• 使过电压标志置位启动延迟计时器

    Setting the overload flag initiates a delay timer.


  • 这些情况下应用程序就应该不会这种相关的启动延迟

    In these situations, your application should not have this associated startup delay.


  • 多余进程保持空闲处理传入的请求缩短启动延迟

    Spare processes are kept idle to handle incoming requests, which reduces the start-up latency.


  • 信誉系统相对其它全局信誉系统有着较小下载启动延迟

    Compared with other global reputation systems the proposed reputation system has a much shorter delay of start of downloading.


  • 时间一个竖起前锋抛出异常启动延迟引信利用独特的机械系统

    Time delay fuze with a cocked striker, activated when thrown, utilizing a unique mechanical system.


  • 结果表明最小延迟服务器选择可以明显地提高请求接受降低启动延迟

    It is also show the minimal latency server selection can improve the request acceptance rate and decrease the startup delay.


  • 结果表明复制开销主要动态复制及其触发阈值影响,请求接受启动延迟有着显著负面效应。

    The results also can be concluded that the replication overhead is mainly affected by the replication and its trigger threshold and then impacts the request acceptance rate and startup delay.


  • 评估的性能指标包括:播放连续性启动延迟跳转延迟服务器负载网络编码依赖性系统开销

    The performance indexes to be investigated include playback continuity, startup latency, jump latency, server stress, dependence of network coding and system control overhead and so on.


  • 通过把流媒体缓存配置客户端和服务器之间,以基于代理服务器机制实现,降低客户端播放器启动延迟时间,能节约部分网络带宽

    Thus it will not only reduce the start-up delay of the clients' player in the event of a cache hit but also save network bandwidth to some extent.


  • 通过延迟这些引用或者减少一些类引用可能节约内存启动时间

    You can potentially save memory and startup time by deferring these references or reducing the reference set of classes.


  • 如果WLM能够启动新的服务区域,则由该服务区域提供服务请求处理延迟服务区域启动以后。

    If WLM can start a new servant region, the processing of requests that will be serviced by that servant region will be delayed until the servant region is started.


  • 种在应用程序时间敏感型部分避免加载延迟通用技术,在应用程序启动初始化期间预先加载类。

    A generic technique to avoid class-loading delays during the time-sensitive parts of your application is to preload classes during application startup or initialization.


  • 所以延迟只是服务器启动时间延迟而不是配置时间加上服务器启动时间。

    So the delay is simply the server startup time delay, not configuration time plus server startup time.


  • 短短的延迟之后,软件会探测另一个实例已经启动这样就会自动关闭工件会在第一个实例中打开

    After a short delay, the software detects that another instance is already running, so it shuts down, and the artifact is opened in the first instance.


  • 如果JIT编译延迟启动不能显著改善应用程序长期性能,则执行这种编译就非常浪费

    Performing JIT compilations that delay start-up yet do not significantly improve the application's long-term performance are particularly wasteful.


  • 根据12中所xml调度程序60分钟为间隔运行,将在延迟启动

    Based on the XML shown in Figure 12, the scheduler runs at 60-minute intervals, and starts after a one-second delay.


  • 启动Anacron运行作业之间延迟,单位为分钟,前提是最后一次运行之后所经过的时间超出运行时间。

    The delay, in minutes, between the launch of Anacron and the running of the job, if the time since the last run exceeds the run period.


  • 虽然. NETFramework提高性能而进行了微调,但启动加载CLR还稍微有些延迟

    Although the.net Framework has been tuned for performance, there is a small delay during startup as the CLR loads.


  • 新增添的用户控制可以用户定制索引时间设置Outlook启动插件延迟载入的时间,以及其他一些功能。

    The controls let you customize the indexing times and configure a delayed load when Outlook starts, among other things.


  • 新的服务平衡计划(Service-balanced scheduling)策略从而更多的SOA任务能够尽快启动——重要的任务不会因为少许消耗大量资源的资源而延迟

    New Service-balanced scheduling policy so that as many SOA jobs are started as soon as possibleimportant jobs are not starved behind a few large resource-intensive jobs.


  • WorkManager执行提交之前可能会发生延迟但是调用者只能控制最大延迟(启动超时)。

    A delay might occur before WorkManager accepts the submission, but the caller can control only the maximum delay (using the start timeout).


  • 看到的,这些修正不会绝对意义上提高启动性能而是延迟启动开销这样会让用户感觉产品整体更快

    As you'll see, the corrections will not "improve" performance in an absolute sense but rather defer startup costs, giving the user the perception of an overall faster product.


  • 最后,利用框架上下文接口公开一个启动方法从而延迟获取模式应用服务初始化中。

    Finally, lazy acquisition pattern was applied to the initialization of services by exposing a startup method with the framework context interface.


  • 将实现更快速启动以及灵活健壮应用程序但是通常需要额外延迟因为对于启动顺序没有保证

    This enables faster startup, and more flexible and more robust applications, but usually requires additional laziness as there are no guarantees about startup ordering.


  • 延迟获取模式提供了套快速有效启动机制,它使服务得以延迟直到必要时才启动服务。

    Lazy acquisition provided a quick and efficient service startup mechanism by enabling service startup to be delayed until required.


  • 某些应用程序服务器重新启动延迟不可接受的。

    In some applications, the delays from server reboots are unacceptable.


  • AutoLock功能一样不过添加一个地点插件可以用于正常启动锁定或者根据所在的地点决定延迟时间

    AutoLock has the same function, but also ads in a Locale plug-in that can be used to trigger the lock normally, or with a delay depending on where you are.


  • vmo命令支持即时更改参数或者更改可调参数值的操作延迟重新启动系统之后进行。

    The vmo command supports changing the value of a tunable parameter immediately or to defer changing the value of a tunable parameter until the system is rebooted.


  • 看到的,这些修正不会绝对意义上提高启动性能而是延迟启动开销这样会让用户感觉产品整体更快

    As you ll see, the corrections will not "improve" performance in an absolute sense but rather defer startup costs, giving the user the perception of an overall faster product.


  • 延迟加载:它目的优化数据服务器内存利用率程序启动优先加载那些需要加入到内存的对象,不需要加载的推后加载。

    Lazy loading: The purpose of lazy loading is to optimize memory utilization of database servers by prioritizing components that need to be loaded into memory when a program is started.


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