• 铁的有关铁的铁的带有低于铁的相应含铁化合物

    Of, relating to, or containing iron, especially with a valence of2 or a valence lower than in a corresponding ferric compound.


  • X物质又将电子转移一种蛋白质称为氧还蛋白。

    Substance X, in turn, donates its electron to an iron-containing protein called ferredoxin.


  • 血液过低容易引起严重疲劳感为了摄取适量的,试一下野牛

    And low iron levels in blood can cause severe fatigue. To get a good dose of iron, try bison.


  • 丰富的食物最好搭配维生素C的食物一起食用比如橘子橘子水果因为维生素C促进身体对吸收

    It’s important to pair your iron-rich meals with foods that contain vitamin C, like orange juice or citrus fruits, because vitamin C helps increase iron absorption, " Skolnik says.


  • 由于血液身体排出过量并非易事,所以任何经常食用血液的动物都有含铁过量危险

    Because blood is so rich in iron - and because the body has difficulty excreting excess iron - any animal that consumes blood regularly runs a risk of iron overdose.


  • 丰富的食物肉类大豆小扁豆谷类、深绿色叶的蔬菜水果干等等

    Iron. Iron-rich foods include beef and other meats, beans, lentils, iron-fortified cereals, dark green leafy vegetables and dried fruit.


  • 墨水微量X射线轰击显露它们的踪迹。

    The ink contains iron, and traces of iron can be made to reveal themselves when bombarded with X-rays.


  • 建议选择食用人体提供血红色食物这样容易人体吸收比如维生素丰富的食物。

    Choose foods that supply heme iron, which is more readily absorbed by the body, additional iron sources, and enhancers of iron absorption such as vitamin C-rich foods.


  • 一般说来,解决问题最好方法是食谱中增加丰富食物因为离子补剂可能存在严重缺陷

    In general, it's better to undo the problem by adding more iron-rich foods to the diet, because iron supplements can have serious shortcomings.


  • 而且,由于女性常常为了控制体重而节食,从而未能摄取足够丰富的食物结果可能导致

    And because women often restrict their diet in an effort to control weight, they may not consume enough iron-rich food, and are liable to experience a deficiency.


  • 桑葚目前水果及其制品天然丰富的,10042.5毫克,无愧于水果中“补血称号

    Dry is the fruit and mulberries products contains natural iron the most abundant, every 100 grams of iron 42.5 mg, is worthy of fruit "blood" fruit of the title.


  • 各种岩石土壤中大多植物叶绿素中和动物血球中都含铁

    It enters into most rocks and earths, the chlorophyl of plants, and the blood corpuscles of animals.


  • 本文系统地介绍了冶金企业泥的利用方法,根据包钢实际提出了包钢含铁尘泥利用的技术路线。

    The utilization of iron-bearing dust in metallurgical plants is introduced and the plan for Baogang from technology is given with the reality here.


  • 另外发现添加剂硫触媒合成金刚石中的包裹体要明显少于镍触媒合成的金刚石中的包裹体。

    In addition, we noticed that the content of inclusion in the diamond crystals synthesized with sulfur - added Fe - Ni is obviously lower than that in the diamond synthesized without additive.


  • 为了等的氧化锌提取,设计了浸出、针矿除硅提锌工艺

    To extract zinc from high si and Fe zinc oxide ore, a new process consisting of low acid leaching, iron removal and desilication was developed for zinc extraction.


  • 边角废料铁的铁的

    The scrap metal are steel, ferreous and non ferreous.


  • 研究合金烧结收缩影响探讨了基合金的烧结机制

    The influence of nickel on the sintering shrinkage of iron base alloys was studied, and the sintering densification mechanism of FeNi alloys was discussed.


  • 简述攀钢基本特性、攀钢含铁尘泥利用技术现状存在问题

    The main properties of Panzhihua Steel's iron containing dust slime and the present state and existing problems of its utilization technology are briefly described.


  • 综述了制备铅基弛豫陶瓷化学反应机理研究进展提出改进铅系弛豫电陶瓷制备技术几点措施。

    The progress in study of reaction mechanism of preparation of lead-based relaxor ferroelectric ceramics is reviewed in this paper.


  • 我厂生产WST系列挖沙选每天收入不止一千两千了,因为有的地方收入已经超过

    Digs the sand with my factory production's WST series to choose the pontoon, your daily income continues Was 3000, because some iron content high place date income already surpassed ten thousand Yuan.


  • 麦芽粉要分别按比例加入面包,面包有机态的、锌、硒均大大提高

    In addition, the amount of Iron and Zinc and Selenium in bread is increased greatly by proper addition of the wheat malt powder.


  • 焊接作为保护防止金属氧化惰性气体焊接连接几种合金首选方法

    Argon serves as a shielding gas to protect metals from oxidation during welding. Inert gas welding is the preferred method of joining several ferrous and nonferrous alloys.


  • 本文总结、讨论钢资源化实验室研究结果分析探讨了钢含铁尘泥资源化处理合理途径

    Results of research, resourceful disposal of metallurgical ferric dust in laboratory, were discussed and summarized. Reasonable way of resourceful disposal of metallurgical ferric dust was explored.


  • 日常饮食通过进食食物菠菜瘦肉家禽肉蚕豆类、谷物葡萄干,来保持一个健康量。

    Maintain a healthy iron level in your diet by eating iron rich foods, such as spinach, red meat, fish, poultry, beans, iron-fortified cereals and raisins.


  • 而且,由于女性常常为了控制体重而节食而未能摄取足够丰富的食物结果可能导致

    And because women often restrict their diet in an effort to control weight, they may not consume enough iron-rich food, and are liable to experience a deficiency.


  • 惰性气体焊接连接几种合金首选方法

    Inert gas welding is the preferred method of joining several ferrous and nonferrous alloys.


  • X物质电子转移一种蛋白质称为氧还蛋白。

    Substance X in turn donates its electron to an iron-containing protein called ferredoxin.


  • 上层悬浮液较高尾矿下层絮凝物为含铁量较低的高岭土精矿

    The upper layer suspension is the tailings containing higher iron content, the bottom layer flocculate is the kaolin concentrate ore containing lower iron content.


  • 研究静态下沉降法处理含铁废水,实验了不同操作条件铁的处理效果的影响。

    The effect of technological conditions and pH on flocculating settling characteristics of the product was studied.


  • 研究静态下沉降法处理含铁废水,实验了不同操作条件铁的处理效果的影响。

    The effect of technological conditions and pH on flocculating settling characteristics of the product was studied.


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