• 这种动画很好因为从中看到不是一个唐突球面

    And this is kind of nice because you see it is not an abrupt spherical surface.


  • 国家观察写道:方法唐突,苛刻同事冷漠,对职员残酷

    His manner is brusque and prosecutorial: “cold to colleagues and cruel to staff”, as the National Review said.


  • 觉得受到了伤害,被他尊为对手这种唐突方式奚落他而感到痛苦。

    He was hurt, genuinely pained to be dismissed in such an offhand way by someone he respected as a competitor.


  • 坚持一个唐突保安作为伴侣试图的心捉弄她,她在空荡荡大厅

    Stuck with a brusque rent-a-cop as her partner, she tries to not let her mind play tricks on her while she patrols the empty halls.


  • 正式非正式的勾通互动活动中,你是否坚持,避免成为唐突的、主动进取的交际人呢?

    So when you're at a networking eventformal or informal — do you stick to small talk and shy away from being an assertive networker?


  • 最为直观也是最不唐突适合移动用户方式通过使用一个特殊metatagviewport

    The most straight-forward and unobtrusive-to-the-desktop manner of accommodating the mobile user is through the use of a special metatag: viewport.


  • 现在通行证告知电表出现球员身上一个图形时尚唐突绝对核心像样的来球队友们

    Passes are now informed by power meters that appear under the player in possession, a graphic that's stylish, unobtrusive and absolutely central to pulling off decent balls to team-mates.


  • 诗歌应当非凡唐突的是这样一种东西:它进入心灵不是其本身而是以其主题使之震动惊奇

    Poetry should be great and unobtrusive, a thing which enters into one's soul, and does not startle it or amaze it with itself, but with its subject.


  • 罗切斯特先生有时一种所无法理解敏锐看透没有表露的思想眼下没有理会我唐突口头回答,却以他特有而少见的笑容,朝我笑笑。

    Mr. Rochester had sometimes read my unspoken thoughts with an acumen to me incomprehensible: in the present instance he took no notice of my abrupt vocal response;


  • 彻底改变了影片的基调,有点颠簸唐突最后姑姑场景里绝望压倒

    It completely changed the tone, sort of a bumpy and abrupt, and the end, in the scene with his aunt, she's overcome with despair.


  • 觉得冷漠表情不礼貌也很唐突

    She thought my expression of indifference was ungracious and offensive.


  • 无法忍受唐突无礼的作风。

    She couldn't stand his blunt, graceless manner.


  • 需要坦诚唐突之间找到折中的方法。

    He needed to find a mean between frankness and rudeness.


  • 由于过于唐突游说牛津大学访客牛津大学解雇,只得去了他原来不屑一顾的学校任教

    After lobbying a visitor to his Oxford college too brusquely, he was eased out and took a job at another university which he despised.


  • 直到现在还很难断定老本身还是的翻译者给我们造成了这种戈老演讲唐突行为印象

    It's hard to know whether it is Gorbachev or his interpreter who is responsible for the occasional brusqueness of tone.


  • 语言角度,我注意到汉语得体的表达方式可能非常唐突甚至粗鲁无礼。

    WhatI noticed from a linguistic point of view was that the appropriate way to saythings in Chinese was to be extremely abrupt even to the point of being rude.


  • 现在,DJB为了冠军降低姿态成为个整体会许多值得说的事儿的都是少数派,人们现在还兴趣这些故事因为勒布朗是那个讲故事的人,他的出场如此唐突以至于故事缺少可信度。

    People haven't wanted to hear the story because LeBron has done such a lousy job of telling it.


  • 商界人生重要交谈联系次错过,亦或是纯粹命运的一桩唐突侵扰,都会改变我们此后岁月中的所思所行。

    BURLINGAME, CALIF. -- Often in business and in life, an important conversation, a made or missed connection or even an intrusion of pure fate redirects our thinking and actions for years afterward.


  • 博斯特罗姆:假设某人礼物如果不收就显得唐突,这样看来感激天赐观点也很道理

    Bostrom: the idea of appreciating gifts makes a lot of sense if there is someone who is giving you these gifts and might otherwise be offended.


  • 希望微软笔的股东们发难,杨致远被迫唐突离职。

    Yang was unceremoniously dumped, ousted by carpetbagging shareholders who'd hoped to make a pile from Microsoft's money.


  • 西方如果别人邀请参加聚会太早晨会显得唐突,到得太晚会主人觉得尊重最好是在聚会开始分钟到达。

    In the west, if someone the party and invite you to early briefings to appear abrupt, make host feels too party for his not respect, preferably in ten minutes before the start of the party arrived.


  • 学会婉转谢绝邀请非常重要的,如果唐突拒绝别人可能会伤害到他人的情感

    It's important to be able to say 'no' to an invitation graciously. If you turn someone down too abruptly you risk hurting their feelings.


  • 就是行李了?”见了指着过道箱子唐突。”

    This will be your luggage, I suppose? said the man rather abruptly when he saw me, pointing to my trunk in the passage.


  • 因为对于美丽畏惧所以不敢唐突不敢亵渎轻慢、不敢满足

    Because for the fear of beauty, I am not abrupt, they dare not profane, do not hate the slighted, they dare not meet.


  • 因为对于美丽畏惧所以不敢唐突不敢亵渎轻慢、不敢满足

    Because for the fear of beauty, I am not abrupt, they dare not profane, do not hate the slighted, they dare not meet.


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