• 第三借款人违约风险切除,即通过美国国际集团之类的保险公司担保CDS。

    And a third was to cut the risk of borrowers defaulting, using CDSs with insurers like American International Group.


  • 信贷危机累积过程中,一些诸如美国国际集团这样的公司在场外市场承受了极大风险,这些市场的运作很大程度上神不知鬼不觉。

    In the run up to the credit crisis financial companies such as AIG took enormous risks in the derivatives market that went largely undetected.


  • 导致这场危机部分原因那些毫不负责的进行金融交易并将其当成衍生工具的美国国际集团另一些下巨额和风险赌注的公司

    Part of what led to this crisis was firms like AIG and others making huge and risky bets - using things like derivatives - without accountability.


  • 包括连锁酒店巨头万豪国际在内众多公司很快都纷纷矛头对准信息失窃的Epsilon营销商尽快通知了他们客户可能的风险

    Many of them, including Marriott International, a hotel chain, have been quick to blame the marketing firm for the leak and to alert their customers to the risks.


  • 公司生产外包美国承包商并且寻找国际商家——主要日本意大利——共担风险合伙人身份加入成功的787机型的制造流程中。

    It has outsourced production to contractors in America and found international firms, notably in Japan and Italy, to join in as risk-sharing partners, making much of its successful new 787.


  • 银行向美国国际集团这样保险公司支付费用,由后者为承担自身资产违约风险,此举使得银行不用按照规制要求储备部分资本

    Banks paid insurers such as AIG to take on the risk that their assets would default, which saved them having to put capital aside as the regulations required.


  • 国际公关公司艾德曼负责此项信任度调查劳伦斯·文斯现象反映了主权风险的出现”。

    Laurence Evans, who oversaw the poll for Edelman, a consultancy, said it reflected “the age of sovereign risk”.


  • 他们暴露保险公司信用危机之下,比方说2008年美国国际集团(AIG)的破产显示巨大风险

    they will be exposed to the credit risk of the insurer, which the collapse of AIG in 2008 showed to be a real danger;


  • 国际金融公司风险资产-股本比率根据国际金融公司资产风险含量已缴资本留存盈利之间的关系计算出来比率。

    Ifc risk assets-equity ratio: ratio calculated by measuring the risk content of ifc 's assets in relation to the sum of paid-in capital and retained earnings.


  • 跨国公司转移定价为了优化资金配置规避税负、规避东道国各种管制、规避国际金融风险以及争夺控制市场

    Transfer pricing of transitional corporation aims to optimize capital allocation, to avoid tax and regulation from the host country and international financial risks, and to seize and control market.


  • 据此分析导致该公司国际信用风险产生的根源;

    Next discussed HOHU company's international credit risk manifestations and features;


  • 第四,对美国、英国、日本、德国四个国家金融控股公司形式风险控制手段进行了比较分析寻找国际上通用先进经验;

    Third, analysis the the type of the risks existence in the financial holding company, and find the reasons of the risk transmission, transmission channels and mechanisms.


  • 国际经营中,跨国公司公司财务报表合并产生会计风险

    Accounting exposures will arise along with the combination of financial statement between parent company and its subsidiary.


  • 然而,石油公司伊朗建立业务所要面临主要风险还是新一轮国际制裁,如果伊朗继续其核计划,那么有可能会面临再次国际制裁,对于石油公司来说可谓致命打击。

    However, the major risk for any company establishing operations in Iran is the potential of renewed sanctions, should the country fail to adhere to the agreements made regarding its nuclear programme.


  • 中诚信国际信用评级有限责任公司的副总吴进表示:“人们金融风险认识态度正在发生转变。”

    "People's perception about risk and attitude about risk is really changing, " said Jin Wu, vice president at China Chengxin International Credit Rating Co Ltd.


  • 对于美国设计师来说国际还是可能风险他们中的许多经营公司规模较小,没有太大的财力

    Going global nevertheless can be risky for U. S. designers, many of whom run small businesses without a lot of financial backing.


  • 在本土保守经营美国公司不仅面临着失去进入国际市场机会风险面临着失去国内市场风险

    The American firm that stays at home to play it safe might not lonely lose its chance to enter markets, but also risks losing the home market.


  • 同时作为跨国公司国际风险投资公司全球风险投资专家

    He advices several leading multinationals and international VC firms as global VC expert.


  • 美联储(Fed)财政部可能同意低于市场水平的利率国际租赁金融公司数十亿美元的债务提供再融资这一举措可能极大地提高这两家机构自身风险,同时也会让AIG招致更多的注意。

    The Federal Reserve and the Treasury could agree to refinance tens of billions of ILFC debt at below-market rates, a move that would greatly increase their own risk and attract more AIG headlines.


  • 美联储(Fed)财政部可能同意低于市场水平的利率国际租赁金融公司数十亿美元的债务提供再融资这一举措可能极大地提高这两家机构自身风险,同时也会让AIG招致更多的注意。

    The Federal Reserve and the Treasury could agree to refinance tens of billions of ILFC debt at below-market rates, a move that would greatly increase their own risk and attract more AIG headlines.


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