• 死亡沙漠平原,是加利福尼亚干涸环绕,沙漠的地面上巨大的岩石有些重达数百

    Death valley is this desert plain, a dry lake bed in California surrounded by mountains and on the desert floor these huge rocks, some of them hundreds of pounds.


  • 第三早晨我们吐鲁番盆地山环抱

    On the morning of the third day, we went to Turpan, a basin surrounded by hills.


  • 位于榜首周群飞,45岁制造触摸屏的蓝思科技创始人

    Zhou Qunfei, 45, founder of touchscreen maker Lens Technology, tops the list.


  • 黄家占地约13.3公顷山环绕错落有致、层次分明。

    Huangjia a bang Village covers an area of 13.3 hectares with well-proportioned structures, surrounded by mountains.


  • 此外周群强调廉政建设重要性希望大家按照规矩从严要求

    Besides, Zhouqun also stressed the importance of the construction of honest and clean government and hoped us could follow the principle and put strict requirement on ourselves.


  • 画中宁静湖泊环绕,而湖泊就是一面完美镜子

    One picture was of a calm lake. The lake was a perfect mirror for peaceful towering mountains all around it.


  • 至少每隔两周餐饮服务商就把几百英尺帆布足够多的彩色带到花园里盖茨巨大花园里布置圣诞树

    At least once a fortnight a corps of caterers came down with several hundred feet of canvas and enough colored lights to make a Christmas tree of Gatsby's enormous garden.


  • 为期四周项目女孩一起工作

    I was working with a group of girls in a four-week programme.


  • 正在拍摄它们时候,领头海狮直立起来,四周看了看然后朝着海滩方向快速去了,海狮也过去了。

    While I was photographing them, the leader of the group stood straight up and looked around and then swam straight and fast for the beach with the entire group following.


  • 人类首次蓝莓作用进行的试验研究。一系列试验表明,一退休老人12蓝莓饮料改善他们记忆,重新回想起往事。

    In the first such test on humans, the group of pensioners drank the juice over 12 weeks, which helped improve their memory and recall in a series of tests.


  • 它们时候,海狮头儿四周看了看,然后就带着整个队伍快速笔直往沙滩过去了。

    While I .was photographing them the leader of the group stood straight up and .looked around and then swam straight and fast for the beach with the entire group following.


  • 然后,当 C++ 用户第二再次申请时,能够不用再进行在图表核查添加用户群更新图表的工作了。

    Then, the following week, when the C++ Group calls, you can eliminate the need for checking out the schema, adding the group and upgrading the schema.


  • 俄罗斯海军在距佛得角300英里塞内加尔以西处岛群拦截了艘货船。周前该船失踪引发了国际骚动

    The Russian Navy intercepted the Arctic Sea 300 miles off Cape Verde, a group of islands west of Senegal, three weeks after it vanished and sparked international intrigue.


  • 秒钟之内在四周人群的一片尖叫声中,轮胎冒烟速度,表演"面包圈"旋转以及手刹过弯

    In a few seconds she will be screeching around vicious corners at speeds that send up smoke from the tires, performingdoughnutspins and hand-brake turns.


  • 某个郊外别墅区停车场夜晚组员们把汽油洒到棵树四周再连成一片,最后完美的点燃

    And one night in an uptown square park, another group of men floured gasoline around every tree and from tree to tree and set a perfect little forest fire.


  • 我们拖车固定老旧上,幢曾经庄严的豪宅如今成了很多廉价公寓。拖车四周是同病相怜的拖车,以及一些被雨水冲刷白了的简陋棚屋。

    It was anchored by an old, once-stately mansion that was cut-up into cheap apartments, and was surrounded by a sad assembly of rundown trailers and a couple white-washed shack homes.


  • 想象一周健身房同样重量同样的动作,锻炼同一块肌,如此反复么?

    Can you imagine going to the gym four times a week and doing the same workout with the same weight for the same muscle group over and over again?


  • 周后群猴子食量减少40%,体重减轻13%,发现明显心脏问题

    After eight weeks, the animals reduced their food intake 40 percent and lost 13 percent of their weight, without apparent heart problems.


  • 不幸是,当时天很黑、四周乱成一团警察下车后,把考克斯误认为逃犯追捕

    And unfortunately, in the dark and the chaos of the night, a group of officers getting out of their cars mistook policeman Cox for one of the fleeing suspects, and went after him.


  • 现场调查发现症状出现1左右她家附近中有鸡死亡

    Field investigation found a history of deaths in a chicken flock near her home about one week prior to symptom onset.


  • 火烈鸟宝宝则分为一群群幼托团

    At around two weeks, the chicks are grouped into creches.


  • 科比首先对新生3的神经元进行标记,接着后让这些大鼠建立了一个恐惧条件反射。

    Kirby and Kaufer labeled hippocampal cells created over a three-day period in a group of rats, and then conditioned a fear response in these rats two weeks later.


  • 一周进入令人兴奋项目解决问题,开发技术最棒的是才华横溢、聪明敬业同事互动

    Each week pulled me into stimulating projects, problems to solve, new technology and, best of all, interaction with a team of talented, intelligent and dedicated co-workers.


  • 在四周各处都可见到一群群少先队员在做游戏

    You can find groups of Young Pioneers playing games here and there.


  • 周山头古迹众多巷弄曲折盘旋墙头群马奔腾高低林立,天井错落萦回,置身其中失去空间感时间感。

    Many weeks Hill Monument, Lane hovering twists and turns, the wall like horses galloping, big house high buildings, scattered courtyard hover, in which they lose their sense of space and time.


  • 周山头古迹众多巷弄曲折盘旋墙头群马奔腾高低林立,天井错落萦回,置身其中失去空间感时间感。

    Many weeks Hill Monument, Lane hovering twists and turns, the wall like horses galloping, big house high buildings, scattered courtyard hover, in which they lose their sense of space and time.


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