• ,在正义善行关系里,第一不足的。

    Now, what I would like to suggest that of these two different ways of linking justice to the good, the first is insufficient.


  • 7你自己凡事要显出善行的榜样教训上要正直端庄

    In everything set them an example by doing what is good. In your teaching show integrity, seriousness.


  • 每次一些善行时候,无论事情大小,你都会感觉很棒

    Every time you do something kind, you feel great no matter how big or small things are.


  • 对于阿弥陀佛渡的,念阿弥陀佛不是一种善行练习

    The nembutsu is, for those saved by Amida, not a practice or a good deed.


  • 康德以人们公正善行的普遍认识为前提作为讨论的起点,他认为总体适用于大多数人。

    Kant's starting point was the premise that there is a general universal sense of justice and good.


  • 可能还在为这个故事感叹,故事悟到一点善行大小并不重要,重要的一次小小的善行带来影响

    While you may think the story is far fetched, the point I found in reading the story is not the size of the action that is important, but the difference that a small action made.


  • 看来爱丽丝自己善行来赎父亲罪恶

    It seemed that Alice was expiating her father's sins with her charity work.


  • 即使善行没有带来任何具体回报至少行善的人机会享受精神上启迪

    Even if there is no concrete benefit paid in response to your good deed, at the very least, the doer of the good deed has the opportunity to enjoy a kind of spiritually enlightened moment.


  • 通过广泛的“光环效应”,善行获得消费者其他人更多的关注

    Through a more diffuse "halo effect", whereby its good deeds earn it greater consideration from consumers and others.


  • 第三通过广泛的“光环效应”,善行赢得消费者其他人更多的关注

    And third, through a more diffuse "halo effect", whereby its good deeds earn it greater consideration from consumers and others.


  • 善行让五个中国人的生活焕然一新。

    His act changed five Chinese lives for the better.


  • 从消防部门在他们的网站上发布了消防员工作的照片后,他们的帖子被分享了数百次,社交媒体用户纷纷称赞他们的善行

    Since the fire department posted photos of the firefighters at work on their website, their post has been shared hundreds of times with social media users praising the men for their good turn.


  • 年早些时候,她发起了“斯特勒善行项目”,邀请那些做过善事的人(雪灾救援志愿者、帮助邻居的热心人)到斯特勒的理发店免费理发。

    Early this year she started the Steller Kindness Project, in which people who do acts of kindness (volunteering for snowstorm relief, helping neighbors in need) are invited for a free haircut at Steller's salon.


  • 这种自私或是记账式的想法经常不会促使善意行为开始发生,只有经过一段时间以后回报善行才会发生。

    This selfish thinking or score keeping often stops a good deed from being done in the first place, which over time limits the good deeds returned.


  • 相信亚当桑德因着善行所有人铭记

    I know that Adam Sandler will be remembered throughout the ages because of his good actions.


  • 但是本质上,在天性躯体条件上,我们陷入硬币一侧,我们生活中所存在的任何善行只是为主干预了我们的生活。

    But in essence, in our natural and fleshly condition, we are trapped on one side of the coin, and any good in our lives is only because the Lord has intervened.


  • 我们常常只是表面孩子如何宽容,但是我们不能确保孩子们真的理解如何体现道德问题,以正确行为判断以及什么生活中的善行

    In the guise, often, of teaching tolerance, we are failing to ensure that our children understand how to frame moral issues and make judgments about right conduct and about what is good in life.


  • 谷歌就是一个很好的例子善行”不是来自公司利他主义,而更多的源自亚当·斯密看不见

    Google is a good example of this. Its "goodness" stems less from all that guff about corporate altruism than from Adam Smith's invisible hand.


  • 其他观察者影响力或许其他解释,但是无论我们怎么定义良好为遍及各处这就是影响力。

    Other observers will have other views of impact, but no matter how you define it, impact is what good philanthropy is all about.


  • 但是卡伦太太不能孩子。”补充道似乎这样会削弱他们善行

    "I think that Mrs. Cullen can't have any kids, though," she added, as if that lessened their kindness.


  • 前面铺平道路善行指引给你因此就可以行在得胜中。

    He goes ahead of you and makes your way smooth, giving you favor and guidance so you can walk in victory.


  • 正式、有计划的锻炼能力的一种有效办法

    A formal exercise programme can be a very effective way of improving walking distance.


  • 陌生过路人表示友好友好回应刻薄或者不为别的仅仅是因为提供帮助就去帮助别人,这些都是足以改变世界善行

    Kindness offered to the stranger passing by, in response to unkindness, or just because you can offer it is the sort of kindness that changes the world.


  • 得以减免徒刑鼓励善行但是转移了监狱以免因为引起其他狱友们公愤,被逼迫吞下锯齿牙刷就不好

    He received two years off of his sentence as a reward for his good deed, but was forced to switch prisons in order to avoid taking a jagged toothbrush to the kidneys.


  • 得以减免徒刑鼓励善行但是转移了监狱以免因为引起其他狱友们公愤,被逼迫吞下锯齿牙刷就不好

    He received two years off of his sentence as a reward for his good deed, but was forced to switch prisons in order to avoid taking a jagged toothbrush to the kidneys.


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