• 父亲一样,李国豪也是事业上升期死神突然降临。

    Like his father, Brandon was also gaining fame and fans when death struck again.


  • 故事30父母东西皮特17岁时候,长得父亲一样了。

    Story 30 father's Things When Peter is 17, he is as tall as his father.


  • 无论参阅何种研究报告,母亲杀害孩子的几率至少父亲一样高。

    Depending on which study you look at, mothers kill children at least as often as fathers do.


  • 眼神里看到父亲一样善良;从某种程度上说,吉尔伯特实际上非常地父亲

    When I looked into his eyes, I saw the same expression of kindness that Dad always had; Gilbert actually resembled Dad somehow.


  • 乔治王子有着母亲一样棕色眼睛父亲一样金色的头发。这是他五个月来第一次父母一起拍摄官方照片

    With his mother's brown eyes and his father's blond hair, Prince George poses with his parents for his first official portrait in five months.


  • 父亲急急忙忙地说:“花园里!”,他梅德洛克太太一样明白是什么意思

    Like Mrs. Medlock, he did not understand what his father meant when he said hurriedly, "In the garden!"


  • 父亲们的陪产假)至少应该人们的产假时间一样长,父亲力争让人们正视他们关于灵活安排假期要求

    As much as if not more so than women, fathers struggle to be taken seriously when they request flexible arrangements.


  • 父亲一样我会保留这个名字我的机场经历多样性宽容含义有了全新认识

    Like my father, I'll keep the name, but my airport experience has given me a whole new perspective on what diversity and tolerance are supposed to mean.


  • 不敢回家,因为她一分钱也没挣到,也许会挨父亲的打,她的家几乎街上一样冷。

    She was afraid to go home, she had earned not a coin, and perhaps her father would beat her, and her home was almost as cold as the street.


  • 一样的,一年前的我一样问题的人——一个真正的父亲的问题是不能书上或者医生那里得到答案的。

    Questions that could not be answered by a book or a doctor, someone who was like me, someone who had the same questions as me only a year earlier - a REAL Dad!


  • 母亲桃乐西惹人喜爱、很有魅力女人开始就相处得很好。但是希拉里父亲却是格格不入,就希拉里我母亲之间一样

    Her mother, Dorothy, was a lovely, attractive woman, whom I got along with from the start, but I was as alien to Hillary's father as Hillary was to mother.


  • 以往一样当作一个偶尔见见面受到敬重父亲能泰然进入珂赛特的家里去吗?

    Should he remain the sort of father, half seen but respected, which he had hitherto been?


  • 而且很多潮流一样同志父亲增长还带来了一个新词儿:“基儿gayby boom)”。

    And as with many trends, the increase in gay fathers has afforded its own terminology: the gayby boom.


  • 比如之间的隔阂。作为个75岁的父亲夜晚外出只有他一半年龄的人一样的工作

    Intergenerational tension, for example, as Dad, 75, refuses to go gently into the night and works each day like a man half his age.


  • 然后某个阶段回过来看我们现在一起分享东西正如回过头来看我父亲分享的东西一样这个循环周而复始

    And then, at some stage, he'll come back to the things we share now, just as I have come back to the things my father Shared with me; and the cycle will start all over again.


  • 亚伯拉罕·林肯就是绝佳的例子父亲托马斯一样成为一个农夫毫无兴趣天赋

    A wonderful example is Abraham Lincoln, who had zero interest and zero aptitude in being a farmer like his father, Thomas.


  • 希望交给就像从前她在一起一样自己情愿相信,这孩子的父亲根本不想起抚养教育的义务。

    Her hope was, that Linton might be left with him, as he had been with her: his father, she would fain convince herself, had no desire to assume the burden of his maintenance or education.


  • 女孩男孩一样需要自己父亲

    Girls need their fathers as much as boys do.


  • 父亲道登的反讽称为懦弱,让气恼很多年后看法没有改变因为就在几个的信中写道:“就像神父对话一样。”

    I was vexed when my father called Dowden's irony timidity, but after many years his impression has not changed for he wrote to me but a few months ago, "it was like talking to a priest."


  • 沃尔顿家族一样科赫兄弟他们父亲手里继承祖先创办的科赫工厂。

    Along with the Waltons, we have the Koch brothers. They inherited the predecessor to Koch Industries from their dad.


  • 母亲独自一人辛辛苦苦弟弟拉扯大,我们没有父亲的情况长大,但是我们一样不缺。

    My mother struggled to raise my younger brother and me on her own; in one way or another we always got by without our father. We had what we needed.


  • 根据一项研究,临床诊断为肥胖妈妈生女儿肥胖父亲生的儿子有可能与父母一样重蹈覆辙。

    Girls whose mothers were clinically obese and boys whose fathers had the same condition were more likely to follow suit at a young age, according to a study.


  • 那位名为藤本师傅,将记忆中的那位少年形容父亲一样人,他身材性格几乎就是他父亲翻版”。

    The chef, Kenji Fujimoto, later described the teenager in a memoir as a "chip off the old block, a spitting image of his father in terms of face, body shape and personality.


  • 父亲查尔斯叔叔安德鲁威廉王子拍正式的合影时,威廉这个将要女人一样安然,真实深情

    And where his father Charles and uncle Andrew were both stiffly formal in official photographs with their fiancees, William is as easy, tactile and affectionate as the woman he is about to marry.


  • 研究者推断齿鼠巢穴父亲缺席子女制造真正社交感情真空环境,人类家庭中的情况一样缺失父亲角色影响了家庭的动态变化

    Researchers reasoned that absent fathers in the degu nests would create a true social and emotional void for the offspring, just as a missing dad would impact the dynamic of a human family.


  • 罗丝爱德华一样本地政坛的一号人物,常常代表父亲做东道逐渐习惯了这个位置所承受的压力责任。

    His bride was as steeped in local politics as her new husband, having often acted as her father's hostess and grown accustomed to the pressures and accommodations his position entailed.


  • 现在清楚地记得孩提时,有一我突然意识,我父亲一样,我不必证明我们一样

    I still vividly recall the revelation that finally came to me one day that I was not my father, and that I could stop trying to prove I wasn't.


  • :“我们孩子就是很大惊喜了,而且居然还父亲生日一样,真的想不到。”

    Lee added: "we didn't know we were having a boy so it was such a lovely surprise and it was even more special that he shares mine and my dad's birthday too."


  • :“我们孩子就是很大惊喜了,而且居然还父亲生日一样,真的想不到。”

    Lee added: "we didn't know we were having a boy so it was such a lovely surprise and it was even more special that he shares mine and my dad's birthday too."


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