• 错觉放弃那些,”回答,“把想象成一个传奇英雄希望豪侠气概的倾心中得到无尽的娇宠。”

    She abandoned them under a delusion, 'he answered;' picturing in me a hero of romance, and expecting unlimited indulgences from my chivalrous devotion.


  • 选择开放问题——他们需要回答只是“不是”——发现某人此时的想法感受

    Use open questions - ones that demand more than a "Yes" or "No" answer - to find out what someone is thinking or feeling.


  • 可能的回答新的工具现有工具变化的涌现支持了分布团队的开发。

    One promising answer is that new tools, and changes to existing tools, have emerged to support distributed teams.


  • 当有人要求那些从未闻其名观众解说一下艺术时,笑着回答:对观众进行“填鸭”思想灌输可不是艺术家的事,我们做的让观众自己思索,找到答案时才是感觉最棒的”。

    Asked to distil his art for the many who have not heard of him, he responded cheerfully that it was not the job of an artist to “spoon-feedviewers but to make them feel intelligent.


  • 第一不要用单音节词回答问题,因为面试希望面对开放问题时能够拓展答案。

    First, avoid one-word answers because the interviewer expects you to proceed further on an open-end question.


  • 被试回答开放问题时可以有很多种答题的选择,但是统计的时候就不容易了。因为数据必须按照某种编码或者缩减

    Open-ended questions allow for a greater variety of responses from participants but are difficult to analyze statistically because the data must be coded or reduced in some manner.


  • 应试者需要解释表格图表试算表等,透过题目所给的资讯判断各自关系回答互动题目测试他们分析能力

    Test takers will need to interpret charts, graphs, and spreadsheets, determine the relationships among data points, and answer interactive questions that will test their analytical skills.


  • 如果回避这个问题或是借助更加委婉的敷衍回答,那我会他们失望,也令患者失望。

    If I evaded the question, or relied on euphemisms, I would fail them and fail our patient.


  • 索爱回答索尼爱立信游戏手机,款机器人智能手机侧滑盖,有控制使人联想起索尼便携游戏机

    Sony Ericsson's answer is the Xperia Play, an Android smartphone with a slide-out set of controller buttons, reminiscent of Sony's PlayStation Portable gaming device.


  • 这样描写重要因为解释了为什么苏格拉底喜欢使用助产比喻哲学问题通过别人提出问题,不是自己回答问题来获得事物真相

    This is important, for midwifery forms the great metaphor Socrates uses to explain his method of extracting truth through questioning others, rather than giving birth to it himself.


  • 开放问题本质上要比封闭问题更加广泛和受限制,也参加面试者更多回答选择自由

    Open questions are broader in nature than closed questions and less restricting or structured; hence, they offer the interviewee more freedom with regard to the choice and scope of an answer.


  • 回答这些问题我们必须探讨一下,新型苏格拉底公民定义。

    To try to answer those questions we would have to look a little bit at what is meant by this new kind of Socratic citizen.


  • 青少年健康纵向研究中,受调查者被要求回答一些特定的问题,这些问题与狂欢饮酒醉酒有关。

    The National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (Add Health) asks its respondents specific questions about binge drinking and getting drunk.


  • 但是对于怎样分布Web服务环境中实现事务这个难题希望给出一些可靠回答

    It does, however, promise some solid answers to the difficult questions of how to implement transactions in a distributed Web services environment.


  • 通过提供一些控制Derby各个数据库连接负载状态方法这里介绍Ant任务上述问题作出了简单回答

    The Ant tasks introduced here give a simple answer by providing the means to explicitly control the load status of Derby and of individual database connections.


  • 封闭问题可以用yesno其他简单语言回答

    Closed questions can be answered with a simple "yes" or "no" or in a few brief words.


  • 其他汽车制造商很早就改用液压刹车时,仍然使用缆索操作刹车,当客户询问时,Bugatti这样回答,“先生生产的汽车为了行驶,而不是为了刹车。”

    When a customer asked about his use of cable-operated brakes, long after other car makers had switched to hydraulic brakes, Bugatti replied, "Monsieur, I make my cars to go, not to stop."


  • 探索卡普里-索内有悬挂滑翔机阳光明媚世界发现游戏和活动。自定义回答问题挂起凉爽演员,滑翔机。

    Explore the sunny world of Capri-Sonne with a hang-glider and discover games and activities. Answer questions to customize your hang-glider with cool extras.


  • 随着一轮机关枪的你我答,问题回答接近尾声贾斯廷再次出现在舞台中间询问球迷这个赛季是否能够力捧俱乐部的第19座奖杯。

    As the quick-fire question and answer session came to an end, Justin again took centre stage, asking the fans whether number 19 is coming home this season.


  • 开放问题允许答卷自己语言回答问题

    Open_ended questions allow respondents to answer in their own words.


  • 如果有过度思考趋势,就回答开放测试题时,自己执着于多种可能性时进行管理。

    If you're facing a multiple choice, resist the tendency to read too much into the questions and answers.


  • 回答:在学英语时,光凭理解不够的,很多东西还是靠记忆动词过去就是其中之一。

    Answer: in the English study, mere understanding is not enough. There are many things you should memorize, such as the irregular forms of the irregular verbs.


  • 一点忠告尽量一些开放问题或者说不能仅仅用“回答的问题。

    One quick word of advice: Try to ask open-ended questions, or questions that require more than a 'yes' or 'no' answer.


  • 并且关于化身问题更多感情介入回复而且人们乐意回答他人化身介入的问题。

    Questions that used an avatar received more empathetic answers. And people who had more altruistic motivations had a stronger preference for answering questions posted by someone with an avatar.


  • 德奇的离散神经系统再生能力回答第一个问题,而超期休眠回答第二个。

    His scattered nervous system and regenerative abilities answered the first question. His extended hibernation trance answered the second.


  • 欧洲已经有一种双向电视机,它可以让看电视人一下回答节目提出的问题。

    Already available in Europe are two-way televisions that permit the viewer to push buttons and answer questions the program has asked.


  • 如果过度思考的趋势回答开放测试题,对自己执着于多种可能性时进行管理

    If you tend to be an overthinker, you will have to manage your urge to dwell on the many possibilities when trying to answer an open-ended test question.


  • 科学医学经常发生那样,这个里程碑发现并不是从定向研究生长出来的,而是旨在回答关于自然基本问题研究中形成的。

    As often happens in science and medicine, the landmark discovery grew not out of "targeted research" but from studies aimed at answering more fundamental questions about nature.


  • 堂课中,学员理解使用在一般现在一般过去中出现动词,就过去发生的事情提问回答

    In this lesson, learners will be able to understand and use verbs in present and simple past tenses, ask and answer questions about what happened in the past.


  • 堂课中,学员理解使用在一般现在一般过去中出现动词,就过去发生的事情提问回答

    In this lesson, learners will be able to understand and use verbs in present and simple past tenses, ask and answer questions about what happened in the past.


- 来自原声例句

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进来说说原因吧 确定