• 生命好多这样生活中,好多的情是这样没有理由,也无需理由,就是爱,喜欢就是喜欢,没有结果,也无须结果,心甘情愿无怨无悔

    In life, a lot of things is such, in life, a lot of so, there is no reason, no reason, love is love, love is love, no results, no results, willingly, no regrets.


  • 然而当时喜欢的,也是目前依然喜欢一点就是

    But the thing I liked most about her then, and still like about her now, is her kiss.


  • 告诉,我喜欢日本在日本时喜欢事情之一就是,只能是正宗手法准备的抹茶。

    I told her that I like Japan very much. One of my favorite things to do there is to have matcha tea-but prepared the authentic way, by a tea master.


  • 记得以前说过比萨饼喜爱事实就是——我喜欢两种食物喜欢比萨饼,好吃喜欢巧克力,好吃。

    I don't recall having Shared my love of pizza with you before, but there it istwo favorite things I love — love pizza, delicious, love chocolate, delicious.


  • 很是喜欢工作主要就是修修台电机,她并不“聪明喜欢自己双手家里鼓捣机器

    She enjoyed her work, which consisted chiefly in running and servicing a powerful but tricky electric motor. She was "not clever", but was fond of using her hands and felt at home with machinery.


  • 如果一个CSS设计者或者Ajax爱好者,那么就是你准备CMS。需要强调的是,如果你喜欢现在看到东西,那么你更会喜欢即将到来的东西。

    If you're a CSS designer or Ajax aficionado, this is the CMS for you; and if you like what you see today, you'll love what's coming.


  • 比如喜欢孩子父母,一般不会,“就是喜欢打孩子

    A parent who enjoys smacking his child " will typically not say, "I enjoy smacking my child."


  • 我们说过,“就是为了挣钱这个工作,我才不喜欢呢,天我肯定辞职,喜欢的事情。”

    We've all heard people say, "I took a job I hate in order to make a lot of money, so someday I can quit and do what I love to do."


  • Christine.我真的是个自以为无所不知人 不过正试着去喜欢这部分的我.我喜欢自行车写作 百合相伴.我是一个24岁不喜欢胡说 不喜欢脏话并且没有幽默感的人.准备绿化简化我生活中的方面.这些就是我:它们需要很多东西:自行车 笔小狗图书馆访问.

    Going green informs every aspect of my life right now. These things are me: they don’t require a lot of Stuff: bike, pen, paper, puppy, library access.


  • 不是因为有些就是喜欢他们工作地方做事,他们喜欢一起工作同事,他们也非常喜爱他们的事业。

    Not everyone should, because some people just love working where they're working, they love the people they're working with, and they absolutely love what they do.


  • 喜欢所有水果就是喜欢葡萄

    I like all fruits with the exception of grape.


  • 的确有时候我们很难言语表达出来为什么喜欢他们你知道,你就是喜欢

    Indeed, you might find it hard to put into words exactly why you like them, but you know you do.


  • 其实也说清楚舞台热爱具体源自于什么,不知何故,我就是喜欢聚光灯下,就是喜欢人们所关注……。

    I am not exactly sure where my passion for being onstage comes from, but it somehow feels like I have to be in the spotlight; I want to be seen. . . .


  • 原因简单喜欢写作,我喜欢与你分享观点看法,我还喜欢智商打交道就是!)

    The reasons are simple: I love writing, I love sharing ideas, and I love interacting with highly intelligent people (that’s you!).


  • 小时候起,喜欢季节就是冬天喜欢喜欢喝热巧克力

    Ever since I was little, my favorite season was winter. I loved to play in the snow and enjoy the hot chocolate.


  • 就是要的:他想知道喜欢数字仅此而已。告诉你最喜欢的那个数,再我说说原因,他说道

    Here's what he wants: he wants to know your favorite number. Just that. Tell me your favorite, and tell me why, he says.


  • 就是我们喜欢对你友好标志要是喜欢你我们就自我爆发

    It's almost a sign of affection if we like you, and ego bursting if we don't.


  • 人们往往自己喜欢工作就是为了业余去自己喜欢事情

    Too often people work jobs they hate in order to do the things they love off the clock.


  • 很多一点上住了,因为他们品味大相径庭——曾经一对夫妻聊,当时就是其中的男的喜欢女的有纹身穿刺,但是其中的女的喜欢拉拉队员

    Some people get stuck at this point because they have very different tastesI've spoken with a couple once where he liked women with piercings and tattoos and she wanted a cheerleader type.


  • 就是说,如果我们认为婴儿宝宝喜欢品尝甜甜的味道,那么同理于一样的快乐表显方式老鼠们也一定喜欢这种味道了噢

    Their brain reactions also mirror one another. If we believe the infant "enjoys" the sweet taste based on her pleasant expression, it follows that the rat likely enjoys it too.


  • 就是明白为什么孩子喜欢西方食品而不喜欢传统食物呢?

    I just don't get it, why all the kids prefer western food to traditional food.


  • 有些就是喜欢起步环境中喜欢谁都可以任何工作的感觉。

    Some people really like being in a startup environment, like the fact that everybody does everything.


  • 喜欢网球场上只有对手;我就是喜欢拳击的原因吧。

    I love the factthat it’s just you and your opponent on a tennis court; I guess that’swhy I love boxing too.


  • 非常喜欢尽管喜欢把戏就是自己藏起来,全家人到处它。

    As much as she loves it though I think her favourite trick is to hide somewhere so all the family has to search for her.


  • 这个世界喜欢水果(除了不那么容易吃到的木菠萝)就是芒果了,可不喜欢吃芒果的准备工作

    My favorite fruit in the whole world (besides the not-so-easily-available Jakfruit) is mango, but I'm not a fan of the preparation.


  • 也许世上最美好的爱情就是喜欢喜欢你,你们没有在一起

    Perhaps the world best love is you like him, he likes you, but you are not together.


  • 也许世上最美好的爱情就是喜欢喜欢你,你们没有在一起

    Perhaps the world best love is you like him, he likes you, but you are not together.


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