• 不久后一公司发现售卖专用软件有利可生意

    But companies soon discovered that selling proprietary software can be a very profitable business.


  • 然而最近数十年,即便雨季雨水也越来越少了。阿·格雷人尽力维持规模

    But in recent decades, as less and less rain fell during the wet seasons, Tuareg families struggled to sustain sizable herds.


  • 克森致密星系31合成显示了4个相互混合的星系。

    The composite image of Hickson Compact Group 31 shows the four galaxies mixing it up.


  • 文学家探索NGC346星云识别出一个黑暗排列恒星胚胎,就是图的右侧可见交叉的星线。

    Exploring NGC 346, astronomers have identified a population of embryonic stars strung along the dark, intersecting dust lanes visible here on the right.


  • 七:emporia公司新款Solid手机把消费锁定50岁以上人士和有听力障碍的人士。

    Pic.7: The new Solid phone by Emporia is aimed at people over 50 or with hearing disabilities.


  • 咯咯傻笑,可能未成年的头脑简单的漂亮女孩,她们扎克伯格位于加利福尼亚州帕罗奥PaloAlto, Calif)的夏季公寓沙发上吸食大麻电子游戏

    The giggling, possibly underaged bimbos who do bong hits and play video games on the couch of Zuckerberg's summer rental in Palo Alto, Calif.


  • 银行雇佣了一大有博士之表的“quants”(译者注:指从事计量金融研究者)更为复杂的金融模型进行微调

    Banks hired hordes of PhD-wielding “quantsto fine-tune ever more complex risk models.


  • 只要个人信息泄漏源头持续存在,个人信息交易有利可那么QQ网络平台不法分子利用

    But as long as the source of personal information leakage persists, personal information trading profitable, then QQ group and other network platform will be used by criminals.


  • 研究人员绘制出寄宿人体表面真菌物种时,发现脚部皮肤寄居真菌具多样化

    When researchers mapped the fungal species living on the surface of the human body, they found the skin on the feet harbors the most diverse fungal community.


  • 唯利是图的二房东”,炒房目的房东手中房屋成批制造租房”。

    One batch are concerned only about profit the sub-landlord, from take fries the room to rent the house as in the goal landlord hand, the batch manufacturings the group has rented a room.


  • 针对具有时间窗口数传资源限制卫星数传调度问题提出基于构造模型优化算法

    For satellite data transmission scheduling problem (SDTSP) restrained with time Windows and resources, ant colony optimization algorithm based on solution construction graph model is proposed.


  • 通过野外实测剖面,地质填等工作,证实了铁洞沟组之间整合又有局部整合接触关系

    It has been proved by making geological-section and map that contact between the Tiedonggou Formation and the Xionger Group is concordant as well as discordant locally.


  • 利用GIS技术制作了各类中国地理分布探讨了各类的分布格局特点

    Geographical distribution map of China of each group is done by GIS techniques and distributional pattern and character is discussed.


  • 本文首先提出水电站地下洞室空间网络概念方法

    This paper puts forward the concept and method about the network graphics of underground excavation cluster of hydropower station firstly.


  • 报纸上看到这样一幅面带微笑中国女孩(很可爱)兴奋地外国小伙子详解中国燃放烟花爆竹的传统

    I saw this picture in a newspaper, where a smiling, cordial Chinese girl (rather pretty as well) was explaining the tradition of lighting fireworks to a group of foreign guys.


  • 信号前兆(包括早期前震)确定应考虑异常的地震活动时空

    Signal shock and precursory earthquake swarm and foreshock activities always accompany the anomalous space-time patterns of seismic 'ty.


  • 四种聚类反映品种系谱来源,类划分与系谱并不十分吻合

    All the four cluster could reflect the pedigrees of the cultivars in some degree but is not very anastomose.


  • 比如可以看到戈雅画中的萨公园鸽子分享儿子手臂;文森特··高生日时收到一耳机很失望。

    You can see Goya's Saturn share some of his son's arm with a flock of pigeons in the park, for example, or Vincent van Gogh disappointedly getting a pair of headphones for his birthday.


  • 构造此类自然状态实现格子它的通过其格子途径

    The trellis diagram of the natural state realization of the group code and the path through the trellis diagram of the group code are constructed.


  • 针对代数法卡诺法难以化规模很大逻辑函数问题,提出使用算法处理大规模逻辑函数化简。

    As algebra way and map way can not simplify the given large scale logical function, a new way using Ant Colony Algorithm to simplify large scale logical function is put forward.


  • 陆缘拉张解体阶段源自结晶基底裂解陆块

    Baoyintu Group is recognized as an ancient fragment from crystalline basement in stage of continental margin disjoined.


  • 引入空间消光规律计算机模拟电子衍射提出选取四边形方法

    Adopting the space-group extinction rule and simulating the electron diffraction pattern with computer, this paper proposed a new method for selecting the reduced quadrangle.


  • 与已构建的连锁比较,发现9新的标记到了第9连锁原有的5个标记丢失了;

    Compared with the previous linkage map, 9 new markers were assigned to group 9, but 5 markers previously located at this group were lost.


  • 刻划具有P -正则自同态的二分讨论了字典序自同态幺半的P -正则性。

    Bipartite graphs with P-regular endomorphism monoids are characterized. P-regularity of the endomorphism monoid of lexicographic product of graphs is discussed.


  • 内蒙古西北部宝音角闪岩相变质地层组成。

    The Baoyintu Group in the Wulatehouqi, northwestern Inner Mongolia consists of amphibolite-facies metamorphic rocks.


  • 指纹显示信息一致南、北五味子内部不同居间的遗传变异很小作为不同物种两者的遗传背景有较大差异

    These figures provided the same information as that of fingerprints, that is the genetic diversity inside varieties were tiny, and relatively big between them.


  • 本文假设G有限G的模特两个连通分支

    In this paper, we assume G is a finite group and its modular character degree graph has two connected components.


  • 本文假设G有限G的模特两个连通分支

    In this paper, we assume G is a finite group and its modular character degree graph has two connected components.


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