• 清教徒传统不是出于宗教原因而是因为我喜欢他们某事努力目标努力的信念

    I'm deeply attached to the Puritan tradition, not in a religious sense, but they believed in working for something, working for goals, and I like that.


  • 就是我们推出Arc原因之一因为一份不久将来而创造的出版物

    That's one reason why we have launched Arc, a new publication dedicated to the near future.


  • 丝医生(人们称他蒙特”,因为小时候特别迷《蒙蒂老鼠奇遇记》)立志揭开什么早产发生原因以及预防方法

    Dr Liggins (known as "Mont" after his childhood craze for Monty the Mouse) was determined to understand why such births occurred, and to prevent them.


  • 确切地说,之震惊原因因为40年来或者更多,我一直都是这样走过来的,相当多的证据表明:卓有成效地运转着。

    No, that's precisely the reason I was shocked, because I had been going for 40 years or more with very considerable evidence that it was working exceptionally well.


  • 克拉荷马州医保系统如果因为某种原因而瘫痪了,知道然后开始孩子们操心了。

    If for some reason Oklahoma state's healthcare failed then I would have something to worry about because of my children, I know.


  • 可能听起来有些奇怪因为生产婴儿用水全部原因保护婴儿牙齿生长,是希望预防儿童龋齿

    This might sound odd to some, since the whole reason nursery water was produced was to protect the developing teeth of infants, in the hopes of preventing childhood caries.


  • 因为这个原因以及之奋斗基于报道工作受到前所未有的威胁,他80岁时的自传既有吸引力,又及时

    For this reason, and because the kind of campaigning, reporting-based work he stood for is threatened as never before, his autobiography, written as he turned 80, is both gripping and timely.


  • 那种感觉糟透了,因为我们希望一臂之力,而且我们能力公司增加价值但是出于某种莫名其妙原因创始人就是我们参与。

    From our perspective it is very frustrating because we want to help and are equipped to add value, but for some inexplicable reason the founders simply won't let us.


  • 真正她巧克力原因因为任何一个值得之付出的反过来都会付出。

    But the real reason to give your loved one chocolates is because any loved one worth her salt will turn right around and offer you some.


  • 比较两个PS A值可以帮助医生排除一些PS A因为其他原因升高,所以被诊断癌症的可能。

    Comparing the two helps doctors rule out cancer in men whose PSA is mildly elevated from other causes.


  • 或者因为没有权限,或者开放型程序设计原因如果无法获得接近真正用户的机会,都可以使用人物角色这个工具协助识别用户。

    If you don't have access to real users-either because you don't have permission or are designing for open application-you can use personas, a tool to help identify users.


  • 口齿不清经常被误th原因因为一个普通键盘打出前移s音太困难了。

    The reason the lisp is often written with a th-sound is that it's pretty impossible to write a fronted [s] with a normal keyboard.


  • 幸福原因看起来是虚幻的,因为高兴一个其他人服务的双向产品。

    The reason that happiness can seem illusive is because it is a bi-product of serving others.


  • 恰恰因为那个原因这个竞标会有助于这个难以接受气势汹汹主权财富世界开创一个有趣有用先例

    For precisely that reason, such a bid would also help to establish an interesting and useful precedent for a world coming to terms with aggressive sovereign wealth.


  • 史密斯说,“因为实在担心敬畏上帝的美国人排斥抛弃就是部分设定出版日期2406年的原因。”

    He was so worried he would be ostracised and shunned for this by God-fearing Americans that he actually set a publication date of 2406 for those sections.


  • 因为现实情况原因不是非洲裔美国人争取平等投票权结束

    For practical purposes, this was not the end of the voting rights struggle for African Americans.


  • 如果某人因为下雪原因必要人员,那这个任职者辞职退休后,如果那个职位没人补充的话,那这个国家很有可能生存下来

    If someone is classified as non-essential for snow-day purposes, the country can probably survive if that position is not filled when the jobholder quits or retires.


  • 接任唐纳德·拉姆斯菲尔德的盖茨五角大楼人爱戴,因为国防部带回了秩序实用主义声誉正是奥巴马留任其在国防部的原因

    Gates, following on from Donald Rumsfeld, is liked in the Pentagon for having brought order and pragmatism back to the department, a reputation that explains why Obama has retained him in position.


  • 正是因为这个原因俄罗斯允许美国贵国领土我们的盟军运送物资感到高兴。

    And that's why I'm pleased that Russia has agreed to allow the United States to supply our coalition forces through your territory.


  • 2002年,《少数派报告》相当卖座,究原因因为充满了现实主义,十分坦诚,我们设计了一个合情合理的2054年的世界

    What made Minority Report so striking in 2002 was its realistic and quite frankly, reasonable projection of how the world would look in 2054.


  • 原因因为论点有效如果如果没有可能情况所有的前提结论

    And the reason for that because an argument is valid if and only if there are no possible situation in which all its premises are true and its conclusion false.


  • 人们其中一个原因就是我们挥金如土或者帮助他人,也仅仅只是因为花钱这个能够让我们感觉良好,本意并非他人着想。

    It is thought that one of the reasons we splash our cash or help others is simply because it makes us feel good.


  • 哈克利用好这次转机,部分原因因为在下一个投票竞选造势

    Mr Huckabee failed to capitalise on that upset, however, in part because he had not had the money to build a campaign machine in the states that voted next.


  • 参加比赛原因年终总决赛做准备,当然我也赢得了最终的胜利,因为无论参加什么比赛,我都会尽力做到最好。

    I came here to get matches before Istanbul and of course win the tournament - everywhere I enter, I try to be the best.


  • 这样原因因为WS - Security规范允许身份验证附加多个,这样就需要更多元数据识别哪一个安全

    You need to do this because the WS-Security specification allows attaching multiple tokens for authentication, thus additional metadata is required to identify which is the primary security token.


  • 投资银行原始的动力,在2003年到2006年期间投资银行贡献了占总收入增长70%的衍生品业务,变得日益成熟了,这其中一部分原因也是因为更多的监管

    Derivatives, the investment bank's old rocket-fuel, which supplied 70% of its revenue growth between 2003 and 2006, are maturing, partly because of more regulation.


  • 因为这个原因由于WebSphereportal提供框架最终portlet派生组件布局相当容易

    Because of this, and the framework that WebSphere Portal provides, it is pretty easy to derive a component layout for the final portlet.


  • 管家大声说道,他被恐吓吓坏了,“假如只是这个原因就不能再继续效劳了,我宁愿一切都出来,因为一离开只能上断头台了。”

    Cried the steward, struck with terror at this threat, "if that is the only reason I cannot remain in your service, I will tell all, for if I quit you, it will only be to go to the scaffold."


  • 原因在于曾经用于启动Rule2条件不再真,因为引用一个不再知识一部分对象objectB)。

    The reason is that the condition for firing Rule 2 that was once true is not true anymore because it references an object (objectB) that is no longer part of the knowledge.


  • 原因在于曾经用于启动Rule2条件不再真,因为引用一个不再知识一部分对象objectB)。

    The reason is that the condition for firing Rule 2 that was once true is not true anymore because it references an object (objectB) that is no longer part of the knowledge.


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