• 第二陈述其他证人陈述事实一致

    His second statement agrees with facts as stated by the other witnesses.


  • 浪漫爱情有关消极情绪——害怕失去失望嫉妒——在不同文化相当一致的,积极情绪随着文化差异有不同的表现。

    Although the negative emotions associated with romantic lovefear of loss, disappointment and jealousyare fairly consistent across cultures, the positive feelings can vary.


  • 孩子们答案一般根据年龄划分的,撒谎惩罚一致的。

    The children's answers were generally divided according to age, which is in agreement with the stolen candy, lying and getting unpunished.


  • 尽管浪漫爱情相关负面情绪——害怕失去失望嫉妒——在不同文化中都是一致的,但积极情绪却各相同。

    Although the negative emotions associated with romantic love fear of loss, disappointment and jealousy are fairly consistent across cultures, the positive feelings can vary.


  • 2016年一项研究发现用户们“一致看好”Giraff机器人增强交流减少孤独感能力

    A 2016 study found that users had a "consistently positive attitude" about the Giraff robot's ability to enhance communication and decrease feelings of loneliness.


  • 这些发现进化论期望一致的:那些喜欢交朋友帮助别人的人能够收集足够的资源度过艰难时期

    These findings are in agreement with what you would expect from the evolutionary theory: those who like to make friends and help others can gather enough resources to make it through tough times.


  • 提问者达成了一致

    He agreed with the questioner.


  • 看法同事一致

    His opinions were in sync with those of his colleagues.


  • 挑选装饰格调一致窗帘

    Choose curtains that blend in with your decor.


  • 丹尼尔斯富兰克林一位调查员提出警方受到表扬提议意见一致

    Daniels and Franklin concurred in an investigator's suggestion that the police be commended.


  • 许多认为我们态度于内在一致的,也就是说某人某事想法感受决定了他们行为

    Many people assume that our attitudes are internally consistent, that is, the way you think and feel about someone or something predicts your behavior towards them.


  • 一观点一致孩子大约时,父母孩子越来越多地参与到对过去事件讨论中。

    Consistent with this view, parents and children increasingly engage in discussions of past events when children are about three years old.


  • 这位顾客店主讨价还价好长时间最后终于价格达成一致

    The customer bargained with the shopkeeper for a long time, and finally they agreed on the price.


  • 我们需要知道我们想法信仰观点是否他人一致

    We also need to know whether our thoughts, beliefs and ideas are in line with those of other people.


  • 这份报告与现有的有关就寝时间健康科学文献一致

    This report corresponds with the existing scientific literature on bedtime and wellness.


  • 这一点上,学生高校出发点似乎一致的。

    On this, students' and colleges' incentives seem to be aligned.


  • 尽管存在这些差异全国公立学校组织课程总体一致

    Despite these differences, there is general uniformity in the organization and curricula of public schools throughout the country.


  • 研究一致表明他人交流促进健康社交孤立压力疾病早逝相关联。

    Consistently, research shows that communicating with others promotes health, whereas social isolation is linked to stress, disease, and early death.


  • 要求大学生细察其依据的情况下,他们草莓果酱大学课程评价专家意见一致

    College students' ratings of strawberry jams and college courses aligned better with experts' opinions when the students weren't asked to analyze their rationale.


  • 澳大利亚总理印尼总统上个月巴厘岛开设领事馆达成协议公告这个协议原则上一致

    The announcement follows in principle the agreement reached on the opening of the consulate between Australian Prime Minister and Indonesian President in Bali last month.


  • 20世纪70年代苏联开始价格调整给予企业工业一些资本主义制度一致灵活性一种更为非正式演变

    In the early 1970's, the Soviet Union began to give firms and industries some of the flexibility in adjusting prices that a more informal evolution has accorded the capitalist system.


  • 其他人一致认为,市场周期循环处于接近顶峰尤其是美国英国。

    He and others agree that the market cycle is at or near its top, particularly in America and Britain.


  • 宇宙学地质学生物学发生事情提供一致的、统一不断改进解释

    Cosmology, geology, and biology have provided a consistent, unified, and constantly improving account of what happened.


  • 法国行动形成对比是,丹麦时装业上个月模特年龄健康其他特征的规定制裁达成了一致

    In contrast to France's actions, Denmark's fashion industry agreed last month on rules and sanctions regarding the age, health, and other characteristics of models.


  • 通过CAM模板提示文件能够创建示例文件然后就可以将这些示例文件用于一致目的了。

    With a CAM template and hints file, you are able to create example files, which you can then use for conformance purposes.


  • 这个不受欢迎结果促使 ChaitinKolmogorov 提出需要一个新的随机性标准这个标准依赖集合内部一致,而不是起源

    This unwelcome result prompts Chaitin and Kolmogorov to suggest the need for a new standard of randomness, one that relies on the internal coherence of the set as opposed to its origin.


  • 然而怀疑者支持者问题上达成了一致迄今为止,令人印象深刻证据来自所谓的“甘兹菲尔德实验,这是德语术语意思是整个领域”。

    Sceptics and advocates alike do concur on one issue, however: that the most impressive evidence so far has come from the so-called "ganzfeld" experiments, a German term that means "whole field".


  • 读者更喜欢阅读自己一致想法观点

    Readers prefer to read ideas and opinions that parallel their own views.


  • 观点得到了多种因素支持这些因素可以导致婴幼儿转化信息的方式年龄较大儿童成年人回忆的方式出现不一致

    This view is supported by a variety of factors that can create mismatches between very young children's encoding and older children's and adults' retrieval efforts.


  • 如果调查有所发现的话不是电信服务商第一承诺宽带速度实际提供给顾客的网速不一致陷入麻烦。

    If the investigation uncovers anything, it wouldn't be the first time a telecom provider got into trouble over the broadband speeds it promised and delivered customers.


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