• 贩子用小件饰物换取土著兽皮

    The barterer exchanged trinkets for the natives furs.


  • 不少学者猜测南美土著文化源头中国文化。

    Many scholars have speculated that the origin of the native culture of South America is Chinese culture.


  • 美洲土著的信仰曾经长年压抑过,所以现在人们变得防备性相当强。

    Native American religions were repressed for a very long time and so people have become very protective.


  • 受到她家附近长满树木山丘以及美国土著墓葬的影响。

    She was also influenced by the wooded hills near her home as well as by local Native American burial hills.


  • 当地居民土著文化产物旅游工业来获取利益,比如迪吉里杜管飞棒。

    And it is only the white locals who profit from the tourist industry by peddling Aboriginal cultural artifacts such as didgeridoos and boomerangs.


  • 新奥尔良牙买加很类似巴西也是独特文化融汇产物,受到葡萄牙非洲土著影响

    Much like New Orleans and Jamaica, Brazil is the product of a unique confluence of cultures, bringing together Portuguese, African and indigenous influences.


  • 灵药一个北美印第安土著的术语,它那些经常帮助个人帮助部落维系平衡王国有关

    Medicine is a Native American term associated with the kingdoms that have often supported both individuals and tribes in retaining balance.


  • 土著雅库茨克属于突厥人的部属,有亚洲人的特征,所说语言有很多喉音和牛吼般的元音,大多驯鹿为生。

    The native Yakuts, a Turkic tribe with Asiatic features who speak a language full of throaty, mooing vowels, were largely engaged in reindeer herding.


  • 或许通过告诉国会代表支持卡卡法案土著的夏威夷人一项主权丢失措施修正一些古老的不公正行为。

    Maybe by telling your representatives in Congress to support the Akaka bill, to give Native Hawaiians a measure of lost sovereignty, and right some old injustices.


  • 尽管恩多土著克很勇敢,但看到走起路地动山摇雷声滚滚的哥拉克斯巨人时,勇敢武士有也难免心生恐惧

    As brave as the native Ewoks of Endor are, the thundering ground-shaking presence of a Gorax giant is enough to frighten even the greatest warrior.


  • 如此说来,“外国人”一美国一直相对而言因为除去美国土著印第安人,所有美国某种程度上(或者曾经)外国人

    In that sense, the meaning of the term "foreigner" in America has always been relative, because apart from the native American Indians, Americans are (or were) to some extent all foreigners anyway.


  • 开始研究土著印第安人习俗。

    She began to study the ways of the Native Americans.


  • 他们武力土著驱逐更加肥沃土地

    They used force to banish the natives from the more fertile land.


  • 但是如果赋予夏威夷土著更大自治权适用多少还不太清楚

    But if Hawaiian natives are given greater autonomy, it is far from clear how many people this will apply to.


  • 正是这个问题上土著群体面临来自国家当局最大反对

    It is on this issue that native groups are facing most opposition from the state authorities.


  • 根据一理论基督教土著信仰的统治通过地下礼堂周围建造基督教建筑来实现的。

    Under this theory, Christian domination over indigenous faiths is dramatized by surrounding the kiva with Christian buildings.


  • 热带岛屿几内亚900多种语言家园,而比它面积大20俄罗斯105土著语言。

    The tropical island of new guinea is home to over nine hundred languages, Russia, twenty times larger, has 105 indigenous languages.


  • 然而尽管西班牙人确实在巧克力饮料加入了美国土著居民所不知道,但这种添加剂不是完全创新的。

    However, while Spaniards did put sugar, which was unknown to indigenous Americans, into chocolate beverages, this additive was not completely innovative.


  • 一些人只是内获得更大自治权就像许多美国印第安土著教育事务上所享有的自治权那样。

    Some just want greater autonomy within the stateas enjoyed by many American Indian natives over matters such as education.


  • 包括绿色和平组织在内土著环保组织表示如果过度开发,安第斯山脉许多地区会受到影响。

    Indigenous and environmental groups, including Greenpeace, say that many parts of the Andes will suffer if they become over-developed.


  • 他们开展尊重土著居民权利风俗的活动。

    They will campaign for respect for aboriginal rights and customs.


  • 一直澳大利亚土著故事很着迷。

    He remained fascinated by the Aboriginals' tales.


  • 土著允许保留一些自己传统文化宗教

    Native people were allowed to retain some sense of their traditional culture and religion.


  • 世纪之交以后,就过着和土著一样生活

    From the turn of the century onward, she shared the life of the aborigines.


  • 在推荐学习100名美国人中,白人占77%,非美国人占18%,美国土著占4%,拉丁裔占1%。

    Of nearly 100 Americans recommended to be studied, 77% were white, 18% were African American, 4% were Native American, and 1% were Latino.


  • 土著美国人曾经这个叶子编织篮子凉鞋嫩芽种子

    Native Americans once wove baskets and sandals from this tree's leaves and ate its buds and seeds.


  • 然而夏威夷土著要求一致

    However, the Hawaiian natives are not united in their demands.


  • 美洲土著认识他们生活本质无法英语交流他们认为重要事件往往采访者轻视。

    Native Americans recognized that the essence of their lives could not be communicated in English and that events that they thought significant were often deemed unimportant by their interviewers.


  • 美洲土著认识他们生活本质无法英语交流他们认为重要事件往往采访者轻视。

    Native Americans recognized that the essence of their lives could not be communicated in English and that events that they thought significant were often deemed unimportant by their interviewers.


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