• 除非已经看过演示,你可能知道新的任务里的图标位置不是固定不变的。

    Unless you've seen it demonstrated, you may not know that the ICONS in the new taskbar aren't fixed in-place.


  • 非常抱歉版本升级本版后之前图标位置丢失我们今后尽力避免类似情况发生

    Very sorry that you upgrade from the old version of the edition, the previous location of the icon will be lost. We would try to avoid similar incidents.


  • 或者如果位置使用只需单击视图右上角取消停靠图标来取消停靠。

    Alternatively, if you want to work with it in a different location, simply undock it by clicking the undock icon in the top right corner of the view.


  • 每个1015,那些表示各个巴士图标就会地图上更新它的位置

    The tiny ICONS representing individual buses update their location on the map every 10 to 15 seconds.


  • 确保单击+图标路径添加资源路径,因为放置资源位置

    Make sure to click the + icon to add this new path to the resource path since this is where our resources were placed.


  • 运行应用程序时,只需要汽车图标装配线不同位置

    When you run the application, you can simply drag and drop the automobile icon onto different points along the assembly line.


  • 所有这些图标教程每个面板都会出现它们位置相关链接Toot - o - Matic生成的。

    All of these ICONS appear on every panel in the tutorial, and their placement and their associated links are generated by the Toot-O-Matic.


  • 当前LotusQuickr系统文件系统特定位置寻找每个组件图标

    The Lotus Quickr system currently looks for the icon for each component at a specific location on the file system.


  • 我们点击Places图标查看好友位置列表

    Click on the Places icon to see a list of your friends' locations.


  • 为了克服文盲障碍Lewis决定画面图标(不是文字)来表示行动按钮以便格米人按下GPS按钮确定重要位置

    To overcome illiteracy barriers, Lewis decided to create pictorial ICONS for the action buttonsrather than wordsso that the Pygmies could click and identify important sites on the GPS sets.


  • 单击addanote可视说明图标然后关系图中单击希望添加说明的位置

    Click the "visual note" icon for add a note, then click in the diagram where you would like the note added.


  • 可以选择文档编辑器视图中嵌入图形图标表明标记开始停止位置(源于XMetal的概念)。

    You can also opt to embed graphic ICONS in the document editor view to indicate where tags start and stop (a concept derived from XMetal).


  • 单击加密图标将其拖动处理线上之前加密操作图标位置

    Click on the Encrypt icon and drag it to the processing line after the previous Encrypt action icon.


  • 单击加密图标将其拖动处理线上刚刚创建签名操作图标位置

    Click on the Encrypt icon and drag it to the processing line after the Sign action icon just created.


  • 需要拖动屏幕底部一个餐厅图标添加到我想要放置位置然后加上印度饭店”。

    All I needed to do was to drag a symbol of a restaurant from the bottom of the screen to where I wanted to put it and then add the words "Indian Diner".


  • 下载完成后,将这个压缩Eclipse安装到的位置然后双击eclipse图标运行

    When the download is complete, unzip the package where you want Eclipse to be installed, then double-click the Eclipse icon to run it.


  • 这样对象成为图标或者字形([3,4]),并且拥有诸如位置尺寸形状颜色方向等属性数据映射在这些属性中。

    Such objects are called icons or glyphs ([3,4]) and have attributes, such as position, size, shape, color, and orientation, to which data is mapped.


  • 具体来说使用按钮图标应当依据文档说明中的含义推荐位置不要根据自己对其外观解释

    Specifically, this means that you should use a button or icon in accordance with its documented meaning and recommended placement, and not according to your interpretation of its appearance.


  • 单击解密图标,将其拖动处理线上匹配操作图标位置,并释放

    Click on the decrypt icon and drag it to the processing line after the match action icon and drop.


  • 拖动过程中会显示透明图标显示松开鼠标按钮portlet放置位置

    A translucent icon appears during the drag to show where the portlet is placed when the mouse button is released.


  • 单击验证图标将其拖动处理线中之前创建解密操作图标位置,并将图标释放到线上。

    Click on the verify icon and drag it to the processing line after the decrypt action icon previously created and drop the icon onto the line.


  • 单击转换图标将其拖动处理线上之前创建转换操作图标位置,并释放。

    Click on the transform icon and drag it to the processing line after the transform action icon previously created icon and drop.


  • 所有应用程序,取代安卓系统原先菜单按钮位置个由三个点组成的小图标点击就能打开菜单。

    In place of the Android menu button, a small three-dot icon appears in all apps and this opens the menu.


  • 选择Standalonereferences图标将其至assemblyEditor中的任何位置如图41所示。

    Select the Standalone references icon and drag it anywhere on the Assembly Editor as shown in Figure 41.


  • 这会确保图标安装GNOME相应位置

    This ensures that your icons are installed in the appropriate locations for GNOME.


  • 枚录音完成信息图标粘贴标记位置

    Paste the recorded information icon onto the place you want to mark.


  • 电子设备使用GPS传感器导航软件电脑海图显示出所在位置。海执行许多种导航任务

    An electronic device, or a computer using a GPS sensor and navigational software, that displays the boat's position on a chart view. Chartplotters can perform many navigational tasks.


  • 底部发现持续控制播放歌曲位置设置三个图标中的设备光盘左下角播放列表的创建

    Across the bottom you'll find persistent controls for playback, song position, and a set of three ICONS in the lower left for devices, CDs, and playlist creation.


  • 底部发现持续控制播放歌曲位置设置三个图标中的设备光盘左下角播放列表的创建

    Across the bottom you'll find persistent controls for playback, song position, and a set of three ICONS in the lower left for devices, CDs, and playlist creation.


- 来自原声例句

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进来说说原因吧 确定