• 无论哪个季节,自己的的乐趣兴奋

    Whether in winter or summer, spring or autumn, it's always got its fun and its excitements.


  • 一定昏过去了也许已经死了;也许恐惧兴奋之下炸裂了

    Surely he must have fainted; maybe he was dead; maybe his heart had burst under terror and excitement.


  • 们送的礼物令他十分感动和兴奋

    They gave him presents, which moved and excited him.


  • 使用适当的肢体语言来表现你的自信和兴奋

    Use proper body language to show that you are confident and excited.


  • 麝香用作香料兴奋

    Musk is used for perfumes and stimulant.


  • 怀着期待兴奋之情,脑子里想的是未卜将来

    I am feeling a mix of anticipation and excitement and am totally focused on what's ahead.


  • 你可能感到有趣兴奋但有时会局迷茫或者引发冲突

    As fun and exciting as this time is, it also can be a time of confusion and conflict.


  • 我们对于他们将会这里奉献演出感到十分期待和兴奋

    We are all very excited at the prospect of Coldplay performing to a packed Emirates Stadium.


  • 替人保守秘密感觉,通过耳语带来神秘感兴奋的感觉令人着迷的。

    The sense of secrecy, mysteriousness and excitement that comes from a whisper is very attractive.


  • 不同于界限模糊的绿色,红色无疑象征着活力兴奋,红色使血压上升心跳加速

    There's no equivocation with red. It has energy and excitement, actually raising the blood pressure and making the heart beat faster.


  • 一个每周一集的连续剧或者长时间的戏剧兴趣兴奋使看起来快一些

    The intrigue and excitement about watching a weekly sitcom or hour-long drama makes it seem as if the week passes more quickly.


  • 擅长拍摄引人注目图片记录新婚伴侣独特日子里的幽默欢乐泪水兴奋

    He specializes in creating dramatic imagery and documenting the humor, joy, tears, and excitement of a bride &groom’s unique wedding day.


  • 最后快要得分那种热闹和兴奋之际趁机去解开那系钥匙

    At last, in the excitement of one side being about to make a score, I seized my opportunity and set about untying the knot which held the keys.


  • 毫无疑问我们感到震惊兴奋就是那种整个职业生涯等待价格。

    We were all absolutely shocked and thrilled. It's the sort of sale you wait a whole career for.


  • 我们知道餐桌旁东西会细嚼慢咽,床上,更容易分心兴奋会大口地咀嚼食物

    We all know to chew our food thoroughly when we're at the table, but in bed, we're more likely to become distracted and excited and gulp the treat down.


  • 空前兴奋成功不堪重负,要有丰厚的收入良好生活质量,得加紧写作。

    His success was unprecedented and thrilling, but he felt the strain, because his income and standard of living depended on keeping up the pace.


  • 个人经验来说,最初的惊奇兴奋之后,我们这些男宅女们迅速就对机顶盒厌倦了。

    From personal experience, after some initial oohs and aahs, our household quickly grew bored with our Web TV box.


  • 为了孩子通过决定性一步,你发现关系带来的乐趣兴奋即将来临

    But by determining a pace that works for you and your children, you can make sure that the fun and exciting aspects of a new relationship are what lie ahead.


  • 最初记忆妈妈一起商店挑选特别的、粉色的花边连衣裙时的紧张兴奋

    Her first memory is of the thrill of going to the store with her mother to pick out a special dress, pink and lacy.


  • 但是记得迅速变化年代带来的不仅是进步兴奋,它同样带来痛苦困惑甚至是破坏

    But then I also remember that times of rapid change can bring pain and confusion, even destruction, as well as progress and excitement.


  • 段新的恋情开始时,总会感觉到肾上腺素的飙升,此时心跳加速,头晕目眩,你变得清醒机敏兴奋

    Young relationships start out with an adrenaline rush. Your heart RACES, you get giddy, you're alert, awake and excited.


  • 旅程建立一种期待、向往兴奋感觉——首先你要让自己有这种感觉,然后再把传导整个团队中去。

    Create a sense of anticipation, expectancy, and excitement for this journey-first in yourself and then let it flow to them.


  • 它也有助于刺激能量兴奋红色消极内涵愤怒紧急情况愤怒源于红色热情积极性质

    The negative connotations of red are rage, emergency, and anger, which stem from the passionate and aggressive qualities of red.


  • p2Maynstall项目创建证明社区认识需要一个供给方案我们为能成为这两个项目一部分感到自豪和兴奋

    The creation of the p2 and Maynstall projects demonstrates the community's recognition of the need for a provisioning solution, and we are proud and excited to be part of both initiatives.


  • 过去当中,大多数印度企业走向海外或者外企进入这个次大陆跨国并购并不他们促进者兴奋支持者宣称的那样成功的。

    Many of the big cross-border takeovers of the past seven years, by Indian firms abroad and foreign firms into the subcontinent, are not the triumphs their promoters and excited supporters claim.


  • 两个大女儿第一次试驾一分之差通过了测试——这结果给我这个做母亲的带来了骄傲兴奋,那种反映就像受到惊吓一口咽下嘴里的食物似的。

    Both daughters passed the test by one point on their first try-a result recounted with pride and excitement to a mother who could react only with a terrified gulp.


  • 肖恩·凯瑞(26岁新罕布什尔州曼彻斯特人),因为母乳喂养变得非常疯狂和兴奋,甚至想“兴奋,”最终以无偿帮助邻居打扫房间消耗过多能量

    Shanun Carey, 26, of Manchester, N.H., became so manic while breast-feeding that she was "bouncing off the walls," eventually volunteering to clean her neighbors' apartments to burn off excess energy.


  • 经过最近几个月铺天盖地小道消息和兴奋预测之后,终于在周三旧金山乔布斯解开了苹果平板电脑的面纱,它曲线苗条优美,苹果公司它为ipad(译者加:之前连名字猜测都令人扑朔迷离,相关域名还握别人手中),苹果公司希望此款设备成为全宇宙最酷产品。

    SAN FRANCISCOAfter months of feverish speculation, Steven P. Jobs introduced Wednesday what Apple hopes will be the coolest device on the planet: a slender tablet computer called the iPad.


  • 多巴胺认为快乐激素”,产生喜悦感;去甲肾上腺类似肾上腺素,导致心跳加速兴奋感,据来自美国罗格斯大学人类学家,著名的爱情研究者Helen Fisher所说,两种化学物质共同引起喜悦感,充沛的精力,失眠,强烈的愿望,食欲的减退集中的注意力。

    Dopamine is thought to be the "pleasure chemical, " producing a feeling of bliss. Norepinephrine is similar to adrenaline and produces the racing heart and excitement.


  • 大家现在起来,由于不安焦急极度兴奋几乎都失去了理智

    The whole assemblage was on its feet now, and well-nigh out of its mind with uneasiness, apprehension, and consuming excitement.


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