• Gali博士一旦这种情况发生人们就会出现治疗创伤紧张症状

    Doctor Gali says when that happens, people experience symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder.


  • 研究人员进一步研究应关注患有创伤后紧张精神疾病病人使用大脑化学物质效果

    Researchers say future studies could look at the effects of the brain chemical in patients with other psychiatric disorders, such as post-traumatic stress disorder.


  • 相反他们诸如抑郁症焦虑创伤后紧张等症状,这些症状需要安全、不那么昂贵药物治疗。

    Instead, they had conditions like depression, anxiety, or post-traumatic stress disorder that could be managed with safer, less-expensive medications.


  • 一些受试者则在听到“学生”的尖叫声紧张了出来;因为电流传向另一个躯体却无能为力时,恐怕笑最好良药

    Many subjects would laugh nervously, because laughter is the best medicine when pumping electrical currents through another person's body.


  • 联合国维和士兵到达这个地区紧张局势开始得到缓解

    After the arrival of the United Nations soldiers, tension in the area began to ease.


  • 以色列南部边界修建隔离消息传出,处于埃及边界另一堵隔离墙下,拉法赫城中的巴勒斯坦人更加紧张

    The announcement of the wall at Israel's southern border comes after increased tensions among Palestinians over another wall, on the Rafah border with Egypt.


  • 分钟知道自己这样脾气暴躁的打交道,阿瑞安娜会不会感到紧张

    A few minutes later, he wondered if she was nervous about dealing with someone as irascible as himself.


  • 克尔认为,人们知道连续工作小时,他们的大脑便会反应迟缓,而身体迅速积攒压力紧张

    What you may not realize, Achor says, is that after two hours of continuous work, your brain function actually slows and your body starts to rapidly accumulate stress and strain.


  • 然而进球似乎霍利尔的子弟们愈加紧张仅仅分钟布兰克草率的处理造成角球,科斯塔迪诺夫头球甩入角。

    That goal, however, seemed to make Houllier's men even tenser and, just five minutes later, Laurent Blanc sloppily conceded a corner that Emil Kostadinov headed in at the near post.


  • 人们每天面对很多紧张压力听到我们音乐可以舒缓身心。

    People have a lot of tensions and pressures every single day. We hope that after they listen to our music, they will feel relaxed and feel good.


  • AIM实际上整个行业医疗检测中心,在Derrick Burts事件由于面临诉讼资金紧张,已5月关闭

    AIM, which was the medical testing center for virtually the entire industry, closed in May under the financial strain of lawsuits after the Derrick Burts scare.


  • 紧张一天最喜欢减压方式哪些

    What are your favorite ways of decompressing after a stressful day?


  • 尽管表示男女存在创伤精神紧张性精神障碍调整潜在问题但其中多少有些不同

    And though she says the underlying problems of adjustment and PTSD are similar for both men and women, there are some differences.


  • 许多巴基斯坦他们认为一种侵犯他们主权行为感到愤怒难堪突袭发生巴基斯坦各地局势紧张

    Many Pakistani's are angry and embarrassed over what they consider a violation of their sovereignty, and tensions are high across Pakistan following the raid.


  • 紧张夏天和秋天过去还有庭审等着,玛丽·居里被挫伤但是任然不屑拿表彰发现镭

    After a tense summer and fall, with the trial still to come, Marie Curie, "bruised but defiant," went to claim her prize for the discoveries of radium and polonium.


  • 即便如此如果通胀率短期内超过了2%投资者丝毫不紧张,那即使央行里的鹰派又有呢?

    Even so, how much regret would even the most hawkish central banker feel if inflation rose above 2% for a while without making bond investors nervous?


  • 因为回到布拉父母在一起,家庭关系有些紧张

    There were tensions within the family, now that he was living back with his parents in Brabant.


  • 紧张谈判古巴危机得以缓和。

    After tense negotiations, the Cuban missile crisis is defused.


  • 这位中场在下场并没有隐瞒对于主教练队友不满,这也加剧了更衣室里已有紧张气氛

    The midfielder made no secret of his displeasure with the manager and his team-mate as he left the field, and already there are whispers of dressing-room tension.


  • 紧接着土耳其北部一处大型煤矿再出事端,21矿工爆炸地下施救行动紧张进行中......

    Then on Monday, 21 miners were trapped underground by an explosion at a major mine in northern Turkey; the rescue effort is still ongoing.


  • 早间节目撰稿人心理学博士詹妮弗·哈特斯坦在周一广播紧张匆忙休假的确人的情绪有些低沉

    "Early Show" contributor and psychologist Dr. Jennifer Hartstein said on the broadcast Monday it's absolutely normal to feel a little down after the rush of the season.


  • 特别是可以经历高度紧张阶段分散压力群体传播平静感觉

    Specifically, Helt said, it could diffuse stress after a period of being on high alert and spread a feeling of calm through a group.


  • 分钟的眨眼操结束请在心里记住眼睛感觉如何紧张放松还是疲劳

    After you have done this for two minutes, mentally take note of how your eyes feel, are they strained, relaxed, tired.


  • 度过紧张一天,找朋友倾诉重要的,他们给予你理解同情

    It's important to have friends to vent to when you've had a stressful day so they can show compassion and sympathy.


  • 由此形成一个尴尬紧张的局面,民意调查表明占有两位数优势数天隆·伯格胜出5%。

    In what turned out to be an embarrassing nail-biter, Mr Bloomberg won by just 5%, days after polls had showed him to be ahead by double digits.


  • 由此形成一个尴尬紧张的局面,民意调查表明占有两位数优势数天隆·伯格胜出5%。

    In what turned out to be an embarrassing nail-biter, Mr Bloomberg won by just 5%, days after polls had showed him to be ahead by double digits.


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