• 但是历史告诫人们要谨慎。

    But history teaches caution.


  • 不过欧洲央行行长特里告诫人们还是要谨慎小心。

    But European Central Bank President Jean-Claude Trichet offered a word of caution.


  • 我们多年以来一直告诫人们减少所有类型热入量。

    "We've been telling people for years to limit their consumption of all red meat, including processed meat and that still holds," Thun says.


  • 研究者告诫人们应该避免时间以防止造成疾病

    Researchers advised people should avoid sitting for long periods of time to lower their risk of developing diseases.


  • 故事告诫人们分辨好人坏人区别对待他们

    This story warns people, and want to distinguish the pure good man with the bad person, and distinct to treat them.


  • 告诫人们遵守规则发挥人类最大能力无损健康肌体。

    You teach him wise rules which allow him to exert himself with the maximum of intensity without compromising his good health.


  • 告诫人们遵守规则发挥人类最大能力。又无损健康肌体

    You teach him wise rules which allow him to exert himself with the maximum of intensity without compromising his good health. IX.


  • 就是为什么医生告诫人们每个检查各个部位皮肤,从头顶脚底

    That is why doctors advise people to perform monthly exams of all areas of skin, from the top of the head to the bottom of the feet.


  • 同样皮肤科医生告诫人们小心阳光直射因为会有皮肤癌的危险

    Also, skin doctors warn people to be careful with sun exposure because of the risk of skin cancer.


  • 通过一个决定就是恳求告诫人们不要崇拜否则判罪他们

    He adopted a decision that he adjured and admonished the people not to adore him any longer or he would have them adjudged.


  • 比如说绿色河流组织宗旨就是教育告诫人们保护伟大的河流重要性

    For example, the Green river organization aims to educate and advise people on the importance of protecting this great river.


  • 很长时间以来,一直告诫人们远离金融类因为这些公司只是场猜谜游戏

    I've been telling people for ages to steer clear of financials because they are simply a guessing game.


  • 这样成了告诫人们抵制罪恶训条了,直到那个耻辱的字母墓碑上为止。

    Thus she will be a living sermon against sin, until the ignominious letter be engraved upon her tombstone.


  • 教授告诫人们合理饮食坚持锻炼多吃新鲜蔬菜水果预防结肠癌要害

    Professor zheng admonishs people reasonable food insist to take exercise eat fresh vegetable and fruit more it is the key that prevents colonic cancer.


  • 三星超搞相机广告告诫人们以后还敢不敢光别人主页头像好看好友

    Samsung ultra camera AD, caveat, see you dare watch avatar look good on the chaos of the home page plus to a friend!


  • 阿西莫格鲁、约翰逊罗宾逊告诫人们麦迪森有关1820年前数据 “仅凭经验猜测”。

    Messrs Acemoglu, Johnson and Robinson caution that Maddison’s figures for the years before 1820 are “no more than educated guesses”.


  • 目前一项重要公共卫生重点告诫人们有关密切接触受染h5n1型病毒而患病死亡禽类危险

    The single most important public health priority at this stage is to warn people about the dangers of close contact with sick or dead birds infected with H5N1.


  • 丹尼斯告诫人们不要理解错误研究发现,并不是面对面交流打电话直接沟通方式没有用。

    Dennis warns people against misinterpreting these findings to suggest that face-to-face meetings, personal phone calls and other direct forms of communications aren't as useful.


  • 电视电台不断告诫人们流感症状及时就医。随后,整个城市的医院和诊所都排起了长龙。

    With TV and radio calling on the population to seek medical advice for any flu-like symptoms, queues grew at clinics and hospitals across the city.


  • 告诫人们地球不仅他们家园也是他们子孙后代家园,还是他们的邻居所有动植物的家园。

    People should be taught to appreciate the earth as not only their home, but also the home of generations to come, as well as plants and animals, our neighbours.


  • 一位心理学家告诫人们因特网视为信息高速公路同样可能成为传播错误信息的高速公路。

    The Internet is viewed as the information superhighway, but it can also be the misinformation superhighway, warns a psychologist.


  • 美国食品和药物管理局告诫人们扔掉所有洪都拉斯公司的哈密瓜,这些瓜可能沙门氏菌的爆发有关

    The FDA is telling people to throw out any cantaloupes from a Honduran company thought to be linked to a salmonella outbreak.


  • 而言之,作者正在告诫人们,不要将这项工作视作技术上的万能药;必须其它安全性措施中使用

    In short, the authors are cautioning against considering this work as a technical panacea; that it must be used within other security measures.


  • 三类抽奖活动本文利用排列组合数理统计等知识,进行了分析揭露以此告诫人们不要上当受骗。

    With permutation and mathematical statistics, this paper analyses and exposes three Kinds of lottery, and thus exhorts people not to be taken in.


  • 专家们还告诫人们不要吸烟、不要过量饮酒,健康检查机构沟通骨骼健康问题以及骨密度检测事宜。

    The experts say do not smoke or drink too much alcohol. Talk to your healthcare provider about bone health and a possible bone mineral density test.


  • 必须告诫人们是:地球不仅他们家园也是他们的孩子所有后代家园,还是其他所有植物动物的家园。

    People must be taught to appreciate Earth as not only their home, but also the home of our children and grandchildren, as well as all other plants and animals.


  • 喜欢雕塑告诫人们或者说喜欢这种看似柔和方式提醒人们思考究竟什么才是生命永恒主题

    He likes to warn people with sculpture, or rather he likes to use this seemingly gentle way to remind people to think of what is the theme of eternal life.


  • 喜欢雕塑告诫人们或者说喜欢这种看似柔和方式提醒人们思考究竟什么才是生命永恒主题

    He likes to warn people with sculpture, or rather he likes to use this seemingly gentle way to remind people to think of what is the theme of eternal life.


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