• 例如,有他们讨论吸烟问题几乎一个人都反对态度。

    For example today i was discussing the issue of smoking. Almost every single one of them was against it.


  • 若谈起工作场所吸烟问题重要就是吸烟吸烟者本人吸烟的同事同时带来健康危害

    When the issue of smoking at the workplace is discussed, perhaps the most important problem is the health risk that smoking causes to both smokers and never-smokers.


  • 他们酗酒、吸毒吸烟逃学的危险行为可以提醒家长老师严重问题正在发酵。

    Their risky behaviors—drinking too much alcohol, using illegal drugs, smoking cigarettes and skipping school—can alert parents and teachers that serious problems are brewing.


  • 政府垄断烟草销售Gandania,与吸烟有关健康问题发生率过去20年里稳步上升。

    In Gandania, where the government has a monopoly on tobacco sales, the incidence of smoking-related health problems has risen steadily for the last twenty years.


  • 然,吸烟会导致很多严重的问题

    Surely, smoking can cause lots of serious problems.


  • 老年人身上,原因其他冠心病问题相同的:高血压胆固醇吸烟

    In older people, the causes are the same as for other coronary problems: hypertension, high cholesterol and smoking.


  • 此外吸烟抗胰岛素引发代谢综合症一系列问题密不可分。

    Additionally, smoking is linked to insulin resistance and the cluster of problems that collectively define metabolic syndrome.


  • 回答我们缓和呼吸问题设计的综合洞穴里,吸烟(图9)有什么用

    And answer us this: What is a smoking room [slide 9] doing in a cave-complex designed to alleviate breathing problems?


  • 不良口腔卫生消化问题以及吸烟等诸多因素都会引起口臭不过幸好一些方法可以立刻去除口臭。

    There's a slew of things that can cause bad breath from poor dental hygiene to digestive problems and smoking. Fortunately there are ways to stop halitosis in its tracks.


  • 室内吸烟禁令一些企业制造了问题因为设置室外吸烟代价高昂企业害怕禁令赶走吸烟顾客

    The ban on indoor smoking has created problems for some business owners because it is expensive to set up an outdoor smoking area and they fear it may drive away customers who smoke.


  • 很大一部分离婚家庭中成长的孩子,会被抑郁症学习障碍吸烟吸毒酗酒问题困扰

    A significant percentage of kids from divorced homes struggle with depression, academic difficulties, drug and alcohol abuse, and other problems.


  • 绝妙一步因为吸烟上瘾是个现实问题戒烟并不容易

    It's a wonderful first step, because smoking cessation is a real problem - it's not easy to quit.


  • 吸烟主要担心问题如果戒烟降低自己老年痴呆症的风险吗?

    A key question for worried smokers: If I quit, will I lower my risk for dementia?


  • 报告那些母亲孕期大量吸烟男孩显示行为问题几率几乎是其他男孩的倍。

    Boys whose mothers smoked heavily throughout pregnancy were almost twice as likely to display behavioural problems, the report claimed.


  • 正如灵》中一样,格拉德·威尔列举了一大堆让人印象深刻例子说明观点(青少年吸烟问题纽约城市犯罪率等)。

    As in Blink, Gladwell marshals an impressive array of examples (like teen smoking or New York City crime rates) to prove his point.


  • 该句子的主干voicesnowcomefrommanyquarters;句首Justas结构做比较状语,意"正如...一样";insisting 引导的分词结构做定语修饰主语voice,词结构中含有两个并列that引导的宾语从句,第二个宾语从句的真实主语是不定式结构to keep... 翻译:吸烟问题一样,来自不同领域的声音坚持认为有关全球变暖科学资料还不完整

    Just as on smoking, voices now come from many quarters insisting that the science about global warming is incomplete, that it's Ok to keep pouring fumes into the air until we know for sure。


  • 杰克逊这个关于钻井风险问题比作吸烟肺癌之间联系问题

    Jackson likened the questions about drilling risk to those about the link between smoking and lung cancer.


  • 列出吸烟易导致的所有健康问题——例如中风、心脏病各种癌症溃疡糖尿病眼疾骨质疏松症

    List all the health risks associated with smoking-such as stroke, heart disease, several types of cancer, ulcers, diabetes, eye diseases, and osteoporosis.


  • 不过事实上人人都知道吸烟有害健康因此在烟草行业这不算什么问题但是如果个产品危害被大众知道时,就将成为一个问题了。

    Now in fact everyone knows about the dangers of smoking, so that is not a serious problem; but it is a problem when the hazards of a product are not widely known.


  • NLST为了回答有关老龄重度吸烟影像学检查的特殊问题而设计并且拥有丰富的医疗资源专家站点进行

    The NLST was designed to answer specific questions about the screening in older heavy smokers and was conducted at sites with sophisticated medical resources and experts.


  • 他们还补充说:“癌症仅限于那些受到现代社会生活方式问题诸如吸烟工业化导致污染,影响的社会。”

    Cancers, they add, are "limited to societies that are affected by modern lifestyle issues, such as tobacco use and pollution resulting from industrialisation".


  • 热心的反吸烟者外的所有人,明显还有公共健康问题更多的人关注这些问题是为什么

    To all but the most zealous anti-smoker, it is obvious that there is much more going on here than a concern with public health, but what?


  • 垃圾食品吸烟缺乏锻炼,诸如此类的问题所造成影响世界各地都差不多

    Junk food, smoking, lack of exercise and so on generally have the same effect everywhere in the world.


  • 孩子完成问卷内容包括他们所患青春痘严重程度、有过多少焦虑抑郁经历一般些什么是否吸烟喝酒问题

    The teenagers completed questionnaires about the severity of their acne as well as how much anxiety and depression they were experiencing, what they usually ate and whether they smoked and drank.


  • 吸烟问题一样来自许多领域的声音坚持认为有关全球变暖科学研究不完整我们确定此事之前大气中继续排放废气问题的。

    Just as on smoking, voices now come from many quarters insisting that the science about global warming is incomplete, that its ok to keep pouring fumes into the air until we know for sure.


  • 今天公布一项研究显示,母亲在怀孕期间吸烟显著增加孩子日后出现行为问题风险

    Smoking during pregnancy significantly increases the risk of having a child with behavioural problems, according to research published today.


  • 那些吸烟现在不须付出代价,3040年后他们的健康问题,就要付出代价。

    Those who smoke don't pay now, but will do so 30 to 40 years later, when their health fails.


  • 23个第一代堂兄妹最小他们中的大部分都吸烟和有体重问题

    I am the youngest of 23 first Cousins on my father's side, the majority of them smokers with weight problems.


  • 23个第一代堂兄妹最小他们中的大部分都吸烟和有体重问题

    I am the youngest of 23 first Cousins on my father's side, the majority of them smokers with weight problems.


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