• 该机降落后几十名国家调查局(CICPC)特警爆发了一枪战

    Its arrival was followed by a shoot-out between state police and dozens of cops from the national detective corps, known as the CICPC.


  • NIP代表了美国联邦情报支出大部分包括中央情报局、国家安全局美国联邦调查局国家情报部门。

    The NIP represents the bulk of U.S. federal intelligence spending, including the CIA, National Security Agency and the FBI's national intelligence branch.


  • 然而如果酒商希望他们清酒认定一级或特级的他们国家税务调查局提交样品鉴定

    However, if brewers wanted their Sake to be known as superior to most, they would submit a sample to the National Tax Office for sampling.


  • 2009年美国最新数据显示,根据联邦调查局所属的国家犯罪信息中心资料,55.8万名18以下人员失踪。

    In the U.S. in 2009, the latest data available, there were 558,493 missing persons reported under the age of 18, according to the Federal Bureau of Investigation's National Crime Information Center.


  • 2009年美国最新数据显示,根据联邦调查局所属的国家犯罪信息中心资料,55.8万名18以下人员失踪。

    In the U. S. in 2009, the latest data available, there were 558,493 missing persons reported under the age of 18, according to the Federal Bureau of Investigation's National Crime Information Center.


  • 联邦调查局工作了26着这26年执法经验来到运输安全管理局,我了解我们国家面对严重威胁,深知我们采取安全措施阻止潜在袭击的必要性。

    After coming to TSA with 26 years of law enforcement experience at the FBI, I understand the serious threats our nation faces and the security measures we must implement to thwart potential attacks.


  • 这项科学研究美国地质调查局国家水质评估项目一部分,旨在美国地下地表水质进行检测

    This study is part of efforts by the U.S. Geological Survey's National Water-Quality Assessment Program to monitor the quality of the nation's groundwater and surface water.


  • 美国地质调查局危地马拉不是其影响的唯一国家受到过重创:1976年7.5地震造成23,000死亡

    Guatemala isn't the only country affected, but it's been hit hard: in 1976, a 7.5-magnitude earthquake killed 23, 000 people, according to the USGS.


  • 美国国家地理调查局的调查,这次地震震央距离智利首都200英里(325公里)圣地亚哥,地震源深度22英里(35公里)的地下,发生时间是格林威治东部时间上午1点34分。

    The quake hit 200 miles (325 kilometers) southwest of the capital, Santiago, at a depth of 22 miles (35 kilometers) at 3:34 a.m. (0634 GMT; 1:34 a.m. Est), the U.S. Geological Survey reported.


  • 15个切断新的墨西哥印度国家中发生了的时候,联邦调查局进入情形

    The FBI entered the case when 15 mutilations occurred in New Mexican Indian country.


  • 网站英国国家犯罪调查局所属的儿童虐待网络保护中心及家长空间联合开发,后者成立于2005年,旨在家长提供帮助

    The website has been developed by the National Crime Agency's Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP) and the parent Zone, founded in 2005 to provide support to parents.


  • 英国最近新建国家犯罪调查局(National CrimeAgency有权命令地方警力实施逮捕,这有别于所代替的部门;

    Britain's recently created National Crime Agency will have the power to order local police forces to make arrests, unlike the body it replaced.


  • 可以互联网犯罪投诉中心IC3举报,它美国联邦调查局国家白领犯罪中心及司法援助合伙关系。

    You can file an online report with the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3)—a partnership between the FBI, the National White Collar Crime Center, and the Bureau of Justice Assistance.


  • 现在国家预算委员会认为安全防护缺失可能阻碍联邦调查局完成保卫国家使命

    Now, the committee says that lapses in security may be an impediment preventing the bureau from accomplishing its mission of securing the country.


  • 上面人都发生地震了(美国国家地质调查局甚至说接下来Twitter上的信息也将会成为他们地震监测活动的一部分)。

    (The United States Geological Survey has even announced that it will start monitoring these reports as part of its surveillance.)


  • 第三国家经贸委产业损害调查局负责组织产业损害调查听证

    Article 3 the responsibility to organize the hearings of industry injury investigation shall remain with the Bureau of industry injury investigation under the SETC.


  • 美国地质调查局危地马拉不是其影响的唯一国家受到过重创:1976年7.5地震造成23,000死亡

    Guatemala isn't the only country affected, but it's been hit hard: in 1976, a 7.5-magnitude earthquake killed 23,000 people, according to the USGS.


  • 这项研究的作者之一、美国国家地质调查局地球物理学家帕森发生一场地震就敲了一下铃铛一样,可以引发很远的地方发生小地震。

    A big quake rings the earth like a bell and can trigger little quakes halfway across the planet, said Tom Parsons, geophysicist at the U. s.


  • 这项研究的作者之一、美国国家地质调查局地球物理学家帕森发生一场地震就敲了一下铃铛一样,可以引发很远的地方发生小地震。

    A big quake rings the earth like a bell and can trigger little quakes halfway across the planet, said Tom Parsons, geophysicist at the U. s.


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