• 参加招投标甚至获得土地开发商其中非常不同目的

    Had to participate in bidding and tendering, and even get land developers, which have very different purpose.


  • 王子斥责土地开发商破坏了伦敦市建筑物映空中轮廓线之美。

    The prince vituperated against the developers for ruining London's skyline.


  • 詹姆士·菲尼摩尔·库珀经典小说开拓者》中,主人公是个土地开发商,带表妹参观正要建造座城市

    In his classic novel, "the Pioneers", James Fennimore Cooer has his hero, a land developer, with his cousin on a tour of the city he is building.


  • 詹姆士·菲尼摩尔·库珀经典小说开拓者》中,主人公是个土地开发商表妹观光正要建造座城市

    In his classic novel, "the Pioneers", James Fenimore Cooer has his hero, a land developer, with his cousin on a tour of the city he is building.


  • 武装部队拥有一个价值200亿美元商业帝国而且大概该国最大土地开发商因为军官的忠诚通过授予土地来换取的。

    The armed forces have a $20 billion business empire and are probably the country’s biggest land developer, as officers’ loyalty is bought with grants of land.


  • 开发商买下这块土地分为多块建筑用地。

    A developer bought the land and divided it into stands.


  • 土地使用过程进行修订成本意味着开发商无法克服降低区划规模带来的负担

    The cost of moving amendments through the land-use process means that small developers cannot overcome the burdens imposed by downzonings.


  • 因此它们乐于确保开发商拥有资金土地拍卖会上大肆抬高报价

    So they are happy to ensure developers have the capital to bid extravagantly at land auctions.


  • 居民收入农民所以农民卖出他们土地开发商

    Urban incomes are triple those in rural areas, so farmers are selling their land to developers.


  • 影子环境秘书玛丽·克里夫我们担心开发商拿走利润最大土地而且我们将看到一些敏感地方开发存在巨大压力

    Mary Creagh, the shadow environment secretary, said: we are concerned developers will cherry pick the most profitable land and we will see huge pressure for development in sensitive places.


  • 他们表示新的房产价格下降因为里面将刨掉开发商转加的土地使用费

    The prices of new properties, they say, would drop because they would no longer be inflated by the land-use fees, which developers pass on.


  • 为了建设成一个商业中心圣何塞像()开发商出售城市的土地甚至不惜赠送

    San Jose has attempted to create a commercial heart by selling city-owned land or even giving it away to developers.


  • 与此同时地产开发商紧盯着这块土地(它离东京黄金地段的银座瑞姿条街之隔)。

    Meanwhile, property developers are eyeing the land, just a few blocks from the ritzy Ginza district.


  • 如果闲置土地,试着租给农民或者开发商

    Maybe you’ve got a little piece of land somewhere that you can lease to a farmer or a developer.


  • 这部2001年起实施的土地法规漏洞多多,开发商处理本已产权明晰的房产上有了大量余地

    The existing loophole-ridden land rules, dating from 2001, give developers wide leeway to clear property.


  • 正在1,100廉租公寓供给年轻人老人建设土地破产开发商手上利用贷款换来,而资金慈善基金会Obra SociallaCaixa提供。

    It is building 1, 100 units of low-rent apartments for the young and old on plots swapped for loans with bust developers. The construction is funded by its charitable foundation, Obra Social la Caixa.


  • 正在1,100廉租公寓供给年轻人老人建设土地破产开发商手上利用贷款换来,而资金慈善基金会Obra SociallaCaixa提供。

    It is building 1,100 units of low-rent apartments for the young and old on plots swapped for loans with bust developers. The construction is funded by its charitable foundation, Obra Social la Caixa.


  • 只有开发商恢复采矿已经破坏了土地的情况下,允许这家企业在保护区内撕裂同等面积的土地

    Only after a developer has restored land it has already mined could it begin tearing up an area of equivalent size within the refuge.


  • 这些竞标成功者遂为了地主”并且转卖他们小区土地使用权开发商进行居民住宅商业用房开发

    The winning bidders then become landlords, and can resell their land-use right for a certain plot of land to developers for residential and commercial development.


  • 这些新的地主不是冲着土地卖给开发商用以建造居民住宅而去的。

    These new landlords are not rushing to resell their land to developers for residential construction.


  • 那个时候起,武汉已经其它开发商出售了这座空军基地大片土地同时在其它地块上打上标记,以便将来出售支付商业区开发费用。

    Since then, the city has sold large plots of the former air base to other developers, while earmarking yet other parcels for future sale to help pay for the new business district.


  • 长沙土地拍卖中心开始允许更多土地作为居住用途开发因为开发商纷纷避开需要更多资金投入的商业项目

    The Changsha center also allowed more land to be developed for residential use, as developers are shunning commercial projects, which usually cost more to complete.


  • 开发商竞相近期拍卖小块土地支付巨额资金。

    Developers compete to pay huge sums for newly released plots of land.


  • 最近推行古巴土地政策方面的变更使外国地产开发商古巴建造别墅土地租赁期限达到99

    Most recently, he has overseen a change in the law in Cuba which will enable foreign developers to build villas on Cuban land, and sell them to foreigners with 99-year leases.


  • 报告称,对于土地闲置年不满开发商需按地价的20%交纳罚款

    Developers who leave land undeveloped for more than one year but less than two could face fines of up to 20 percent of the price they paid for the land.


  • 对于最近一些房地产开发商目前的“土地供应不足广东

    For some recent real estate developers by the current "lack of land supply in Canton" is.


  • 然而尽管土地管理收入来源于开发商利润转移过去支付价格无可争议事实

    However, despite the "management of land," the income derived from the transfer of developer profits, but the last people to pay high prices is indisputable facts.


  • 然而尽管土地管理收入来源于开发商利润转移过去支付价格无可争议事实

    However, despite the "management of land," the income derived from the transfer of developer profits, but the last people to pay high prices is indisputable facts.


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