• 这个有利位置可以看到我们游历国家我们将要进入的国家

    From this vantage point, I could see the country we had traveled through and the country we were to enter.


  • 由于地理位置纬度变化造成自然风光,尼泊尔世界上以自然风光最为丰富的国家之一

    Nepal is one of the richest countries in the world in terms of natural beauty due to its unique geographical position and latitudinal variation.


  • 有了这个系统每个车辆即时状态油耗量,负荷位置,都可以监测到并发送到国家数据库

    With this system, certain vehicles' real-time status, such as gasoline consumption, load and position, can be monitored and sent to a national database.


  • 尽管北约国家彼此之间沟通他们大西洋大致操作区域但是没有一潜艇可以得知其他潜艇精准位置

    He said while NATO countries let each other know what general area of the Atlantic they are operating in, neither submarine would have had a precise position for the other.


  • 遇有全国庆典全城纪念日国家机构公共建筑物城徽放在显见位置上。

    In case of national celebration or all of the city's anniversary of public buildings, national institutions in the ChengHui -visibility position.


  • 崩溃冲突使得索马里升级一个尴尬位置,成为世界上失败国家之一。

    Collapse: Conflict has elevated Somalia into the unenviable position of the world's most failed state.


  • 国家疟疾控制规划处在最重要位置非常高兴看到,有这么类规划的参会代表,尤其是非洲

    National malaria control programmes are at the centre of everything, and I am pleased to see so many participants representing these programmes, especially in Africa.


  • 稳固自己俱乐部国家队首发位置,以及赛季初期统治力的表现之后,这位23岁的门将近来受到不少指责

    After cementing his place for both club and country with a number of commanding displays earlier this season the 23-year-old has since come in for some criticism.


  • 瑞典世界经济论坛上最具有竞争力国家中晋升第二位置领先美国

    Sweden has just been promoted to second place in the World Economic Forum's competitiveness rankings, ahead of America.


  • 把猪肉位置,而是放在左边的话,则称为“大陆做法,这绝大多数欧洲国家的做法。

    Not switching your fork and using your left is called the "Continental" way, and is done most often in European countries.


  • 全球经济问题冷战国际关系处于中心位置我们其他国家一样 些问题给予优先考虑。

    Global economic issues are among the core elements of post-Cold War international relations and like other countries we give priority attention to these issues.


  • 地理位置地理定位采取多种形式国家区域地点邮编甚至GPS坐标(手机)。

    Geographic targeting can take on multiple forms: by country, region, locality, Zip code, and even GPS coordinates (mobile).


  • 新的狭义银行严格监管交换条件获得在危机时得到国家救助的担保就像是确保了救生船上的一个位置

    New "narrow" Banks would be guaranteed a seat in the lifeboat by the state and heavily regulated for the privilege.


  • 被称为“新加坡国父”李光耀,某些时候似乎更多时间花在试图远离岛国掌门人的位置而不是亲自治理这个国家

    SOMETIMES it seems that the founding father of Singapore, Lee Kuan Yew, has spent more time trying to tear himself away from running the island-state than he did ruling it in the first place.


  • 中国大学源源不断地培养着科学家眼下看上去仍然不足以使这个国家进入顶尖位置

    Its universities are producing swelling legions of scientists, but it seems there are still not enough of them to allow the country to join the top ranks just yet.


  • 国米麦孔则与其形成鲜明对比,他用精彩防守证明为什么加的国家把主力(右后卫)位置,当然他也佯装过肩膀受伤

    Mitigation must come here in the display of Inter's Maicon. His defensive display showed why he is preferred by Dunga for their national team, but he made some meal of a supposed shoulder injury.


  • 安卡拉认为自己居于主导位置不仅以色列其他中东国家一样。

    Ankara thinks that it is in the driver's seat not just with respect to Israel, but also the rest of the Middle East.


  • 美国学生阅读水平处在发达国家中间位置,这与2003最近一次的测试结果相近

    U.S. reading scores, in the middle of the pack for developed countries, are more or less unchanged since the most recent comparable tests in 2003.


  • 假如三个国家大小相似地理位置比较接近,并且有着类似的历史传统,那么必然其他因素施加影响造成了这种数字鸿沟

    If they are of similar size, location and historical experience, it must be something else that influences this divergence.


  • 今天美国正处在20世纪30年代那些金本位国家所处位置上。

    Today, the United States is in the position of the gold-standard countries in the 1930s.


  • 1988年9月委员会找到批准了在国家广场建立纪念碑位置定在灰森林(ash Woods)里林肯纪念堂西南面。

    In September of 1988 the commission met and approved the site for the memorial in the National Mall, which would be just south west of the Lincoln memorial in Ash Woods.


  • location对象包含城市国家邮政编码用户定义位置时区属性

    A location object consists of attributes such as city, state, country, postal code, user-defined location name, and time zone.


  • 应该试图拷贝pisa测试拿高分国家模式”,,“因为这张排名表位置还和很多学校之外事情有关系。”

    "You shouldn't try to copy the top performers in PISA," he says, "because position in those league tables depends on lots of other things besides what happens in schools."


  • 地理位置遥远仅有1400波利尼西亚国家纽埃正在制造40枚的新硬币

    Niue, a remote Polynesian state of only 1, 400 people, is producing a set of 40 COINS.


  • 找到某个邮编所代表位置的周边地区,国家返回(返回XML文件JSON提要)。

    Find places near a postal code, by country (returning an XML file or JSON feed).


  • 然而国家1929年成立时,武器钥匙一个金色的在右侧位置,把这个颠倒位置为了体现国家新建突出特别的意义。

    Rather, when the state was set up in 1929, the keys in the arms of the Holy See, with the gold one in dexter position, were reversed to provide a distinctive symbol for the new entity.


  • G20本来威力加强G8——G8七个世界上最富裕国家组成集团,而额外那个位置留给俄罗斯的。

    The G20 is meant to be a supercharged version of the G8 - which is the group of seven richest nations with an extra place set for Russia.


  • G20本来威力加强G8——G8七个世界上最富裕国家组成集团,而额外那个位置留给俄罗斯的。

    The G20 is meant to be a supercharged version of the G8 - which is the group of seven richest nations with an extra place set for Russia.


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