• 淘宝商业合伙也开始接近那些成百上千购买商品使用者们。

    Businesses partner with Taobao to access the hundreds of thousands of active users who buy products on their site.


  • 历史上,商业合伙致力于描述,对应用软件所提供业务服务质量预期要求。

    Historically, business partners have struggled to state quantitative expectations for the business service provided by an application.


  • 商业合伙重要人际关系之一——你们的关系如何,决定公司的成败

    A business partner is one of the most important relationships you will ever have - the fate of your business depends on it.


  • 医生律师会计经常组成合伙分享利润和承担商业风险丈夫和妻子也能组成商业合伙

    Doctors, lawyers and accountants often form partnerships to share the profits and risks of doing business. A husband and wife can form a business partnership.


  • 我们股东每年都能拿到丰厚红利,我们被公认邻居雇主以及商业合伙首选

    We provide superior financial returns to our share holders. We are recognized as a neighbor, employer and business partner of Choice.


  • 多数美国公司放心无需担心会谈对象谁,但纽约约谈商业合伙人,没啥乐趣可言

    While most American companies are secure enough to not worry about whom a partner might be meeting, there's a certain element of joy missing from the meeting experience in New York.


  • 商业合伙展示(Business Partner Showcase)许多沟通的机会

    Business Partner Showcase and a multitude of networking opportunities.


  • 这种情况下,商业合伙习惯性配偶一起出席,的配偶可出席,夫妻娱乐费用可以扣除的。

    In circumstances where it's customary to entertain a business associate with his or her spouse, and your spouse also attends, entertainment of both spouses is deductible.


  • 一个机构自觉地采取措施,控制表现结构时,它提供商业合伙的软件增值速度快,发挥影响力就越大。

    The more an organization uses measures to control its performance and results, the faster it increases its value to business partners and the greater influence it exerts.


  • 借助商业合伙人大规模投入生产之前RothenbergAlberts现在正处在千克为单位小范围地生产这种材料阶段

    Rothenberg and Alberts are now at the stage of producing the material on a kilogram scale, before scaling up with the help of industrial partners.


  • 皮埃尔•贝尔热曾是圣罗兰情人长期商业合伙,圣罗兰创牌不久,他就开始着手创建品牌档案馆。 此举颇有先见之明。

    Pierre Bergé, one-time romantic partner and longtime business partner of Saint Laurent, started building the Saint Laurent archive soon after the brand's foundation.


  • 企业家得到合伙提供商业机会。这会学到更多,更会使企业地位得以推动。

    Entrepreneurs may receive an offer of partnership, all the rest - the opportunity to learn and improve their business status.


  • 合伙就是那些利用我们软件帮助其他人实现他们商业目的的人;例如业务合伙人需要客户安装维护或者部署我们的软件产品。

    Partners are people who will use our software to help others meet their business goals; e.g., business partners who install, maintain, or deploy our software for a customer.


  • 蒂姆阿姆斯壮美国在线富有魅力老板,将商业眼光瞄准了谷歌跳槽现在合伙人在一起谷歌高级行政人员中的

    Tim Armstrong, the charismatic boss of AOL, cut his commercial teeth at Google, where he was a member of its senior executive team before jumping ship to join his current employer.


  • 赫勒及其商业伙伴富有秘鲁白人合伙埃德瓦多·尼坎德尔一道,二十多岁时便利用朋友亲人那里筹来的资金涉足生态旅游生意

    Holle and his business partner, a fellow well-to-do white Peruvian named Eduardo Nycander, got into the ecotourism business in their early 20s using start-up money from friends and family.


  • 胡雪岩为左宗棠采购军需,自然少不了打交道,与“象”之一的庞芸皋多年商业伙伴,他们合伙蚕丝生意,还一起倒卖军火,他在杭州开了一间胡庆余堂国药店,就依葫芦画瓢在南浔办了庞滋德国药店。

    As a matter of fact, he had been doing business of silk and munitions with Pang Yunhao-one of the Four Elephants-for over a decade.


  • 科技已经颠覆了传统商业模式建立博物馆合伙这样形象。

    Technology has upended the business models that built the fortunes of the museum's founding partners.


  • 但是资本需求使得他们不是摒弃他们合伙结构股市筹集资金就是商业银行合并

    But the need for capital led them either to abandon their partnership structure and raise money on the stock market or to join up with commercial Banks.


  • 后者适时地正式放弃合伙结构股市募集资金或者商业银行收购

    The latter duly abandoned the partnership structure and raised money on the stockmarket, or were bought by commercial banks.


  • 制定详细目标德勤全球2010年的商业计划包括员工更替人数年度员工调查评分以及女性合伙可能比例。

    Detailed goals are set: Deloitte's 2010 business plan includes targets for staff turnover, the scores it seeks in its annual staff survey and the proportion of female partners it would like to have.


  • 以色列资本风险基金公司EvergreenVenture合伙adiGan最近几月这个领域大量商业计划已经堆满办公桌

    Adi Gan of Evergreen venture Partners, a venture-capital fund in Israel, says that numerous business plans in this area have crossed his desk in recent months.


  • 有限合伙可能不能分享同样利润但是他们商业活动较少责任

    Limited partners may not share as much in the profits, but they also have less responsibility for the business.


  • 欧洲现在最高大厦法兰克福商业总部(307.5)高,这幢大厦也是富士合伙公司设计的。

    It will also be taller than Europe's current tallest building, the new Commerzbank. Headquarters in Frankfurt (307.5 m), also designed by Foster and Partners.


  • 我们庞大商业经济系统交织结构不仅仅需要合伙人,也需要领导者创新者开拓者

    Our colossal business ecosystem and intertwined structure will require not just more corporate managers, but leaders, innovators and trailblazers.


  • 常见商业所有权形式独资企业合伙企业公司

    The three most common forms of business ownership are sole proprietorship, partnership, and corporation.


  • 惠勒·卡恩建筑事务所合伙人拉里·卡恩斯如是说,他们把原先商业建筑变成一所全新学校

    "The school is designed particularly to this model," says Larry Kearns, principal of Wheeler Kearns Architects, the firm that transformed the commercial building into the new facility.


  • 协议构成创设任何方式解释为任何合资企业,合伙或其它商业组织

    This Agreement shall not constitute, create, or in any way be interpreted as, a joint venture, partnership, or business organization of any kind.


  • 人们之所以通过有限合伙的形式持有商业房产不是以公司的形式来持有商业房产,其原因非常简单就是公司利润税

    There's a very simple reason why real estate tends to be held in limited partnerships rather than corporations and that reason is the corporate profits tax.


  • 清代农业中的合伙虽不如商业中的合伙那么普遍影响那么深远有着自己明显特点,对清代农业资金取得发挥了一定的作用

    In the Qing Dynasty, partnership in agriculture is not so popular and influential as that of industry and commerce, but it played a part in the attainment of agricultural funds.


  • 清代农业中的合伙虽不如商业中的合伙那么普遍影响那么深远有着自己明显特点,对清代农业资金取得发挥了一定的作用

    In the Qing Dynasty, partnership in agriculture is not so popular and influential as that of industry and commerce, but it played a part in the attainment of agricultural funds.


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