• 萨尔瓦多生产10万精炼铜

    El Salvador produces 100,000 tons of refined copper annually.


  • 10月一档丹麦电视节目曝光H&M2013以来共焚烧12未售出服装

    In October last year, a Danish TV show exposed H&M for burning 12 tonnes of unsold clothing since 2013.


  • 此外发展国家动物产品需求增长如此之快以至于到2050需要额外增加3亿谷物才能满足需求。

    What's more, demand for animal products in developing countries is growing so fast that meeting it will require an extra 300 million tons of grain a year by 2050.


  • 2030逐步淘汰灯泡节省650家发电厂输出功率,避免大气排放7亿

    Phasing old bulbs out by 2030 would save the output of 650 power plants and avoid the release of 700 million tons of carbon into the atmosphere each year.


  • 10时间里,阿根廷已经成为世界最大的蜂蜜出口国9万蜂蜜销往国外市场其中一半销往美国

    In little more than a decade, Argentina has become the world's leading exporter of honey, with nearly 90,000 tons a year sold to foreign markets, almost half of which is going to the United States.


  • 由于地下水位下降灌溉干涸,居于世界之首的中国小麦产量已经19971.23亿峰值下降了8%。

    As water tables have fallen and irrigation wells have gone dry, China's wheat crop, the world's largest, has declined by 8% since it peaked at 123 million tons in 1997.


  • 解决问题一项较为保守计划要求未来50减少250亿排放

    One of the more conservative plans for addressing the problem calls for a reduction of 25 billion tons of carbon emissions over the next 50 years.


  • 至于废物回收再利用问题,苹果公司自称1994以来回收9500电子元件,但相比其产品总销量微不足道

    As for recycling, the 9,500 tonnes of electronics, Apple says it has recycled since 1994, is puny given the amount of equipment the firm sells.


  • 57英尺9龙在大约1亿白垩纪早期就开始四处活动。

    Fifty-seven feet long and up to nine tons, spinosaurus started poking his head around the early Cretaceous some 100 million years ago.


  • 例如,2002,80万清理来自澳大利亚海滩公园街道1.5万垃圾

    In 2002, for example, 800,000 people cleaned up almost 15,000 tons of rubbish from Australia's beaches, parks and streets.


  • 乘坐所有这些航班任何人可能都会积累到总计超过35足迹

    Anyone taking all these flights over a year might rack up a carbon footprint totaling more than 35 tonnes.


  • 2000期间,阿拉斯加太平洋鲑鱼商业捕获量超过32万价值超过2.6亿美元

    During 2000, commercial catches of Pacific salmon in Alaska exceeded 320,000 tonnes, with an ex-vessel value of over USD 260 million.


  • 的成就将使中国的大米供应从1950的5690万增加到2017的1.947亿

    His achievement would see the rice supply in China increasing from 56.9 million tons in 1950 to 194.7 million tons by 2017.


  • 之中,它节省了700万食物,帮助了76万人。

    In five years, it saved seven million tons of food and helped 760,000 people.


  • ,有超过800万的塑料最终进入海洋,它们需要500的时间才能分解。

    Every year, over 8 million tons of plastic end up in our oceans, and it can take up to 500 years to break down.


  • 2005,政府开始了一项土壤测试项目,为农民提供具体的肥料建议。中国农业部发现,从2005到2011,化肥使用量下降了770万

    The Chinese Ministry of Agriculture finds that between 2005—when the government started a soil-testing program that gives specific fertilizer recommendations to farmers—and 2011, fertilizer use dropped by 7.7 million tons.


  • 自然》杂志的科学家们研究了世界上22万座高山冰川20来的卫星数据,发现自2015以来,冰川上每减少的冰雪总量为2980亿公

    Scientists, from Nature studied 20 years of satellite data of the world's 220,000 mountain glaciers, and found that since 2015, glaciers have last 298 billion metric tons off ice and snow per year.


  • 数据2001700到现在保持下降趋势

    This figure follows a trend of decline from an estimated 700 metric tons in 2001.


  • 尽管印度高价位依然继续买进黄金,但是他们购买的数量更少了:其购买量4802008少了200多

    Although Indians have continued to buy at high prices, they have done so in ever smaller quantities: purchases last year, at 480 tonnes, were more than 200 tonnes lower than in 2008.


  • 这个最初期海绵产量预计达到230,000

    He said the plant's initial production of iron sponge is expected to reach 230, 000 tons a year.


  • 大豆产量199015上升到了现在的60

    Since 1990 its soyabean output has risen from barely 15m tonnes to over 60m.


  • 马拉维新方案实行以来,玉米公顷平均产量2005的0.8提高2008的2.9

    In the three years after the launch of the Malawi initiative, average maize yields in Malawi increased from 0.8 tonnes per hectare in 2005 to 2.9 tonnes per hectare in 2008.


  • 1979三里时有30,1986切尔诺贝利核爆炸时有180

    The amount of fuel lost in the core melt at Three Mile Island in 1979 was about 30 tons; the Chernobyl reactors had about 180 tons when the accident occurred in 1986.


  • 墨西哥,麦当劳炸薯条要消耗8000马铃薯

    McDonald’s fries over 8, 000 tonnes of potato a year in Mexico.


  • 按照既定需求来算,与能源有关二氧化碳排放增加45%,即:现在280亿上升至2030的410亿

    At the projected rates of demand, energy related CO2 emissions will rise 45 percent from 28 gigatons now to 41 gigatons by 2030.


  • 然而,一产量仍然远远高于5000/全球需求量过度供应欧洲市场渗入率下降的双重推动下,鸦片价格已降至最低点

    This is still far above the annual global demand of 5, 000 tonnes, and oversupply and lower market penetration in Europe have pushed opium prices to their lowest levels in ten years.


  • 秘鲁人为消费2006一万提高至2010的十九万

    Human consumption of anchoveta in Peru has risen from 10,000 tonnes in 2006 to 190,000 tonnes in 2010.


  • 市场显示交易量增长10倍,二氧化碳交易量20087100万上升至2009的7亿6500万总价值达25亿美元。

    That new market showed a 10-fold increase in volume, rising from 71 million tons of carbon dioxide traded in 2008 to 765 million tons in 2009, worth a total $2.5 billion.


  • 另一个新兴消费者印度,最近数据显示,它的煤炭进口量2008的3600万增长2009的6000万

    Another emerging customer is India, whose coal imports rose from 36 million tons in 2008 to 60 million tons in 2009, the last full year for which data is available.


  • 另一个新兴消费者印度,最近数据显示,它的煤炭进口量2008的3600万增长2009的6000万

    Another emerging customer is India, whose coal imports rose from 36 million tons in 2008 to 60 million tons in 2009, the last full year for which data is available.


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