• 对于需要图片宽度网页开发人员来说款非常方便的插件。

    This is very handy for web developers who are trying to figure out the width of an image or graphic.


  • 水平转移允许移动计划图像中心左边右边范围相等35%图片宽度或者方向

    Horizontal shift allows you to move the projected image to the left or right of center in a range equal to 35% of the picture width in either direction.


  • 已经所有形式控制允许图片宽度600像素因此我们详细检查避免混乱管制

    I have put all controls on one form and the allowed width for pictures is only 600 pixels, so we'll inspect the controls detailed to avoid a confusion.


  • 这个验证器确认图片特定格式宽度高度是否相对应

    This validator can also confirm that the image corresponds to a particular format, width, and height.


  • 为了实现这个目的,页面使用了大量嵌套间隔图片用来强制表单元宽度

    To achieve this, the pages used numerous nested tables and small spacer images to enforce table cell widths.


  • 图片宽度25公分物体分解后绵延公里

    Objects about 25 centimeters across are resolved on this image spanning about one kilometer.


  • 图片中显示出水库宽度大约8千米5英里),从上方飞过的飞机在水库两岸之间留下了一条航迹云

    The width of the reservoir illustrated here is approximately 8 kilometers (5 miles); a jet flying over the reservoir left a contrail midway between the shorelines.


  • 图片显示今年9月12臭氧空洞达到最大宽度所覆盖范围地理区域。当时面积为1千零5万平方英里(2千6百零3万平方公里)。

    The image shows the extent, or geographic area, of the ozone hole at its widest on September 12, 2011, when it stretched 10.05 million square miles (26.03 million square kilometers).


  • 全景图片宽度超过15显示丰富多彩的植物形态构成了一种传统装饰现代诠释

    Panoramic "picture" with a width of more than 15 meters shows the richness of plant forms and constitutes a sort of a modern interpretation of the historical tradition of the ornament.


  • 注意,在街景图片所显示尺寸完全依赖屏幕用来展示街景容器的尺寸(宽度)。

    Note that the size of the image shown within Street View is entirely dependent on the screen size (width) of the Street View container.


  • 进度图片宽度裁减,基于加载完成文件因此,当加载完成时,开始的像素宽度动画原始宽度

    The progress bar image's width is clipped based on the amount of file loading completed, therefore it starts with a zero pixel width and animates to its original width when the loading is complete.


  • 这张木星图片中,能够显示最小宽度180英里(300公里)的区域的特征

    In Jupiter's case, the result shows features as small as 180 miles (300 kilometers) across.


  • 使用高度宽度标签设置图片

    Use "Height" and "Width" tags for your images.


  • 拉里萨现在如果网页图片底部,你看到,你可以测量长度宽度液滴飞溅对不对

    LARISSA: Now if you look at that bottom picture on your pages, you'll see that you can measure the length and the width of that spatter droplet, right?


  • 此外,改变图片标签中的宽度高度属性使图片发生变形尤其是增大图片尺寸时。

    Besides, resizing an image using the width and height elements of the image tag can distort the picture, especially when making it larger.


  • 图片宽度高度必须小于3968 个像素

    The width and height of your picture must be smaller than 3968 pixels.


  • 非常图像高度宽度导致个非常粒状图片大型渲染窗口看起来不错的一个小渲染窗口。

    Very small image height and width values will lead to a very grainy picture in a large rendering window, but will look just fine in a small rendering window.


  • 或者如果希望图片,请确保宽度高度设置限制其置于超级视图中。

    Or if you do not want to have an image that big, make sure you put constraints on width and height and just center it the superview.


  • 每张图片约束宽度不是约束高度为了显示完整图片而不进行任何裁剪

    Each image has a constrained width, but not a constrained height, this is to show the full image without any cropping.


  • 在下面的张中国黄缘盒龟图片注意它们宽度左边更宽,右边的更窄。

    In the pictures below, note the larger tail of the male on the right and the smaller, shorter tail of the female on the left.


  • 上面提到过,我们可以根据图片像素标签中的宽度高度元素改变图片尺寸大小

    As I mentioned, the width and height elements of the image tag were manipulated to change the size of the image.


  • 很多经验网站设计者就是因为忽视这个因素,才没有压缩图片利用高度宽度元素修改图片尺寸

    Lack of such tools is the reason many novice webmasters don't compress their images and use the width and height elements to size them.


  • 这种想法并不正确长度宽度元素只是帮助浏览器计算图片占用的空间,以提高网页下载速度

    Wrong. The width and height elements are to allow the browser to calculate how much space to allocate for an image. This helps the page load faster.


  • 使用高度宽度标签设置图片

    Use 'Height' and 'Width' tags for your images.


  • 浮动图片旁边放置一个表格同时将表格宽度保持为100%,不会溢出元素宽度

    I'd like to position a table next to a floating image while keeping the width of the table 100% and not overflowing the width of the parent element.


  • 一些转换效果可以调整图片边框宽度,边框颜色以及抗锯齿还有转换方向等。

    Some of the transitions can also be adjusted to tweak the border width, border color, and anti-aliasing, as well as the direction of the transition, if applicable.


  • 一些转换效果可以调整图片边框宽度,边框颜色以及抗锯齿还有转换方向等。

    Some of the transitions can also be adjusted to tweak the border width, border color, and anti-aliasing, as well as the direction of the transition, if applicable.


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