• 在他去世十年前,决定成为一名艺术家。

    It was only 10 years before he died that he decided to become an artist.


  • 这位评论家来说摄影当时伟大的工业疯狂联系一起,看来生活艺术精神品质造成了灾难性后果

    For this critic, photography was linked with "the great industrial madness" of the time, which in his eyes exercised disastrous consequences on the spiritual qualities of life and art.


  • 在他艺术手中,病人身体扫描图像变成了一幅幅佳作

    Using state-of-the art technology Dr Fung has taken scans of his patient's body parts and turned them into masterpieces.


  • 笔记中声称绘画所有艺术伟大因为爱人的图像呈现于眼前。

    In his notebooks, he argues that painting is the greatest of all the arts because it can set a picture of your lover before you.


  • 美丽魅力无限,因而,许多设计师艺术艺术作品中采用花的图案毫不奇怪了。

    The beauty and appeal of flowers is immense and it is no wonder that many designers and artists use this patterns of flowers within their artworks.


  • 起始作为爱好全职自由职业者提供艺术指导美术设计插图

    It started as a hobby but now he is freelancing fulltime offering art direction, graphic design and illustration.


  • 为了认识正确艺术设计师不可避免地纽约因为这里一代艺术家和设计师聚居地,现在他们都已经是有头有脸的人物。

    And in order to know the right people artists and designers inevitably gravitate to New York, because it's where previous generations of artists and designers, now powerful, gravitated to.


  • 一些伟大哲学家艺术作家80之后才完成了伟大的作品

    Some of the great philosophers, artists, scientists, writers, and others accomplished their greatest work after they were 80 years old.


  • 比罗曾经谈起指纹分析时,它”完全客观,绝无过错“;但现讲话就像艺术鉴赏家,而不是科学家

    Whereas Biro had once spoken of the absolute objectivity and infallibility of fingerprint analysis, he now sounded more like a connoisseur than like a scientist.


  • 画廊老板艺术托尼沙弗拉兹2007年的安迪沃霍尔肖像》中向这位1965年第一次见面艺术家致以崇高的敬意。

    In his 2007 book "Andy Warhol Portraits," art gallery owner and artist Tony Shafrazi pays homage to the artist whom he first met in 1965.


  • 编程世界诗人在他世界里,编码一种可以欣赏品位的工作艺术

    He is the poet of the programming world, whose code is a work of art that can be appreciated and analyzed.


  • 漫漫人生中兴起许多艺术运动时尚没有影响创作;显然勇敢地坚持自己的绘画之路

    But the numerous art movements and fashions that have arisen during his long life have not touched his work; he carried on in his own way apparently unfazed.


  • 客户要求没有什么艺术性,仅仅是一些壁炉上,展示特殊家庭聚会

    The client's request had been without artistry—merely something pretty to sit on his mantelpiece and announce special family occasions.


  • 然而一个艺术院校执教世界都很有名

    However now they are teaching in a state of the art campus, known around the world.


  • 描述了何洛亚一个日本艺术一生通过画作结账,在他几年海洛因过量而死亡付给了酒店作品

    She describes how Hiroya, a Japanese artist who paid his way through life with his paintings, left several works of art to the hotel before dying of a heroin overdose a few years ago.


  • 生死分给带来的困扰体现的雕塑,公众艺术消费品家具甚至一些时装中。

    His obsession with the dichotomies of life and death are present in his sculptures, public art works, consumer objects, furniture and even fashion.


  • ,相当经常,小天才数学音乐艺术或是象棋领域过人之处,孩子们的学习领域里掌握规律早期成为领域的专家或能手

    A: Yes, but more often, prodigies excel in fields with formal rules, like math, music, art or chess. The children master the rules and become early experts in the field.


  • 各种想法心里此起彼伏画室里越来越激烈的思绪交锋艺术灵感层出不穷

    Mentally embattled, he retired to his studio for increasingly long hours to struggle with his furies and be inspired by his MUSES.


  • 舞台生涯中塑造了许多生动令人难以忘怀的艺术形象

    During his stage career, he created many lively and unforgettable artistic images.


  • 汽车艺术大师查尔斯·塞克斯应邀罗尔斯·罗易斯汽车公司设计标志时深深印脑海中的女神像立刻使产生创作灵感

    When the car works of art guru Charles Sykes was invited to Roll Winslow Lewis Motor Company design logo, etched in his mind of the goddess at once led him inspiration.


  • 不是威尔斯要做检验过去之谜甚至对这一切创作艺术作品,有一点怀念所以我们可以生活艺术里。

    That's not what Welles wanted he wanted to examine the myth of the past, even the rest of being a little nostalgic about the whole stuff, and to build the work of art, so we can live with that.


  • 即使博客,(我们生活那些行星啊!)艺术家们仍会回避细节

    We don't know much about the exoplanets, so artists shy away from details even as they provide bloggers with something to stick at the top of their posts (we're not above that, either!).


  • 她们父母传统艺术因此长大过程中虽然食物丰富,但却很少受到父母的关注,因为们总是工作到深夜

    Their parents are artists in the grandest tradition, and bring up their kids accordinglyrich food, late nights, sporadic attention.


  • 业余时间着力于装置艺术和平面设计

    In his spare time he works making installation art and on graphic design. "at."


  • 业余时间着力于装置艺术和平面设计

    In his spare time he works making installation art and on graphic design. "at."


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