛夫布罗光天化日之下莫斯科市中心

    Both Mr Markelov and Ms Baburova were killed in broad daylight in the centre of Moscow.


  • 当地报纸报道这家银行昨天光天化日之下抢了

    The bank is reported in the local newspaper to have been robbed in broad daylight yesterday.


  • 面临冻结恐惧惊讶通过光天化日之下街上去路

    Faces froze with fear and amazement as he made his way through the streets in broad daylight.


  • 八月二十一梵高的作品光天化日之下马哈茂德·哈利勒博物馆被盗

    The Van Gogh painting was stolen in broad daylight from the Mahmud Khalil museum on 21 August.


  • 我们光天化日之下全都可以看见,而黑暗,它红色火焰一样闪光。

    We may all see it in the sunshine! And it glows like a red flame in the dark.


  • 一伙戴面具光天化日之下一家博物馆偷走名画,法国警方对此展开搜寻。

    Police in France are looking for a group of armed masked men who stole four famous paintings from a museum in broad daylight.


  • 塞拉利昂至少19名囚犯座高度设防监狱逃出——似乎是在光天化日之下大门离开

    At least 19 prisoners have escaped from a maximum security prison in Sierra Leone - apparently leaving through the front gates during the day.


  • 塞拉利昂至少19名囚犯座高度设防监狱逃出——似乎在光天化日之下大门离开

    At least 19 prisoners have escaped from a maximum security prison in Sierra Leone - apparently 1 leaving through the front gates during the day.


  • 种说不出感觉有点近乎恐怖是一种光天化日之下即使沙漠我们也怕被人看到的恐怖。

    He felt an indescribable sensation somewhat akin to dreadthat dread of the daylight which even in the desert makes us fear we are watched and observed.


  • 个矮小男人玩具光天化日之下抢劫银行,但是一位年轻的女出纳员当场抓住。

    A small man robbed a bank with a toy gun in broad daylight, and was caught red - handed by a young lady-teller of the bank.


  • 真正使人们所为引起众怒的他们罪行光天化日之下犯下的,他们自己又是制度的设计者。

    But what makes the rich's behaviour so galling for many critics is that their two greatest crimes were committed in broad daylight, as they were part of the system itself.


  • 星期二俄罗斯南部几名枪手冲入地区议会大楼光天化日之下发动袭击打死至少3打伤17

    Gunmen in southern Russia stormed a regional parliament Tuesday, in a brazen daylight attack that killed at least three people and wounded 17 others.


  • 好比说有位夜间多次遭劫受害人,只要出家门口就可能出现焦虑恐惧的感觉,就算是光天化日之下也一样。

    A victim—if he had been robbed several times at night, for instance—might experience anxiety and phobia just by stepping outside his home, even under a blazing sun.


  • 敢于光天化日之下巴基斯坦守备森严军事重地进行袭击并且劫持军官作为人质,反映了巴基斯坦好战分子猖獗活动的水平

    To attack one of the most heavily secured places in Pakistan in the middle of a day and then to take hostages shows a new level of audacity on the part of the militants here.


  • 裙子短裤、苏格兰裙子连衣裙这样衣服不算因为这个活动就是为了鼓励人们光天化日之下不穿裤子不是把裤子换成其他服饰

    Articles of clothing like skirts, shorts, kilts, and dresses don't count, because people are encouraged to revel in the absence of pants, and not replace pants with other clothing.


  • 组织了150名当地商户业主,潜伏柯普利广场附近。 然后根据秘密信号,所有人突然蹦出来,光天化日之下开始起事先排练好的舞蹈。

    She organized a group of about 150 local businesspeople to lurk around Copley Square and, after a secret signal, in broad daylight to burst into a dance they'd rehearsed.


  • 相反地知道事情面向公众公开,因此我们所有可以光天化日之下讨论影响着我们所有人的事情,我向这个世界寻求的,是正义。

    Instead, I took what I knew to the public, so what affects all of us can be discussed by all of us in the light of day, and I asked the world for justice.


  • 据哥伦比亚广播电视台报导,2004年8月22日,一伙持枪蒙面歹徒冲挪威奥斯陆蒙克博物馆光天化日之下偷走了爱德华·蒙克的名作《呐喊《圣母》。

    On Aug. 22, 2004, masked gunmen entered the Munch Museum in Oslo, Norway, and stole two Edvard Munch masterpieces, "The Scream" and "Madonna, " in broad daylight, as reported by CBSNews.


  • 光天化日之下,歹徒小屋野蛮殴打了罗伊,当时那里同事开会,”Pricol的一名董事维克拉·莫汉(VikramMohan)谈起本周杀人事件时说。

    "It was a brutal assault in broad daylight in the middle of the cabin where he was having a meeting with colleagues, " said Vikram Mohan, a Pricol director, of this week's killing.


  • 光天化日之下,歹徒小屋野蛮殴打了罗伊,当时那里同事开会,”Pricol的一名董事维克拉·莫汉(VikramMohan)谈起本周杀人事件时说。

    "It was a brutal assault in broad daylight in the middle of the cabin where he was having a meeting with colleagues, " said Vikram Mohan, a Pricol director, of this week's killing.


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