• 私人收藏家交易急速竞相喊价

    There was fast bidding between private collectors and dealers.


  • 打败了那些企图推倒家园建造超市开发

    She defeated developers who wanted to bulldoze her home to build a supermarket.


  • 货仓开发许可证批准,开发只是充实细节

    Permission for a warehouse development has already been granted and the developers are merely fleshing out the details.


  • 协议规定版权转让出版

    The agreement assigns copyright to the publisher.


  • 严重缺陷汽车制造召回

    Cars with serious faults have been called in by the manufacturers.


  • 报告中的调查结果偏袒制造

    The findings of the report had been slanted in favour of the manufacturers.


  • 零售可以退回有瑕疵

    Retailers can return defective merchandise.


  • 付款项转给一家收账代理

    Missed payments are referred to a collection agency.


  • 汽车制造可能被迫大幅度降价

    Car makers could be forced to slash prices.


  • 零售不在无名品牌冒险

    Retailers are taking no chances on unknown brands.


  • 降低贸易壁垒导致出口各自为政

    The lowering of trade barriers has led to a free-for-all among exporters.


  • 收受一家供应贿赂。

    He is charged with accepting bribes from a firm of suppliers.


  • 出版委托人这本书译成法语

    Publishers have commissioned a French translation of the book.


  • 承建送来了一份数百英镑账单

    The builders presented a bill for several hundred pounds.


  • 小说书名出版强加给她的。

    The title for her novel was foisted on her by the publishers.


  • 斯巴鲁最小日本汽车制造之一

    Subaru is one of the smallest Japanese car makers.


  • 要按制造要求频率更换过滤套筒。

    Change the filter cartridge as often as instructed by the manufacturer.


  • 如果市场这些股票包销就会买。

    If the market will not buy the shares, the underwriter buys them.


  • 这些拍卖买卖赃物做法违反行规

    The auctioneers are violating a code of practice by dealing in stolen goods.


  • 拖延这么久大部分责任在于生产

    Much of the blame for the long delay could be laid at the door of the manufacturer.


  • 美国制造一直缩小他们工厂的规模。

    American manufacturing organizations have been downsizing their factories.


  • 特许经销店主报告说零售额增加

    Concessionaires and shop owners report retail sales are up.


  • 这家广告代理销售额达14亿美元

    The advertising agency rang up 1.4 billion dollars in yearly sales.


  • 开发买下这块土地将分为多块建筑用地。

    A developer bought the land and divided it into stands.


  • 地方运营那些通过转接台电话收费

    Regional carriers get paid for calls that pass through their switches.


  • 对于违反规定军火出口没有惩罚机制

    There's no mechanism for punishing arms exporters who break the rules.


  • 出版想要色情给她的故事增添趣味

    Her publisher wants her to spice up her stories with sex.


  • 美国书店生存好。小出版也是一样

    In the United States small bookstores survive quite well. The same applies to small publishers.


  • 这些纺织品批发零售时装店其他厂家

    The fabrics are sold wholesale to retailers, fashion houses, and other manufacturers.


  • 纽约市市政规划委员会拒绝了那个建筑提案

    New York City's Planning Commissions rejected the builder's proposals.


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