• 科尔韦恩·布里奇回复状态

    Joe Cole and Wayne Bridge are coming back to fitness.


  • 可以肯定的是托尔多会在不久将来回复状态

    There's no doubt whatsoever about the fact that Toldo will soon return to top form.


  • 生活不是分为很多个假期不能等到暑假结束让其他的员工帮助回复状态自己安排时间

    Life is not divided into semesters. You don't get summers off and very few employers are interested in helping you find yourself. Do that on your own time.


  • 多年来,一直致力于健康的生活使身体回复应有原始状态,发挥原有的身体功能

    For many years, I have been interested in healthy living and getting my body back into its natural state and how it should function.


  • 压力消失后,身体就会回复标准状态(内稳态)。

    After the stressor disappears, the body returns to its normal state (homeostasis).


  • 终端用户而言,地址簿只是查看联系人有趣社交信息允许用户通过电子邮件IM甚至状态更新回复电话

    For the end user, the Asurion address book is more than just a fun way to see a contact's social information - it also lets you return a phone call via email, IM, or even a status update.


  • 一些通常发育胚胎中活跃基因会被分化细胞(比如皮肤细胞)表达促使细胞回复分化状态

    A handful of genes that are normally active in the developing embryo are expressed in a differentiated cell, such as a skin cell, causing that cell to revert back to its undifferentiated state.


  • 反对者指出这些运动员只不过是从巅峰状态回复到了平均水平。

    One naysayer pointed out that these athletes were simply reverting to the mean.


  • 最新研究表明仅仅工作中间小憩一下是远远不够回复我们精神状态有效的办法就是户外活动

    Just having a break from work is not enough suggests new research, it is activities in the open air which have the strongest restorative effects on our mental states.


  • 编辑系统中通常会撤销命令来使文档回复用户编辑之前状态

    In editing systems it is usual to have an Undo command that makes the document revert to the state before the user's most recent changes.


  • 允许甚至鼓励root 用户登录没有什么坏处因为这里没有本地资源所以每个座位可以通过快速重启回复默认状态

    There's no harm in allowing -- even encouraging -- root logins, because there's no local storage, and each seat can be quickly rebooted back to its default state.


  • 读者们可以他们MySpace更新即时通讯状态指出他们最喜欢章节或者通过这些链接引用最近的畅销书里的精彩段落回复一场辩论

    Readers could point to their favorite sections in a MySpace update or instant message or respond to an argument by copiously linking to the smartest passages in a recent best seller.


  • 意味着,画布撕裂部分小心恢复平整状态否则会慢慢回复由于事故造成扭曲的状态

    That is, the torn portion of the canvas had to be gently coaxed back to its flat state, otherwise it would have a tendency to return to the distortion left by the accident.


  • 关于缺陷状态回复问题混乱分布式团队所需要解决最后件事情因为不确定总是导致昂贵延迟以及滑向崩溃的错误

    Unanswered questions and confusion about the status of defects are the last thing distributed teams need, because uncertainty invariably leads to costly delays and bugs that slip through the cracks.


  • 打开他们,只5分钟快速浏览下如果有必要更新下状态或者回复然后退出

    Open them for 5 minutes, do a quick scan, post an update or reply if necessary, then get out.


  • 只要消息状态设置回复”,那么消息列表就会更新

    Just change the state of the message to "replied" and the list of messages will update.


  • 一旦返回数据库查询的响应之后,就不再需要回复中间状态查询本身

    Once a reply to a database query has been returned, then the reply, the intermediate state, and the query itself are no longer needed.


  • 各大制药公司研发出一些治疗方法,可以将癌细胞中的表观遗传信息进行复位使这些癌细胞回复健康状态

    Drug companies have developed some treatments that reset epigenetic information in cancerous cells, making them revert back to being healthy.


  • 个月工作基本上这个105画作回复到了最初状态

    Three months of work had gone into getting the 105-year-oldActor” as near to its original state as possible.


  • 如果一个文档作为只能添加(append-only) 的链构造,那么这会使可以很轻松地修改回复先前的状态

    If you structure a document as an append-only linked list, it allows you to easily revert changes back to previous states.


  • 形状记忆金丝还能提高屈曲临界温度抑制梁热屈曲的发生使已发生热屈曲的梁回复原来的平衡状态

    Shape memory alloy wires can increase the critical temperature of the beam, and also can restrain thermal buckling occurring or make the post-buckled beam back to initial equilibrium states.


  • 猜想,我这种状态,就是为了看到9000多个粉丝那么20个人在这种状态下面回复希望慢慢起来”的时候感觉会好一点吧。

    I guess I posted these sorts of statuses to feel good when 20 of my 9,000 or so followers would say "hope you feel better".


  • 获得这些精神状态不能减轻精神上的焦虑因为一旦停止冥想就会回复沮丧精神状态之中

    Attaining these states of mind did not ease his mental anxieties, because once he stopped meditation, he returned to the mental state of depression.


  • 最后那些改善过的健康细胞将会回复之前异常不健康的皮肤状态

    Eventually, the improved healthy cells will revert to where you started with abnormal skin cell function.


  • 不信,个人认认真真的看完你的每状态包括状态底下的每条回复但是一句话不说

    Can you believe it, can have individual serious watching you each state under article including state of article every returned, but didn't say a word.


  • 经过练习之后,这项做法成为中止建设性思考的动力,并且重新回复最佳状态

    With practice this can serve as a trigger to halt the unproductive thoughts and get you back into the groove.


  • 经过练习之后,这项做法成为中止建设性思考的动力,并且重新回复最佳状态

    With practice this can serve as a trigger to halt the unproductive thoughts and get you back into the groove.


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