• 中国喝茶仍然是一种日常生活方式喝茶很多好处

    Tea has remained a way of daily life in China and drinking tea has a lot of advantages.


  • 喝茶的人相比,喝茶的人可能更长寿。

    Compared with people who don't drink tea, tea drinkers are likely to enjoy a longer life.


  • 那么每天喝茶时间吗?是想问,你会固定的时间喝茶吗?

    A: Then, do you have "tea time" every day? I mean, do you drink tea at a settled time?


  • 喝茶男性相比喝茶者吸烟量体能状况稍有优势,酒精摄入量较高咖啡摄入量较

    Compared with men who did not consume tea, those who did smoked slightly less, were somewhat more likely to be physically active, and consumed more alcohol but less coffee.


  • 喝茶更多享受喝茶心情好坏次要的了。

    Drinks tea the mood which more enjoyments are drink tea, the tea quality to is secondary.


  • 喜欢茶馆喝茶喝茶不是环境心境

    I not too like the teahouse drinking tea, drink tea drink am not the environment, is the mood.


  • 对于一些患有心脏病而言,本身喝茶容易加重心脏负担而在酒后喝茶或是喝酒时候饮用,所造成的危害更是不堪设想的。

    For some people with heart disease, tea itself is very easy to increase the burden on the heart, while drinking tea or drink when drinking tea, the harm is be unbearable to contemplate.


  • 功夫茶潮汕文化著名象征之一,陈小姐普通汕头家庭都是以喝茶开始他们一天生活的,并且从早到晚喝茶已经成为了一种习惯。

    KungFu tea is very famous as a symbolize of Shantou and Chaozhou. According to Miss Chen's words, a normal Shantou family will start their daily life with drinking tea, they almost drink tea all day.


  • 尽管人们很少喝茶是因为价格,可即使适当禁酒主义者通过活动把茶叶关税降低一半后,喝茶的人还是不多。

    Although tea's unpopularity was usually attributed to its high price, its popularity remained low even after temperance advocates succeeded in getting the impost halved.


  • 真希望自己喝茶一只瓷器水杯每次喝茶的时候,都可以

    I wish I were a China cup, from which you drink your tea, And everytime you took a drink you would kiss me.


  • 研究证明茶叶所含茶碱提高体温发烧的病人如果喝茶不但不利于体温,会因喝茶而使降温作用大打折扣。因此,感冒发烧的病人不宜喝茶

    Studies find that theophylline in tea leaves can raise the body temperature, so drinking tea during a fever is not only bad for lowering body temperature, but also weakens the effect of medicine.


  • 另外英国喜欢喝茶在下午3左右吃茶点习惯,英国人喝茶当作享受,也当作社交

    What's more, the English like drinking tea. They have the habit of drink afternoon tea at about 3 in the afternoon. They enjoy drinking tea and treat it as a kind of seeing friends.


  • 乌克兰喝茶茶叶倒了,中国人喝茶会泡好几遍,并且从来不糖。

    Ukrainians usually throw away the tea leaves after the tea is made. But Chinese steep the leaves several times and never add any sugar to it. The Chinese tea Ceremony is also very interesting.


  • 喝茶保持健康,因为我了很多水。 根据健康调查有益了人们健康因此喝茶习惯。

    So I am effected by him, I like drinking tea, to the healthy research, tea is good for people's health.


  • 知道喝茶真的喝茶心情寻找一种感觉阅读一种境界

    I know that tea is not really tea, a kind of goods are in the mood, look for a feeling, a realm of reading.


  • 下午耶夫人通常客厅喝茶今天下午,正在花园里喝茶

    Sawyer usually drinks tea in the living room, but this afternoon, she is drinks tea in the garden.


  • 喝茶不必担心,有数以百万计的北美洲人每天只喝茶

    Tea lovers need not worry, though; millions of North Americans drink tea and only tea every day.


  • 第三我们大英博物馆唐人街喝茶,不过那里很真的挺无聊的,所以我们没有时间直接去唐人街喝茶啦!

    On the third day, we went to China Town, and British Musuem, which seemed to be not that interested us. So we didnt spend too much time on the BRITISH MUSEUM.


  • 一个喝茶得意个人喝茶得趣,多人喝茶受惠

    A man proud of tea, two people were interested in drinking tea, people drink tea on the benefit.


  • 如果喝茶比较少或者开始喝茶最好不要要是,喝完茶叶食物

    If you drink less or are just starting to drink tea, it's best not to drink, if you want to have words, drink the tea leaves to eat something sweet food.


  • 如果喝茶比较少或者开始喝茶最好不要要是,喝完茶叶食物

    If you drink less or are just starting to drink tea, it's best not to drink, if you want to have words, drink the tea leaves to eat something sweet food.


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