• 目标角速度测量误差严重影响命中问题解算结果重要的输入误差

    The measure error of target palstance will badly influence the precision of resolving result of hit target problem.


  • 对于一些工业过程抽象出来终点命中问题本文构造了一随机控制模型

    This paper is concerned with the stochastic control model for hitting the target at end point which is abstracted from industrial processes.


  • 可是也认为很多是惧怕这些问题的,他在书中写道:“我们的生命中确实存在一些基本的并且重要的事情这些只能无所事事教给我们,我们却会本能地逃避。”

    However, he thinks many people fear these questions. He writes, "There is something basically important about us that only boredom can teach us, but we naturally flee from it."


  • 不是问题,我的问题体验机器人生,能值得拥有一切吗?

    That's not the question. The question is, does life on the experience machine? Give you everything worth having in life?


  • 今天提供适用任何问题7简化方法,能力解决那些使你停滞不前复杂问题

    Today I would like to provide 7 Ways to Simplify Any Problem so that you may be able to tackle the complex aspects of life that are holding you back.


  • 问题在于如果认为命运某人或者某事主宰的,你就会失去力量

    The problem is, if you think your destiny is determined by someone or something else, you've lost all power in your life.


  • 3红色高亮显示了命中表示存在性能问题

    Figure 3 shows the hit ratio highlighted in red, which indicates a performance problem.


  • 是的做出令人惊叹的最大问题你做吗?

    Yes you can do amazing things in your life, but the big question is WILL you?


  • 问题查询这些查询返回超过重要性能计数器阈值例如缓冲命中不到90%的行。

    Problem queries: These queries return only rows that exceed thresholds for important performance counters, for example, rows with buffer pool hit ratio lower than 90%.


  • 一个难题命中,有什么事你假装不是问题

    Let me ask you a tough question: What are you pretending isn't a problem in your life?


  • 早期诊断,包括刚开始的背部疼痛或者是关节问题能够有效遏止病情恶化,这绝对重要宝藏。

    Early detection of the origin of back aches or joint issues can prevent significant deterioration and prove to be a major asset in life.


  • 识别内存问题包括缓冲命中、较低的目录缓存命中较低的缓存命中

    Identify problems with memory, including low buffer pool hit ratios, catalog cache hit ratios, and package cache hit ratios.


  • 美国中东问题特使米切尔上星期耶路撒冷约旦河西岸进行为期四天的和平使试图说服内塔尼亚胡延长定居点建设冻结令他的努力没有成功

    During a four-day peace mission last week to Jerusalem and the West Bank, U.S. envoy George Mitchell tried to persuade Mr. Netanyahu to extend the construction freeze, but to no avail.


  • 老实说次要问题或许多种可能,但出于的旨意。

    Honestly, these are secondary issues in your life, and there may be multiple possibilities that would all be in God's will for you.


  • 我们选择101010主要是基于二进制42,《银河系漫游指南》(很好看的电影)的粉丝知道,这是终极问题答案

    We chose 10/10/10 mainly based on the fact that it is 42 in binary - which, as every Hitchhiker's fan is aware, is the answer to the ultimate question in life! Colin Bolton, Oxfordshire


  • Kelly最新描述了科技成了核心问题技术来临的时候怎么办?

    Kelly's newest book what technology Wants asks what appears to be his life's core question: "How should I think about new technology when it comes along?"


  • 我们问问自己这些问题经历我们人焦虑不安的阶段

    We all ask ourselves these questions and go through this angst at some point in our lives.


  • 所以今晚明天早晨回想这个故事的时候,自己这样一个问题石块什么呢?

    So, tonight, or in the morning, when you are reflecting on this short story, ask yourself this question: what are the "big rocks" in my life?


  • 这些能量持续进行你们地球母亲净化不管如何这些剩余时间里引领出你们未解决问题

    These energies will continue their cleansing work for you and Mother Earth, however this will take the form of bringing up many unresolved issues into your life for the remainder period in duality.


  • 我们已经讨论不确定性,讨论了价值体系然后我们讨论了是否真地解脱问题

    We talked about uncertainties of our life, we talked about the value system, and then we talked about do we really want to have the liberation.


  • 萨博尼斯目前在雷霆的表现还不错,虽然防守是个问题但是一直在进步。他三分球命中率好像达到了44%,是个不错的新秀

    Sabonis has been good for us. Defense was an issue, but it's gotten better. He's shooting 44% from three I think. He's a good rookie.


  • 关于一部艺术作品首要问题究竟是从怎样深邃涌现出来的。

    The supreme question about a work of art is out of how deep a life does it spring.


  • 尽管没有确切数据平均每四个英国人中就有他们某个时期受到心理健康问题的困扰,这些问题轻微焦虑症大到严重的精神分裂

    The numbers are fuzzy, but about one Briton in four suffers a mental-health problem at some time in their life, ranging from mild anxiety to severe schizophrenia.


  • 针对目前制导炸弹命中精度问题提出基于自适应神经模糊推理系统(ANFIS)的制导炸弹智能控制系统。

    Aiming at the problem of guided bombs in low precision, this paper presents a kind of intelligence control system of guided bomb based on Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference system (ANFIS).


  • 提出模拟训练求取目标未来点的两种方法利用模糊方法建立弹道模型从而解决模拟训练中的命中判断问题

    The paper brings forward the method about intending position calculating in training simulator; sets up the trajectory model by fuzzy theory, so as to solve the problem of the hit judgment.


  • 个例子,你挤进大团里新的几个位置,会被关于命中问题而不是精准。

    For instance when considering the numbers of new posts just asking about the hit cap, not the expertise cap.


  • 个例子,你挤进大团里新的几个位置,会被关于命中问题而不是精准。

    For instance when considering the numbers of new posts just asking about the hit cap, not the expertise cap.


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