• 列车乘务员让三个打扮得,鹦鹉年轻女人,坐在一起,她们的嘴唇涂得红红的放在桌子上

    The steward placed him with three young women dressed like parrot Their hands were resting on the table, red speared at the tips.


  • 那些背负沉重负担的,尤其是孩子中年女人渐渐名单年轻年纪点则更多机会

    Those saddled with the heaviest burdensespecially middle-aged women with childrenmove slowly off the list, while the young and the elderly tend to have more luck.


  • 泰特斯2年长女人教导年轻女子她们照看好自己丈夫孩子家庭。

    Titus 2 instructs older women to mentor younger women, and teach them to care for their husbands and children and homemaking responsibilities.


  • 如果概括这些女人情况她们年轻女子,还有都是农村来的;这种情况普通志愿兵类似

    If you profile the substantiated cases of these women, they were young and often poor and from farming families, and that is the exact profile of the typical male volunteer.


  • 男人希望女人年轻阴柔反过来表明生育率

    Men consistently want women who show signs of youth and femininity, which in turn indicate high fertility.


  • 到底为什么恐怖份子,尤其是前途无量的、生存价值年轻男子(或者越来越多女人)愿意杀死自己别人

    Just why are terrorists, often promising young men (or increasingly, women) with much to live for, willing to kill themselves as well as others?


  • 年轻时,哥哥一起一个名叫波利姆·达西的女人

    As a young man he joined his elder brother's marriage to a woman named Prem Dasi.


  • DancyByrne放映过后有一个年轻英俊的男子找到了他们告诉他们因为自己艾斯·伯格综合症,送秋波的时候从来不知道打情骂俏

    Dancy and Byrne said that after the screening they were approached by a young, attractive man who told them that because of his Asperger's he never knows when women are flirting with him.


  • 女人怎么样漂亮的判断标准,大家看法高度一致比如年轻健康都算漂亮的要素,虽然金发漂亮还是黑发漂亮这一点上人们各有所爱,这点点差异并不影响基本判断。

    There's much agreement on what makes a woman attractive, such as youth and health, although some prefer blondes over brunettes.


  • 年轻女性同意她们更多人(43%)觉得做到更好的方面男人不同优势弱势

    Younger women agree but more of them (43%) feel that men and women have different strengths and weaknesses in what they can do well.


  • 费拉讲了一类以后,马吕斯整个星期都不敢见女人无论是年轻年老的,以前任何时候都避得厉害,尤其避免古费拉克见面。

    When Courfeyrac had addressed to him some remark of this nature, Marius avoided women, both young and old, more than ever for a week to come, and he avoided Courfeyrac to boot.


  • 少女职责一章告诫年轻女性:“任何不道德的好奇心不纯洁幻想对精神的玷污……女人了污言秽语便是耳朵的亵渎。”

    In the chapter titled Duty of Virgins, young girls are told: 'Every indecent curiosity or impure Fancy is a deflowering of the mind... she that listens to wanton discourse has violated her ears.


  • 虽然收件箱里一些电子邮件令人感动的好心慷慨,但还有很多则是直白的贪婪年轻女人抓住机会兑现另一个女人痛苦不幸。

    While some of the emails that landed in my inbox were touchingly kind and generous, many were downright grasping, as young women seized the chance to cash in on another woman's misery and misfortune.


  • 但是认出年轻新娘就是白雪自己已经成长年轻女人穿着皇室的长袍的时候如此的惊慌愤怒

    But what was her astonishment and vexation when she recognised in the young bride Snow-white herself, now grown a charming young woman, and richly dressed in royal robes!


  • 飞行中年轻试图坐在旁边女人聊天,给太多

    On one flight, a young man was trying to chat up a woman sitting next to him and bought her too many drinks.


  • 女人年轻时,职业接触有机溶剂某些其他化学品可以增加绝经后患乳腺癌风险研究人员

    Workplace exposure to organic solvents and certain other chemicals while a woman is still young can increase her risk of breast cancer after menopause, researchers say.


  • MySpace时刻迟早会像crowdsourcing(众包)、bromance(兄弟情谊)cougars(将年轻男子作为猎物的中老年女人)一样被收入《韦氏大学词典》(Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary)。

    MySpace Moment, sooner or later, is going to enter the Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary alongside crowdsourcing, bromance and cougars.


  • 非常明显十分瞧不起这些年轻女人任何乔装尊严天真

    It was very evident that he had a great contempt for any assumption of dignity or innocence on the part of these young women.


  • 短暂相遇之后文章作者这个年轻女人开始相互通信,直到他们失去联系为止

    After this brief encounter, the writer of this article and the young woman wrote to each other for many years before losing touch.


  • 庆祝被遗弃者时一个早熟的年轻盲人女人消失古怪迷恋孤立

    In a celebration of outcasts, a precocious young blind woman vanishes into quirky obsessions and isolation.


  • 因此欢迎全国练习男人女人年轻旧都一样的中国武术

    Hence Wushu is popular among the whole nation of China, practiced by men and women, young and old alike.


  • 几千年来都一直保护镜子中国少林寺派出李连杰为首名武士保护面镜子这个年轻女人

    The Shaolin temple in central China, which has been protecting the mirror for thousands of years, sends seven warriors, led by Jet li, to protect the mirror and the young woman.


  • 基于这项研究结果研究人员劝告医生父母警告这些年轻女人(黑有)长皱纹危险阻止她们使用晒黑有效的办法

    Based on the results, researchers advised doctors and parents to warn young women about the risk of wrinkles as a more effective way to prevent tanning bed use.


  • 条线索使一名年轻男子怀俄明前往洛杉矶无意中成为疯狂神经病人,其中包括了辛辣的女人,被偷的宝石一个萨尔萨舞蹈团

    A road trip to Los Angeles inadvertently leads a young man from Wyoming into a wild maze of psychotic hit - men, racy women, jewel thieves and a salsa band.


  • 条线索使一名年轻男子怀俄明前往洛杉矶无意中成为疯狂神经病人,其中包括了辛辣的女人,被偷的宝石一个萨尔萨舞蹈团

    A road trip to Los Angeles inadvertently leads a young man from Wyoming into a wild maze of psychotic hit-men, racy women, jewel thieves and a salsa band.


  • 条线索使一名年轻男子怀俄明前往洛杉矶无意中成为疯狂神经病人,其中包括了辛辣的女人,被偷的宝石一个萨尔萨舞蹈团

    A road trip to Los Angeles inadvertently leads a young man from Wyoming into a wild maze of psychotic hit-men, racy women, jewel thieves and a salsa band.


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