• 吸收值时间的延长而降低

    And the absorbance decreased correspondingly with time.


  • 分光光度法测出样品吸收,通过标准曲线计算胆红素含量

    Let double nitrogen reagent reacted with bilirubin, and set out sample's light absorb value, and work out the bilirubin content.


  • 转动量子J大于小于16时吸收J增大减小几乎成指数减小。

    When the rotational quantum number J is greater or smaller than 16, the absorptivity almost exponentially decreases with the increase or decrease of the J.


  • 溶剂自洽反应方法计算结果表明同类配合物的吸收取决于绝对水化自由

    The calculations of self-consistent reaction field (SCRF) method illustrated that the brain uptakes of the complexes relied on their absolute hydrate free energies.


  • 它基于矢量分析和线性分析,将代表生物量营养吸收参数相对种间竞争的对照一个两维的坐标系内表达为矢量进行定位比较。

    Response parameters are compared in a bivariate model that graphically depicts vectors of changing biomass production or nutrient uptake relative to competition free treatment.


  • 通过几种市面上常见食用油甲酯化处理,比较紫外吸收分析几种食用油共轭脂肪酸含量高低,人们食用油选择提供一个依据

    By comparing the UV absorption value of esterifiable edible oil, several conjugated fatty acid content was analyzed and can be used as the basis for people to choose the edible oil.


  • 医学研究院坚持20微克就足够了,但是其他专家则建议标准应该高一点确保钙质吸收最大骨骼健康

    The Institute of Medicine maintains that a level of 20 nanograms is adequate, but other experts say it should be higher to assure maximum calcium absorption and bone health.


  • 大多数用例中,理想行为视为一个调优问题增加maxdepth直到队列吸收最高负载

    In most cases, this is the desired behavior and is treated as a tuning problem: increase MAXDEPTH until the queue can absorb the highest peak loads.


  • 随着海水大气吸收越来越二氧化碳世界范围内海水pH正在降低(即酸化过程)。

    The pH of seawater worldwide is dropping (acidifying) as oceans absorb ever more carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.


  • 安装到路基尤其路基基础应力很高情况下,吸收从根本上减弱有裂缝交通产生的张应力

    Installed on the subgrade, especially when the basis of subgrade stress is very high, which can absorb and fundamentally weakened cracks or traffic and the tensile stress of the joint values.


  • 安装到路基尤其基础张应力很高情况下,吸收从根本上减弱有裂缝交通产生张应力

    Installed on the subgrade, especially when the basic tensile stress is very high, which can absorb and fundamentally weakened cracks or traffic and the tensile stress of the joint values.


  • 热力学给出设计需要重要信息反应中会放出吸收热量而且最大可能表示反应的程度

    Thermodynamics gives two important pieces of information needed in design, the heat liberated or absorbed during reaction and the maximum possible extent of reaction.


  • 结果秦艽与红秦艽紫外线组图像、最大吸收数目峰位具有明显差异

    RESULTS the UV spectra of the herbal drugs showed different maximum absorption peaks both in number and intensity.


  • 本文银行存贷款收益模型进行了讨论利用计算机模拟技术银行吸收存款最佳进行了计算机模拟给出了模拟的结果

    This paper discusses the income model of bank's deposit and loan, makes use of the technology of analogue computer to simulate the best value of bank absorbing deposit and gives its results as well.


  • TCS不锈钢前期焊接试验发现其焊接接头影响区的冲击吸收熔合线附近较低,原因接头影响区晶粒粗大所致。

    In welding test of TCS stainless steel, it was found that impact absorbing energy of heat-affected zone (HAZ) near bond line in welded joint was low.


  • 在承受冲击载荷,在冲击载荷脉不变情况下,随着冲击载荷幅增加,隔吸收能量增大

    The energy absorbed by the vibration isolator increases with the increase of the shock load value when its impulse width is invariable.


  • 结果半夏及其伪品水半夏水浸液紫外线组图像、最大吸收数目峰位具有明显差异

    Results The UV spectrum of the two herbal drugs gave different maximum absorption peaks both in number and intendities.


  • 本文采用原子吸收光谱法测定河北省石家庄市1008例学龄前儿童

    Hair zinc value of 1008 preschool children from Shijiazhuang city of Hebei province were estimated by atomic absorption spectrometry.


  • 加速性应力试验,所负载电阻要能够吸收电源额定较高电流

    For accelerated stress testing, the load resistance may be selected to draw a level of current higher than the rated current of the power supply.


  • 改造吸收出口CO2体积分数基本在设计附近保证了生产正常运行

    After the reform, CO2 content of exit gas of absorber come near design value, and so normal run of production is ensured.


  • 同时比较方法样品测试证实火焰原子吸收光谱法测试不锈钢食具中的切实可行。

    Compared the sample test result of two kinds of methods, It proves the meth - od that flame atomic absorption spectrometer determinates Pb, Cr, Ni in stainless steel food container is feasible.


  • TCS不锈钢前期焊接试验发现焊接接头影响区的冲击吸收熔合线附近低,原因接头热影响区晶粒粗大所致。

    In welding test of TCS stainless steel, it was found that impact absorbing energy of heat-affected zone (HAZ) near bond line in welded joint was low. The reason is coarse grain in HAZ.


  • 魔法外壳的消耗150到了100,吸收的生命也从350下降到了300。

    Anti-magic Shell cost reduced to 100 from 150, and hit points absorbed reduced to 300 from 350.


  • 并根据这一方法,对国外有关的高温高浓度区域的比数据进行了转换三效四效溴化锂吸收制冷机的开发和研制提供比焓数据。

    The enthalpy data in international literature with high temperature and high concentration is converted, which can be used for developing triple-effect and quadruple-effect absorption chiller.


  • 结果在正中位大力咬合时,线性义齿修复组前束肌电高于解剖式总义齿修复组,尤牙槽吸收严重的患者最为明显(P<0.05);

    Results The peak value of anterior temporal muscle of linear occlusal dentures with severe resorption of residual ridge was higher than that of anatomic occlusal dentures ( P< 0.05 ).


  • 利用光纤直接曝光固化实验,得到紫外光固化树脂的临界固化能量吸收系数两个特征

    By the experiments of solidification with the UV optical fiber directly, two eigenvalues for UV photopolymer solidification, critical solidification energy and absorption coefficient were calculated.


  • 量化计算中的CIS方法所获得吸收理论实验吻合地较好。

    The absorption spectrum by CIS method of quantum chemistry calculation agrees with the experimental spectrum.


  • 传统氨水吸收制冷机,存在着系统设备体积,钢材消耗量大,制冷循环COP低等缺点。

    However the COP of conventional ammonia-water absorption refrigeration system is relatively smaller because of its more equipments, large volume and more steel consumption.


  • 随着薄膜厚度减小吸收率具有极大

    With decreasing the film thickness, the maximum absorptance appears.


  • 量化计算中的CIS方法所得的吸收理论实验吻合较好。

    The absorption spectrum by using CIS method of quantum chemistry calculation agrees with the experimental spectrum.


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