• 这些纤维位于星系中心黑洞周围气体复杂关系唯一可见光表现形式

    These filaments are the only visible-light manifestation of the intricate relationship between the black hole hosted at the centre of the galaxy and the surrounding cluster gas.


  • 周围气体振幅扰动影响燃烧研究了解稳态燃烧现象合乎逻辑的起点

    The study of burning under the influence of small amplitude disturbances in ambient gas is a logical starting point for understanding the unsteady burning phenomena.


  • 人类肌肉类似,用蛛丝合成肌肉不同程度收缩,这取决于肌肉周围气体水分含量

    Like human muscle, spider silk muscles would have degrees of movement, depending on the amount of water in the air around the muscle.


  • 这个状物开始合并成为一组原行星时,它们引力拉动着盘状物周围气体凝聚的硬块,一起环绕着恒星轨道运行。

    When the disk begins to coalesce into protoplanets, the gravity of those protoplanets pulls clumps of gas around the disk with them as they orbit the star.


  • 利用1857颗恒星光线一个来自法国美国天文学家组成研究小组通过测量星光之间的细微差距测定太阳周围气体的密度。

    Using the light from 1, 857 stars, a team of French and American astronomers were able to measure the density of the gas surrounding our sun by examining fine differences in the starlight.


  • 天文学家不得不寻找质量年轻恒星组成星团激发电离气体云——是早期恒星开始燃烧、辐射电离周围气体信号

    Astronomers had found clusters of massive adolescent stars, in addition to clouds of charged gas - a sign that new stars are beginning to ignite and ionize surrounding gas.


  • 这种正统宇宙观现在受到文学家的挑战。天文学家认为场巨大气体”正星系周围所谓空无一物的空间落入许多星系中。

    This orthodox view of the universe is now being challenged by astronomers who believe that a heavy "rain" of gas is falling into many galaxies from the supposedly empty space around them.


  • 尽管向天文学家证明了金星厚厚的气体所包围,气体使太阳光在金星周围发生折射,但这效应都使精确时间控制成为不可能。

    While this showed astronomers that Venus was surrounded by a thick layer of gases refracting sunlight around it, both effects made it impossible to obtain accurate timings.


  • 气体周围迅速扩张的时候,中间区域会出现暂时真空造成压力的内爆

    As the gas expands rapidly in the surrounding area, it creates a temporary vacuum in the middle which determines a high-pressure implosion.


  • 天体物理学发现一个巨大的黑洞快速吞噬宇宙中的气体尘埃产生辐射足够摧毁周围星系初期形成星体

    Astrophysicists have found that when a supermassive black hole quickly devours gas and dust, it can generate enough radiation to abort all the embryonic stars in the surrounding galaxy.


  • 强风可能携带了足够能量加热周围气体抑制其他恒星形成

    The wind likely carries enough energy to heat the surrounding gas and suppress extra star formation.


  • 它们恒星距离而言,石质行星恐怕需要极其长的成型时间,以至于在星核能够俘获气体周围的气态恐怕已经消散殆尽了

    At their distances from the star, the rocky planetary core would have taken so long to form that the gaseous disk would have dissipated before the core could attract the gas.


  • 紫外线能够加热黑云边缘,将气体释放周围宇宙空间里。

    Ultraviolet light heats the edges of the dark cloud, releasing gas into the relatively empty region of surrounding space.


  • 大多数黑洞聚集看起来直接气体(叫做冲击层)消耗中间的,这表明个黑洞的成长需要周围有一个星系

    Most black hole mass seems to come from direct consumption (called accretion) of gas, indicating that a black hole needs a surrounding galaxy to grow.


  • 解释地球仰望星空,笼罩天鹅座周围那些外观精美、如细丝般令人震撼发光气体形成面纱星云

    Explanation: Delicate in appearance, these filaments of shocked, glowing gas, draped in planet Earth's sky toward the constellation of Cygnus, make up the Veil Nebula.


  • 野生动物研究专家星期六,由于刚果(金)拉贡戈火山爆发,其周围地区野生动物可能火山灰熔岩硫磺气体所威胁。

    Many wild animals in the forests around Congo's Nyiragongo volcano are likely to be harmed by the torrent of lava, ash and sulfurous gas pouring from the crater, wildlife experts said on Saturday.


  • 个被称作‘生’模型,指尘埃碎块经过数百万的时间聚集形成颗行星固体核心之后周围气体俘获据己有。

    In one - the 'accretion' model - small clumps of dust build up over millions of years to form a planet's solid core, which then pulls gases towards it.


  • 速度快可以成为气体巨人”的行星消耗他们周围所有气体以此减缓他们迁移速度使得以存活。

    Planets that grow fast enough to become gas giants eat up all the gas around them, slowing their migration speeds and giving them a chance to survive.


  • 他们说法是,热带云层一个较多温室气体大气中吸走周围天空的水气,因而部分的天空透明而红外线较容易往太空散射

    They proposed that tropical clouds in an atmosphere with more greenhouse gas might dry out neighbouring parts of the sky, making them more transparent to outgoing infra-red.


  • 这个模型看来很好的解释X-射线探测Sgr A*周围扩张的气体形态其它波长射线所探测的特征相一致。

    The model appears to explain well the extended shape of hot gas detected around Sgr A* in X-rays as well as features seen in other wavelengths.


  • 这个模型看来好的解释X-射线探测Sgr A*周围扩张的气体形态其它波长射线所探测的特征相一致。

    The model appears toexplain well the extended shape of hot gas detected around Sgr A* inX-rays as well as features seen in other wavelengths.


  • 现有理论提出途径来解释一个气体尘埃围绕年轻恒星周围如何形成气体巨型行星

    Current theories suggest two ways in which a gaseous, dusty ring around a young star can form into gas-giant planets.


  • 这些分子气体不会周围普通空气那样产生热量交换,这极大地提高了每个窗户隔热功能。

    The heavy molecules don't create the same kind of heat exchange between panes that regular ambient air would, drastically improving each window's insulation value.


  • 然而行星接近现在大小的时候,重力到了足以保持周围气体水蒸气来形成大气层

    As the planet approached its current size, however, its gravitation became strong enough to hold gases and water vapor around it as an atmosphere.


  • 因此由于人们脚下岩石延展着的,除非人类周围闻到了甲烷这种特别气味,他们才知道有这种气体释放出来的。

    Thus, unless humans are around to smell the distinctive sent of methane gas, they would be unware of the release of this gas due to stretched rock beneath their feet.


  • 因此由于人们脚下岩石延展着的,除非人类周围闻到了甲烷这种特别气味,他们才知道有这种气体释放出来的。

    Thus, unless humans are around to smell the distinctive sent of methane gas, they would be unware of the release of this gas due to stretched rock beneath their feet.


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