• 临时使用土地使用者应当按照临时使用土地合同约定用途使用土地,并不得修建永久性建筑物

    Users who use the land temporarily should use the land according to the purposes agreed upon in the contract for the temporary use of land and should not build permanent structures.


  • 做法使整个非洲部分亚洲地区感到胆战心惊,因为在这些地方有许多类似价值数十亿土地合同已经签订正在谈判之中

    He sent a chill through Africa and parts of Asia, where dozens of similar land grabs worth billions of dollars have been signed or are under negotiation.


  • 美国官员一直坚持,合同涉及使用哥伦比亚基地不会影响美国南美土地设施建设,然而对于该计划,一些批评人士还是担心

    U.S. officials have repeatedly insisted that the deal involves using Colombian bases and will not lead to the building of U.S. facilities on South American soil, as some critics of the plans fear.


  • 即使合同签订之后,不能保证土地交易按照合同如期进行

    Even after the contract is signed, there is no guarantee a land deal will go ahead in accordance with it.


  • Cotula关于土地交易合同研究表明,外国投资者乐意当地农民进行物质思想交流例子几乎没有。

    Mr Cotula’s study of land-deal contracts found few examples in which the foreign investor was obliged to exchange materials or ideas with local farmers.


  • 依照1998年2002年通过农村土地管理法必须农民提供书面合同确认他们土地使用权

    Rural land management laws passed in 1998 and 2002 also required villages to provide farmers with written contracts certifying their land use rights.


  • 土地出让面积下降情况下土地出让合同价款增加两成,说明2016年的土地价格有了较大幅度上涨

    In the case of land transfer area decreasing, the land transfer contract price has increased by nearly two percent, indicating that the land price increased substantially in 2016.


  • 房屋一种特殊商品交易房子建设土地金融担保合同其他领域专门知识法律知识

    Housing is a special kind of commodity, the transaction to buy a house construction, land, finance, guarantees, contracts and other areas of expertise and legal knowledge.


  • 法庭康惠军批准土地出售帮助别人获取合同,做为回报获取现金。

    The court said he approved land sales and helped people win contracts in exchange for cash.


  • 具体承包期限当事人其他权利、义务承包合同双方依法土地承包合同约定

    The specific number of years for the contract and obligations of the parties shall be laid down by the parties in the land-contracting agreement pursuant to law.


  • 承租人按时交付租金并且自从1956年,按照合同约定方式,土地一直被使用

    All rent has been timely paid by appellee and the property has been used in compliance with the lease continuously since 1956.


  • 农村土地承包合同,又合同主体、客体内容等方面自己的独特性

    It comes from rural land contract, having own special with the contract corpus and contents etc.


  • 规定要进行土地买卖合同,非书面订立书面备忘录佐证,不得强制执行。

    A contract calling for the sale of land is not enforceable unless it is in writing or evidenced by a written memorandum.


  • 欺诈防治法作用就是针对要求执行口头土地买卖合同提出抗辩。

    The statute of frauds operates as a defense to the enforcement of an oral contract for the sale of land.


  • 谈判起草关于土地仓库租赁合同条款;

    Negotiated and drafted a contract for the land and building lease;


  • 研究目的:解决国有土地使用权出让合同双重法律属性土地出让实践、执法、司法带来困境和弊端。

    The purpose of the study is to overcome the practical difficulties resulted from the mixed legal nature of the contract of granting rights to use of State-owned land(granting contract).


  • 第五十二房地产抵押合同签订后土地新增房屋属于抵押财产

    Article 52 After a real estate mortgage contract is signed, the newly added housing property on the land does not belong to the mortgaged property.


  • 国有土地使用权出让合同性质决定解决出让合同纠纷适用司法救济程序关键

    The nature of the contract for granting the State-owned land is the key to the determination for the judicial relief process applicable for the solution for the disputes on the granting contract.


  • 第十五土地使用权出让应当签订书面出让合同

    Article 15 a written contract for the lease shall be signed on the lease of the right to use land.


  • 第八甲方保证按照合同规定所转让标准厂房以及标准厂房所占用范围内的土地没有权属纠纷债权纠纷。

    Article 8 According to the contract, Party a must ensure that there is no dispute over property ownership and creditor's right of the workshop and land occupied by it.


  • 欺诈防治法要求强制执行口头出售土地土地利益合同种辩护理由,那么,一份口头合同业已部分履行时问题就出现了。

    Since the statute of frauds is a defense against enforcement of an oral contract for the sale of land or an interest in land, problems arise when an oral contract has been partially performed.


  • 欺诈防治法要求强制执行口头出售土地土地利益合同种辩护理由,那么,一份口头合同业已部分履行时问题就出现了。

    Since the statute of frauds is a defense against enforcement of an oral contract for the sale of land or an interest in land, problems arise when an oral contract has been partially performed.


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