• 不管他们是否意识到,他们正在取得惊人的进步你们注意团队意识增长了吗?

    Whether they realize it or not, they are making dramatic progress. Do you notice the growing sense of community?


  • 麦基团队现在已经确定他们找到沉船他们没有意识艘船里一个保存完好艺术品宝库

    McKee and his team now knew for certain that they had found the wreck, but were as yet unaware that it also housed a treasure trove of beautifully preserved artefacts.


  • 我们听到经理无休无止训示,要他们在其员工培养奉献精神团队意识

    We hear endless injunctions to managers to build commitment and a sense of community among their staff.


  • 然后意识,我不能仅仅大脑角度来看待创造力因为关乎文化背景,关乎团队以及我们合作方式

    Then I realised I couldn't just look at creativity from the perspective of the brain, because it's also about the culture and context, about the group and the team and the way we collaborate.


  • 如果一个团队管理者这样品质那么整个团队更好意识他们潜力实现他们的目标。

    If a team manager exemplifies such qualities, then the team as a whole would be better able to realize their potential and achieve their objectives.


  • 通过加强团队意识以后工作岗位上不仅可以提高工作效率增加同同事之间友谊

    Not only can enhance work efficiency but also can enhance friendship among colleagues in future work through intensifying team consciousness.


  • 目的为了建立信任消除怀疑,从而帮助团队意识没有任何不可告人的安排。

    The goal is to replace suspicion with trust, and help your team realize that you don't have any hidden agendas.


  • 意识你们已经发现了一种病毒时,团队气氛如何?

    What was the atmosphere in your team when you realized that you had identified a new virus?


  • 第七次回顾会议:在观察站会之后,我们意识会上团队成员提到的一些概念表明存在知识差距

    Seventh retrospective: Following our visit to one of the stand-up meetings, we realized that a knowledge gap existed with respect to concepts mentioned by team members at the stand-up meeting.


  • 任意团队开始意识,继续取款招致大的设计,那么他们需要第一件事情就是控制取款。

    When any team comes to realize that it has been incurring great design debt, the first thing they must do is get control over the withdrawals.


  • 团队可能意识子系统需要来自上层子系统的额外数据元素这样它才能够运行正确。

    One team might realize that its subsystem needs an extra data element from an upstream subsystem in order to behave correctly.


  • 工作交给组员-房间前面什么东西由自己来,会妨碍团队成员主人翁意识

    Let the Group Members do the Work - standing at the front of the room and doing all the writing discourages team members from taking ownership of ideas.


  • 世界并不存在一个完全不设计打交道开发团队(有时候自己并没有意识到这一点)。

    There is not a development team in the world that doesn't deal with design debt (though it may be doing so unknowingly).


  • 随着Slide团队加入Google我们加大投入,Google服务具有社交意识整个网络我们用户扩展这些能力

    As the Slide team joins Google, we'll be investing even more to make Google services socially aware and expand these capabilities for our users across the web.


  • 团队是否曾经意识实施敏捷

    Have you or your team practiced Agile without intending to do so?


  • 质量意识根植项要任务一个任何团队都有益的目标

    But quality ingrained in every task performed is a goal that will serve any team well.


  • 他们定期进行发布这种做法跟敏捷团队的做法相似,不过他们却没有意识这点,因为不得不这样做感到羞愧。

    They do a release on a regular basis which is very similar to what Agile teams do without even realizing it and then feel ashamed that they had to do it.


  • 测试自动化团队意识标准产品它们使用

    Test automation development teams will be more aware of the standard products and their usage.


  • 巴马先生的团队必须意识这些否则他们前任视为问题解决方案一部分

    Mr Obama's team must recognise this or they, like their predecessors, will come to be seen as part of the problem, not the solution.


  • 支持团队错过了转弯口,等意识一点,我也发现自己已经没有了。

    My support team missed one a turn-off, and as soon as discovered this I also realised I had no water left.


  • 托马斯的辩护律师团队争辩说由于停车场青年压力而导致“非精神错乱的无意识行为”。

    His defence team argued it was "non-insane automatism" brought on by the stress of the youths in the car park.


  • 在没有此类意识进行专门行业标准分析采用工作企业中,开发团队需要考虑标准的重要性将其制度化

    In enterprises with no such awareness and no serious effort toward analysis and adoption of industry standards, the development team needs to consider and institutionalize the importance of standards.


  • 我们最终意识I&T团队需要一定准备时间其他项目团队技术成员一样。

    We eventually realized that the I&T team needs ramp-up time just like any other technical members of the project team.


  • 因此来自自组织团队益处——主人翁意识专注动力,对质量自豪感高昂的士气更高生产率——将可能实现

    As a result, the benefits that flow from a self-organizing Team - ownership, focus, drive, pride in quality, improved morale, and better productivity -will likely not be realized.


  • 通过讨论后,团队意识到在整合问题上花费大量时间如果这个问题得以解决他们更多时间去改善代码的质量了。

    Through the discussion the team realize that they're spending a lot of time dealing with integration problems and that if this is fixed they could spend the time improving the quality of the code.


  • 团队有时候也会觉得自己面对很容易实现改变他们没有意识到再简单的习惯其实很难改变。

    When teams think they face an easy change, they may not recognize how hard it is to change even a simple habit.


  • 除此之外,开发团队意识敏捷方法其他益处佳的质量更快实现以及更高的客户满意度

    Beyond that, the development team was aware of the other benefits of the agile approach: improved quality, faster implementation, and greater customer satisfaction.


  • 克雷团队意识到,进行商品交易大型企业确保产品的生产过程符合地球环保需求重要环节之一

    Clay and his team realized that the large corporations trading commodities are one of the crucial links to ensuring products are made within the resource limits of the planet.


  • 菜园耕作可以培养团队意识,可以锻炼毅力这些办公室工作中也是难能可贵的。

    Working in the garden can offer lessons about teamwork and persistence that are highly applicable to the office.


  • 不是任何时候,寻求帮助一帆风顺通过寻求帮助可以加强一个团队意识拉近之间的距离。

    It's not always easy to ask for help, but doing so will foster a sense of team and closeness in your relationship.


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