• 喷气战斗机放出一条银白色的雾化尾行,随即消失天空中了。

    The jet fighter let go a silver vapour trail and disappeared at once in the blue.


  • 并且,忘掉装备短程武器喷气战斗机袭击美国海军这回事吧。

    And forget using jet fighters armed with short-range weapons to attack the American navy.


  • 以色列无人机单位飞行时数费用不到以色列喷气战斗机的5%。

    The cost per flight-hour of Israel’s drone fleet, for example, is less than 5% the cost of its fighter jets, says Antan Israeli, the commander of an Israeli drone squadron.


  • 远征战事需要空运海运喷气战斗机直升机无人机其他诸如野战医院之类的“激活器”。

    Expeditionary war needs airlift, sealift, jets, helicopters, drones and otherenablers” like field hospitals.


  • 就是越南驾驶喷气战斗机,你是个战斗机飞行员穿着飞行服‘精英一族’。

    You're that guy. You flew jet fighters in Vietnam. You're a fighter pilot, part of that 'Top Gun' outfit.


  • -12轻型战斗机我国第一完全*本国技术力量进行设计制造喷气战斗机

    J-12 fighter is the first jet fighter designed and produced all by Chinese technology itself.


  • 美国国家航空航天总署改良喷气战斗机进行测试,结果表明特殊的机身形状可以减弱音

    Tests by NASA with a modified fighter jet have shown that novel airframe shapes can reduce the boom.


  • 继续:“就是越南驾驶喷气战斗机,你是个战斗机飞行员穿着飞行服‘精英一族’。

    The guy said, " You're that guy. You flew jet fighters in Vietnam. You're a fighter pilot, part of that 'Top Gun' outfit."


  • 分钟内笔者亲眼目睹架运输机腾空而起,喷气战斗机头顶呼啸过,一军用直升机在隆隆上升。

    In just a few minutes, your correspondent witnessed a transport plane taking off, three fighter jets roaring overhead and a military helicopter rumbling to life.


  • 当然小巧速度较低的无人机无法产生喷气战斗机咆哮着低空掠过的震撼效果,在拦截敌机的空战中也逊色得多。

    Of course, small and comparatively slow UAVs are no match for fighter jets when it comes to inspiring awe with roaring flyovers-or shooting down enemy warplanes.


  • 人事变动为了创建飞行航空母舰起飞的无人喷气战斗机原型作出努力,该机的起飞已经落后于预定时间表个月

    The personnel moves come as the effort to build and fly a prototype, unmanned jet combat aircraft from an aircraft carrier has fallen months behind schedule.


  • 韩联社韩国新闻通讯社则援引匿名情报来源飞机看上去属于苏联时期的军用喷气战斗机飞行员可能尝试叛逃

    Yonhap, the South Korean news agency, citing unnamed intelligence sources, said that the plane appeared to be a Soviet-era military jet and that the pilot might have been trying to defect.


  • 巴基斯坦的“旋风”无人机是由卡拉奇集成动力(Integrated Dynamics)公司所研制,它可以产生类似喷气战斗机雷达信号达到欺骗敌人的目的。

    A Pakistani UAV called the Tornado, made in Karachi by a company called Integrated Dynamics, emits radar signals that mimic a fighter jet to fool enemies.


  • 官方发布消息T-50综合攻击机喷气战斗机功能

    The official press release says that the T-50 will combine the functions of the assault aircraft and fighter jet.


  • 法国航空公司意大利阿莱尼亚公司等联合研制一种隐形喷气无人机—“神经元”(Neuron)无人机。该机与法国幻影”(Mirage)战斗机差不多大小

    The Neuron, a jet-engine stealth drone developed by France’s Dassault Aviation and partners including Italy’s Alenia, will be about the size of the French manned Mirage fighter.


  • 至少根据20世纪70年代驾驶涡轮螺旋桨飞机完成柬埔寨战斗任务力德先生所言,涡轮螺旋桨飞机比起喷气战斗机还有一个好处

    And there is one other advantage that the turboprop has over the jet, at least according to Mr Read-who flew turboprops on combat missions in Cambodia during the 1970s.


  • 拍打巨大的跟上飞机研究他们一会儿。它发出刺耳尖叫声(因此得名)后转身喷气战斗机一样俯冲着离开

    It studies them a moment, beating its huge wing membranes to keep up. It lets out a piercing shriek (hence the name) and then Banks away, diving like a jet fighter.


  • 2020年,空军拥有仅仅快速喷气战斗机以及名为台风欧洲战斗机联合攻击战斗机

    By 2020, the air force will have just two types of fast jet-fighter and strike versions of the Eurofighter Typhoon and the JSF.


  • 卡梅伦首相本月防务评论》中提出开支削减意味着弃用“鹞式”垂直起降喷气战斗机让“皇家方舟”号航母退役

    Cuts announced by David Cameron in the Defence Review this month will lead to the axing of Harrier jump jets and the decommissioning of the Ark Royal carrier.


  • 公路上普通汽车相比,现代一级方程序赛车喷气战斗机更多相似之处

    A modern Formula One car has almost as much in common with a jet fighter as it does with an ordinary road car.


  • 来自法国俄罗斯以及欧盟全球公司同时竞争这份16年来世界最大喷气战斗机合同

    Four other global companies from France, Russia, and the European Union are in the race for t he world's richest fighter jet deal in 16 years.


  • 声音指令操作使用现代喷气战斗机相同平视显示器系统(前窗玻璃映像显示系统),并且数据投射挡风玻璃上

    It was operated by voice commands and projected its data on to the windscreen, using the same sort of head-up display system found in modern fighter jets.


  • 如果说蜻蜓喷气战斗机那么蝗虫就像横跨大陆波音747型飞机。这项研究研究人员之一,牛津大学艾德里安·托马斯如是说

    If dragonflies are like fighter jets, then locusts are like continent-spanning 747s, says Adrian Thomas of the University of Oxford, coauthor of the new study.


  • 然后直升飞机喷气战斗机机器人又完全凌驾于拉博夫和特上镜的女配角福克斯之上。

    By then, helicopters, fighter jets and panther-shaped robots take precedence over La Beouf and his exceptionally photogenic co-star Fox.


  • 由于携带来自也门货物阿联酋国际航空公司客机飞往纽约肯尼迪机场途中加拿大美国喷气战斗机护送

    An Emirates Airlines passenger jet on its way to New York's Kennedy airport, carrying cargo from Yemen, was escorted by Canadian and American fighter jets.


  • 洛克希德官员称,施瓦茨并未提及海军版本喷气、F-35C海军陆战队的F-35B垂直起降战斗机版本的进展

    Schwartz did not mention progress on the Navy's version of the jet, the F-35C or the Marine Corps' F-35B short takeoff and vertical landing version of the fighter.


  • 洛克希德官员称,施瓦茨并未提及海军版本喷气、F-35C海军陆战队的F-35B垂直起降战斗机版本的进展

    Schwartz did not mention progress on the Navy's version of the jet, the F-35C or the Marine Corps' F-35B short takeoff and vertical landing version of the fighter.


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