• 喜欢的乐器吉他钢琴大提琴

    Favourite instruments: Guitar. Piano. Cello. Drums.


  • 从此,口琴成了喜欢的乐器家里音乐布鲁斯情有独钟

    Soon the harmonica was her favorite instrument and, out of all the music she heard at home, she seemed to really be able to feel the blues.


  • 不能朋友电影不能弹奏喜欢乐器,不能晚上家人一块电视沮丧

    I am very disappointed not to be able to go to see a film with my friends, to play my favorite musical instrument, or to watch TV with my family in the evening.


  • 这个组织激励各个年龄层级社会公众学习自己喜欢的乐器成为积极音乐传播者

    "Wanna Play" Wanna Play? is a public education campaign designed to raise awareness of the many benefits of music making and inspire people of all ages and talent levels to become active music makers.


  • 他们眼睛一侧而且一个爱好乐器的民族,在他们的衣服各自喜欢的乐器

    It grow eyes of them in on one side of, and it is pieces of nationality of liking musical instrument, have the favorite musical instrument on their clothes too.


  • 从前有个国王非常喜欢音乐走遍世界寻找最好乐器

    Once, a king loved music so much that he searched the world for the best instrument.


  • 中弹奏也是古代艺术家喜欢消遣方式,他们认为这种乐器世界上纯净的乐器

    Playing it in snow was also a favorite pastime for ancient artists, who believed the instrument was the purest of its kind in the world.


  • 研究人员他们识别乐器然后说出他们喜欢最不喜欢演奏的乐器

    They asked them to identify 4 musical instruments and then to say which they would like to play most and which they would least like to play.


  • 果你喜欢唱歌、跳舞或演奏乐器,它们都可以成为伟大的爱好。

    If you enjoy singing, dancing or playing an instrument, they can become great hobbies.


  • 因为可以演奏几种乐器而且喜欢古典音乐就必定是个翘着兰花指吃三明治喝茶自大狂?

    Just because I play a few instruments andlike to listen to classical music, does that make me a haughty snob who eatscrustless sandwiches and drink tea with my pinky up?


  • 麦克德莫特发现,人们演奏某个乐器的年头越多,他们就越喜欢和弦音

    McDermott found that the more years someone had spent playing an instrument, the stronger they preferred the consonant chords.


  • 我们听说过中国音乐也都喜欢欣赏中国音乐,现在正是我们学习谈论当地乐器的好时候,难道不是吗?

    We have all heard and enjoyed Chinese music, isn't it time we learned how to talk about local instruments?


  • 一个基于增强现实技术空中吉他甚至可以选择自己喜欢乐器

    It's an augmented reality air guitar app that tracks your hands and plays along. You can even pick individual strings!


  • 这些乐器长久以来都是军乐队喜欢使用的,爵士乐手就从中挑选他们喜欢演奏爵士乐

    These instruments had long been popular with military marching bands, and jazz musicians took what they liked to play jazz.


  • 喜欢音乐莫过于贝多芬所创作的《命运第一乐章》,音乐分为五个器乐弦乐木管组、铜管组、打击乐色彩乐器组。

    My favorite music is Beethoven created the first movement of fate, the instrumental music is divided into five groups: string, woodwind, brass, percussion group and color group.


  • 可能他们喜欢一些冷门乐器喜欢二手购物或是特立独行的方式表达自我。

    One might find them playing unusual musical instruments, shopping at second-hand stores or expressing themselves in other unique ways.


  • 闲暇时候也会朋友一起玩乐器比如吉他就是喜欢擅长一种乐器

    Leisure when I will play with my friends instruments, such as the guitar is that I like is also very good at an instrument.


  • 个人而言比较喜欢东风破》千里之外》。两首歌曲里,中国传统乐器与节奏布鲁斯以及摇滚乐融合到了一起。

    Personally, I prefer to East Wind Breaks and Faraway in which he fused traditional Chinese instruments and styles with R&B and rock.


  • 比利拖鞋!随身旅行包!还有附加电视乐器个人电视喜欢这些吗?

    Billy: Look! Slippers! And a travel kit! And personal TVs with video games! Do you like all this?


  • 但是即使没有演出地点(除了皇家音乐学院考试),我仍然继续因为喜欢这个乐器声音

    But, even if I had no performance venues (other than the RCM) I would still carry on just the same, because I love the sound of the instrument.


  • 进行任何喜欢消遣活动不论是电影弹奏喜爱乐器新书等等

    Do any of your favorite pastime activities, be it watching a movie, playing your favorite instrument, reading a new book, etc.


  • 人们喜欢具备明快有力音调拨弦古钢琴来配合当时小型管弦乐团低音乐器以及演奏会上演奏。

    The harpsichord with its bright, vigorous tone was the favorite instrument for supporting the bass of the small orchestra of the period and for concert use.


  • 可以打击乐器演奏的作品zyklus,由向上杂乱无序演奏,或者用你喜欢任何顺序演奏。

    You could play his "Zyklus", for percussion, upside down or back to front or in any order you liked.


  • 董贝父子》中的乐器师梭侄子谈论董贝先生时,侄子,“觉得好像喜欢。”

    Sol, the instrument maker in Dombey and Son6 talked to his nephew about Mr. Dombey. The nephew said, "I thought he didn't seem to like me very much."


  • 董贝父子》中的乐器师梭侄子谈论董贝先生时,侄子,“觉得好像喜欢。”

    Sol, the instrument maker in Dombey and Son6 talked to his nephew about Mr. Dombey. The nephew said, "I thought he didn't seem to like me very much."


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