• 足协宣布不会切尔西球员上周六博尔顿比赛哈因犯规行为进行追加的处罚。

    The Football Association have announced Chelsea's Michael Essien will face no further action over his tackle on Tal Ben Haim during the game with Bolton on Saturday.


  • 哈因列人拿不敢先人留下产业,就闷闷不乐地回宫,床上转脸向内,也不吃饭

    So Ahab went home, sullen and angry because Naboth the Jezreelite had said, 'I will not give you the inheritance of my fathers.' he lay on his bed sulking and refused to eat.


  • 格曼重大盗窃罪现在面临220刑期

    Haggerman now faces two to 20 years in prison on grand larceny charges.


  • 专长攀登安第斯山脉,寻找祭祀遗迹

    Reinhard's specialty is scaling the Andes in search of sacrificial remains.


  • 回到桌位上,双手拿着咖啡一杯双倍浓度无咖啡少泡沫咖啡其实不是咖啡

    I just come back with my black coffee and my double espresso mocha latte skinny frothed, except it isn't espresso.


  • 年前加拿大纽特人赢得了一些权力萨米人、科米人和拥有了一些自治权。

    The Inuit of Canada won some powers a decade ago, while the Sami, Komi and Sakha peoples also have some autonomy.


  • 格尔施泰借助目前系统,实现热电高效转化有可能的,得到的电能很小

    Hagelstein says that with present systems it's possible to efficiently convert heat into electricity, but with very little power.


  • 一个名为禽兽母亲”的栏目中专栏作家曼斯菲尔德·弗雷泽讲述儿子摩西·尔顿如何枪击警察而被判终身监禁

    In a column titled "Mother of a Monster," she describes to columnist Mansfield Frazier how her son, Timothy Halton Jr. was sentenced to life in prison for shooting a police officer.


  • ·德:在西班牙人之前马丘·比丘就可能已经遗弃即将被放弃1525年左右一个内战

    Reinhard: Machu Picchu was probably abandoned or began to be abandoned already before the Spanish came, and that's because around 1525 there was a civil war.


  • 标志马斯竞争对手的态度变竞争对手以色列对话,马萨对其横加挞伐

    This marks a softening of Hamas's tone towards its rivals, whom they have often vilified for talking to Israel.


  • 如此的话,2011年,本并购苏格兰里法克斯银行利润可观英国劳埃德船级协会,将会由于25%左右的零售市场份额英国而颇具风险。

    In that case, Lloyds's acquisition of HBOS, which in 2011 will start to come good in terms of profitability, looks vulnerable because of the combination's 25% or so retail-market share in Britain.


  • 格尔施泰麻省理工学院电子工程专业副教授他说现有固态装置热能转换电能时的效率

    Hagelstein, an associate professor of electrical engineering at MIT, says existing solid-state devices to convert heat into electricity are not very efficient.


  • 一个折衷方案或者获得高效率或者得到通量,”格尔施泰说。

    "It's a tradeoff. You either get high efficiency or high throughput," says Hagelstein.


  • 叔叔沙龙儿子来见亚拿块地,求你买来。合乎赎回之理。

    Behold, Hanameel the son of Shallum thine uncle shall come unto thee, saying, buy thee my field that is in Anathoth: for the right of redemption is thine to buy it.


  • 莱兹宣称斯商学院培养其他商学院与众不同人才而享有盛名。

    Haas already has a reputation for producing a different sort of MBA from other elite schools', Mr Lyons claims.


  • 格尔施泰人不是现有设备进行改善而是另起炉灶

    Hagelstein, Wu and others started from scratch rather than trying to improve the performance of existing devices.


  • 八月家庭责任而辞职现在佛大学工作。 她负责对美国网络安全进行的闪电式评估导致新的集中的网络安全机构产生

    Hathaway - who oversaw the lightning review that led to the creation of the new, centralised cybersecurity role - resigned in August citing family commitments, and is now working at Harvard.


  • 位于英国南安普敦的动物救助中心十字正在千方百计寻找新主人。只猫外表酷似《 波特》电影中的伏地而无人敢于收养。

    The Blue Cross, an animal rescue center in Southampton, UK, is struggling to rehome a cat, because it looks like evil Lord Voldemort from the Harry Potter films.


  • 格尔施泰介绍,这项工作始于2002年左右,但这种装置显然无法建立。”

    When this work began around 2002, Hagelstein says, such devices "clearly could not be built."


  • 耶和华眼中看一样。父亲后有亚家的人他主谋,以致败坏

    He did evil in the eyes of the Lord, as the house of Ahab had done, for after his father's death they became his advisers, to his undoing.


  • 那些,阿,阿的,羞愧退后

    May those who say to me, 'Aha! Aha!' turn back because of their shame.


  • 那些,阿,阿的,羞愧而败亡

    May those who say to me, 'Aha! Aha!' be appalled at their own shame.


  • 格尔施泰目前商业上热转变电设备只能达到这个极限大约十分之一。

    But current commercial thermoelectric devices only achieve about one-tenth of that limit, Hagelstein says.


  • 拉曼·纳桑、威尔考克斯印度冰川学家萨义德·以邱巴尔·斯纳正在协同工作计算炭黑冰川融解所造成损失

    Ramanathan, Wilcox and an Indian glaciologist Syed Iqbal Hasnain are working to figure out the impact of black carbon on glacial loss.


  • 祷告:“耶和华快乐。”我的耶和华高举

    Then Hannah prayed and said: "my heart rejoices in the LORD; in the LORD my horn is lifted high."


  • 那时,先拿尼犹大王亚撒仰赖兰王没有仰赖耶和华,所以亚兰王军兵脱离了你的

    At that time Hanani the seer came to Asa king of Judah and said to him: 'Because you relied on the king of Aram and not on the Lord your God, the army of the king of Aram has escaped from your hand.


  • 亚珥拔蒙羞他们听见凶恶的信息消化了。海上忧愁不得平静

    Hamath is confounded, and Arpad: for they have heard evil tidings: they are fainthearted; there is sorrow on the sea; it cannot be quiet.


  • 嗅觉出众闻名于世鱼,能够通过水流嗅出它们出生地方以便重归故里进行繁衍

    And then there are salmon, which are known for a superb sense of smell that enables them to sense the stream where they were born, so that they may return to it to spawn.


  • 火山碎屑沿着北坡奔腾而下,铲平树木摧毁里斯(1995年火山活动废弃)的房屋

    Pyroclastic flows raced down the northern flank of the volcano, leveling trees and destroying buildings in the village of Harris, which was abandoned after soufriere Hills became active in 1995.


  • 火山碎屑沿着北坡奔腾而下,铲平树木摧毁里斯(1995年火山活动废弃)的房屋

    Pyroclastic flows raced down the northern flank of the volcano, leveling trees and destroying buildings in the village of Harris, which was abandoned after soufriere Hills became active in 1995.


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