• 根据美国标准哲学史美国殖民时期没有任何地方“如此重视智力追求”。

    According to the standard history of American philosophy, nowhere else in colonial America was "So much important attached to intellectual pursuits".


  • 霍布斯欧洲哲学史社会契约著名代表

    Hobbes is a well-known representative of socid contract theory in European philosophy.


  • 以往中国哲学史研究往往比附西方哲学

    The studies of the history of Chinese philosophy in the past days often followed the line of western philosophy.


  • 本文哲学史角度,对真理理论问题进行探讨

    This text carries on the discussion to the theoretical question of the truth in terms of philosophy history.


  • 纵观西方哲学史价值主观论客观源远流长

    The history of both the subjective and the objective theories of value can be traced back to ancient times.


  • 研究哲学家至多研究哲学史,算不得研究哲学。

    That is only studying philosophers. At best it's studying the history of philosophy, not philosophy itself.


  • 见解出发来看西方哲学史之中存在三个大的转向。

    From this starting point, I believe there are three great transitions in the history of western philosophy.


  • 《史记》创立评传哲学史写作体例,成为史论结合的先驱。

    He establishes a style of the combination of criticism and biography in the compilation of history of philosophy.


  • 阐述关系古典中国哲学史一个重要而古老的课题

    Expounding the relationship between vessel and doctrine has long been an important task in studies of the history of Chinese classic philosophy.


  • 维特根斯坦后期哲学语言活动着重探讨西方哲学史对象观。

    The thinking on language activity of Wittgenstein's late philosophy relates mainly on the point of an object that can be found in the history of western philosophy.


  • 我们也可以哲学史提供外在历史视角,发现相同过程

    But the History of Philosophy gives us the same process from a historical and external point of view.


  • 胡适中国哲学史大纲》在片叫好声中,遭到梁启超批评。

    Hu Shi's "an Outline of Philosophic History of China" was criticized by Liang Qichao amidst a loud chorus of praise.


  • 哲学史逻辑史上,学者认为否定命题某种偶然的副次的东西。

    In the history of philosophy and logic, some scholars regard negative proposition as something occasional and subsidiary.


  • 本文联系中国哲学史对于当然观念有关当然理论问题一定分析

    This paper makes and analysis of the concept of certainty and theoretical issues concerning certainty from the perspective of Chinese philosophy.


  • 其中,第一哲学史角度展示了亚里士多德形式理论提出原因及其任务

    The first chapter mainly explores the reason and task of Aristotle's theory of form from the angle of the history of Greek philosophy.


  • 康德将思想适用艺术经验,适用于生物理论中,适用哲学史

    In it, Kant used his ideas to experience of beauty and art, to biological theory, to the history of philosophy.


  • 儒家道德本体论世界哲学史思想史意义上来说,一种独特的民族理性形式

    In terms of significance of the world philosophy history and thought, the Confucian moral ontology is a unique form of national rationality.


  • 这些概念不仅成为后来中国美学史重要范畴同时成为了中国哲学史的重要范畴。

    These conceptions constitute most important categories not only in the history of Chinese aesthetics, but also in the history of Chinese Philosophy.


  • 当然马克思恩格斯人类中心主义的超越深远的哲学史原因独特的哲学方法

    Certainly, Marx, Engels have the profound philosophy history reason and the unique philosophy method to anthropocentrism surmounting.


  • 银雀山汉简对于我国军事史哲学史文字学简册制度研究,均有重要价值。

    The Han bamboo slips from Yinque Mountain are of great importance for the study of Chinese military history, philosophy history, philology and the system of ancient bamboo slips as well.


  • 论文哲学史依据,将理性分为理论理性、实践理性、分别给予具体分类和阐释

    According to the philosophy history, this article divides reason into theoretical reason, practical reason, then, gives concrete explanation of each.


  • 不能简单地思维存在关系以及唯物主义唯心主义划分来裁剪丰富多彩的哲学史

    So the rich and full philosophy history should not be simply discharged with the relation of THS thought and existence and the classification of materialism and idealism.


  • 本文立足哲学史科学思想史,对二者之关系演变历史进行一个纵向的对比研究

    This article bases on the history of philosophy and the history of scientific thinking made a longitudinal study on the historic evolution of the relationship between science and philosophy.


  • 康德近代哲学史第一个如此功绩:将前面所提到常识哲学思想区别恢复原貌。

    In the history of Modern Philosophy, Kant has the merit of first rehabilitating this distinction between the common and the philosophic modes of thought.


  • 不能简单地思维存在关系以及唯物主义和唯心主义划分来裁剪丰富多彩的哲学史

    So the rich and full philosophy history should not be simply discharged with the relation of THS thought and existence and the classification of materialism a...


  • 至少两个问题构成今天“重写哲学史必须突破瓶颈所谓“中西之间”的问题

    There are at least two questions as bottlenecks to be overcome in the present rewriting of the history of Chinese philosophy. The first is the problem of "the west and east".


  • 现在,在看来一个管用方法不仅艺术而言是这样,就哲学史而言也是这样。

    Now this seems to me to be a very profitable approach, not just to art but to the history of philosophy.


  • 衡》一部著名的唯物主义哲学著作,对于研究中国古代思想史哲学史具有重要的价值

    Lun Heng is a famous materialist philosophical work and is of great value for studying ancient Chinese historical thoughts and philosophy.


  • 新文化运动之后哲学史兴起,1949年后苏联()影响思想史研究哲学色彩重。

    After the New Cultural Movement, philosophical history springs up. After 1949, due to influence from the former Soviet Union, philosophical factors are stressed in the study of ideological history.


  • 新文化运动之后哲学史兴起,1949年后苏联()影响思想史研究哲学色彩重。

    After the New Cultural Movement, philosophical history springs up. After 1949, due to influence from the former Soviet Union, philosophical factors are stressed in the study of ideological history.


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