• 消除了君主神秘感

    His book destroyed the mystique of monarchy.


  • 君主政权必须予以保留。

    She says the sovereignty of the Crown must be preserved.


  • 欧洲若干君主立宪国。

    There are several constitutional monarchies in Europe.


  • 君主拥护者们是个边缘性小团体内部争吵激烈

    The monarchists are a small fringe group who quarrel fiercely among themselves.


  • 批评者们看成反动分子甚至君主主义者

    Critics viewed him as a reactionary, even a monarchist.


  • 反叛军官占领广播电台后播发推翻君主消息

    The rebellious officers, having seized the radio station, broadcast the news of the overthrow of the monarchy.


  • 1889年3月成为首位踏上西班牙国土英国君主

    In March 1889, she became the first British sovereign to set foot on Spanish soil.


  • 他们君主制主义者一起添加了一个条款要求问题进行全民投票表决。

    They joined with the monarchists to insert a clause calling for a popular vote on the issue.


  • 西班牙危机是否意味着君主制正走向末日?

    Does the Spanish crisis suggest that monarchy is seeing its last days?


  • 那么西班牙危机是否意味着君主制正走向末日?

    So, does the Spanish crisis suggest that monarchy is seeing its last days?


  • 成功君主努力摒弃隐藏他们旧式贵族作风。

    The most successful monarchies strive to abandon or hide their old aristocratic ways.


  • 西班牙一事例支持反对君主双方提供了论据

    The Spanish case provides arguments both for and against monarchy.


  • 近代早期君主制度出现威胁自由,并有可能摧毁

    Freedom was threatened in early modern times by the emergence of monarchies that might have been able to crush it.


  • 重大事件一般情况下,似乎英国君主不利的。

    The matter, which was a weighty one, was like to go against the English monarch by default.


  • 1848年2月巴黎人民奋起反抗路易-菲利浦君主立宪制。

    In February 1848, the people of Paris rose in revolt against the constitutional monarchy of Louis-Philippe.


  • 撒旦来说,上帝君主实际上建立真正的力量之上的。

    For Satan, it turned out that God's monarchy was actually based on genuine strength.


  • 最伟大的君主坐在最骄傲宝座上不得不坐在自己屁股上

    The greatest monarch on the proudest throne is obliged to sit upon his own arse.


  • 霍布斯来说,君主像是足球棒球场上裁判制定比赛规则

    Sovereign is appointed for Hobbes to be much like an umpire in a baseball or a football game to set the rules of the game.


  • 君主平民教会所有机构拥有绝对的权力统治一个和平王国

    The sovereign holds total power over all the institutions of civilian and ecclesiastical life, holding sway over a kind of peaceable kingdom.


  • 西班牙议会君主期间持续时间最长稳定繁荣时期。”国王说道

    "It's been the longest period of stability and prosperity in Spain ever in a parliamentary monarchy," the king said.


  • 查尔斯应该知道英国历史表明君主最大的敌人国王而非共和党人

    Charles ought to know that as English history show, it is kings, not republicans, who are the monarchy's worst enemies.


  • 如果共和主义英国生存,就要克服这种下意识反应认识到这种表面上的狡猾君主秘密武器

    If republicanism is to survive in Britain it needs to get over such knee-jerk reactions and recognize the visual cunning that is monarchy's secret weapon.


  • 作为一个君主政体西班牙政府不信任美国正在兴起民主精神尤其是存在于西方农民中的更为自由的民主表达

    As a monarchy, the Spanish government distrusted the rising spirit of democracy in the United States, especially the much freer expression of democracy that existed among the western farmers.


  • 公众舆论两极分化时,佛朗哥政权结束那样,君主可以超越纯粹政治成为国家统一精神“象征”。

    When public opinion is particularly polarised, as it was following the end of the Franco regime, monarchs can rise above "mere" politics and "embody" a spirit of national unity.


  • 尽管欧洲君主们的智慧无疑会让他们足以未来一时间内生存下来但对于英国王室来说,他们担心的就是重蹈西班牙覆辙。

    While Europe's monarchies will no doubt be smart enough to survive for some time to come, it is the British royals who have most to fear from the Spanish example.


  • 英国是个君主宪制国家。

    Britain is a constitutional monarchy.


  • 一个主张君主政体政党参加即将来临大选

    A monarchist party is running in the forthcoming elections.


  • 一个主张君主政体政党参加即将来临大选

    A monarchist party is running in the forthcoming elections.


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