• 防碰撞转向器总成具有吸收能量功能

    "Anti-clash" type redirector assembly has a function of absorbing energy.


  • 墙体水平荷载试验以及沿弯曲试验结果表明它们吸收能量的能力强的。

    Horizontal loading tests of walls and bending tests of beams along their strong axes reveal that the energy-absorbing capacities of both are high.


  • 结果表明增加厚度能够更大程度上提高泡沫夹芯承载能力吸收能量能力

    The results show that an increased core thickness of aluminum foam can provide higher bearing force and energy absorption capacity of aluminum foam sandwich panels.


  • 然而没有容量蓄电池吸收能量情况下,再生制动将产生很高的泵电压系统工作带来不利

    However, due to the lack of accumulator of big capacity to absorb energy, this method produces high bumping voltage, which is harmful for system.


  • 太空中,没有食物为人体提供能量,从而人体进入吸收能量变化周期,人体失去所有消化系统

    In the space, as we don't have animals to eat, and we go into the cycle of change of absorbing energy we will lose all our digestion system.


  • 事实上虽然并不取代汽车中的气囊,但凯勒先生蜂巢可以做为气囊的补充从而提供更多的吸收能量区域

    Indeed, though it is unlikely to replace airbags in cars, Mr Kellas's honeycomb may end up supplementing them by providing additional energy-absorbing areas.


  • 家用暖气电流形式吸收能量然后以热量的形式将其释放出去。

    A household radiator absorbs energy in the form of electric current and releases it in the form of heat.


  • 英雄就像高压变压器一样吸收功率能量降低其电压,普通人可以使用

    Like high-voltage transformers, heroes take the energy of higher powers and step it down so that it can be used by ordinary people.


  • 发现声音回声衰减时间长短取决于周围物质对声音原始能量吸收

    He found that the length of time it takes a sound's echo to decay is determined by the absorption of the sound's original energy by surrounding material.


  • 植物真菌能有效地二氧化碳形式吸收其转化为富含能量糖类

    Plants are more efficient at acquiring carbon than are fungi, in the form of carbon dioxide, and converting it to energy-rich sugars.


  • 不稳定秋叶叶绿素分子吸收能量不会完好吸收能量那样立即传输有用的产品工艺流程中去。

    The energy absorbed by the chlorophyll molecules of the unstable autumn leaf is not immediately channelled into useful products and processes, as it would be in an intact summer leaf.


  • 如果早上第一件事不是对你微笑,你就是在你们关系吸收能量

    If you don't smile at the person you love first thing in the morning, you're sucking the energy out of your relationship.


  • 浮标波浪吸收能量降低了它们大小动力

    For instance, the buoys absorb energy from waves, reducing their size and power.


  • 过程要么导致陆地暴露并且温度升高要么冰层表面形成池塘(湖泊,或溪流),吸收能量融化更多冰。

    Either it exposes land, which then warms up; or it forms ponds (or lakes or streams) of meltwater on the surface of the ice, which absorb energy and melt more ice.


  • 因为有效吸收能量,高云有可能使全球气温升高

    Because high clouds absorb energy so efficiently, they have the potential to raise global temperatures.


  • 的将吸收能量转成红光重新发射出去。

    The larger re-emits the absorbed energy as red light.


  • 量子理论决定了每个微小物体只能吸收不连续能量,且不能保持完美静止甚至同时出现两个地方

    Quantum theory dictates that a very tiny thing can absorb energy only in discrete amounts, can never sit perfectly still, and can literally be in two places at once.


  • 氰化物进入人体后细胞中的相结合,干扰人体对于一种吸收抑制细胞生产能量能力

    When cyanide is ingested, it binds to iron inside cells, interfering with the absorption of certain enzymes and compromising a cell's ability to produce energy.


  • 放松之后吸收能量稍黄颜色重新释放出来。

    When it relaxes, the energy it has absorbed is re-emitted as yellowish light.


  • 隐形飞机依赖外形逃避雷达这种外形能避免雷达波机体资源上反射信号、且含有能吸收雷达能量物质

    Stealth aircraft rely on shapes that prevent radar waves from bouncing back to their sources and on materials that absorb radar energy (stealth-plane time line).


  • 如果一个歌手唱到一定音高那么频率相对应的酒杯共振,有时杯子吸收太多能量掉,但是其他的杯子却安然无恙。

    If a singer hits a pitch that matches the frequency of one glass, the glass might absorb so much acoustic energy that it will shatter; the other glasses remain unaffected.


  • 研究人员这种材料不但聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料100并且还具有非常吸收能量”的特性

    The researchers say the material is 100 times lighter than Styrofoam and has "extraordinarily high energy absorption" properties.


  • 因为黑色2010年暴露在外面时间较早它就吸收较多能量,结果使融化期延长。

    Since dark ice was exposed earlier and longer in 2010, it absorbed more energy, leading to a longer melt season.


  • 透射电子显微镜呈像的方法是对物体发射万亿电子测量它们的吸收偏斜能量损失

    Transmission electron microscopy creates images by shooting trillions of electrons through an object and measuring their absorption, deflection and energy loss.


  • 这些粒状雪反射较少,也就是说它们吸收较多能量从而融化的较快

    These large grains reflect less light, which means that they can absorb more energy and melt even faster.


  • 发射器将绝大多数接收器接收的能量重新吸收回去。

    Most of the energy not picked up by a receiver can be reabsorbed by the emitter.


  • 2010年冬至时候,我们开启灵魂之心以及地球之心脉轮,从而允许你们完全地固定吸收这些新的能量

    Then at the Solstice of 2010 we activated the Soul Star Chakra and the Earth Star Chakra, allowing you to fully ground and integrate these new energies.


  • 白天50千米以上大气层原子分子吸收太阳光的能量夜晚这些能量释放出来,主要产生出我们轨道上看到的绿色

    Atoms and molecules above 50 kilometers in the atmosphere are excited by sunlight during the day, and then release this energy at night, producing primarily green light that is observable from orbit.


  • 因此,海洋夏季吸收越多太阳能量,那么在秋季需要更长的时间冷却海水使它结冰。

    The more solar energy the ocean absorbs during the summer, the longer it takes in the fall for the water to cool down enough to freeze.


  • 糖尿病一种新陈代谢障碍——我们身体吸收食物用以成长提供能量方式

    Diabetes is a disorder of metabolismthe way our bodies use digested food for growth and energy.


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