• 堵墙田野望去时,我感到右眼受到了一记可怕的打击

    One day while I was hiding behind a wall, looking out toward the fields, I felt a terrible blow to my right eye.


  • 坐下四周看了一眼,微笑了

    After I'd sat down and looked around, she smiled at me.


  • 头发,使高高的颧骨显得更为突出

    She swept her hair back from her face to emphasize her high cheekbones.


  • 模特儿成名一切细节其经纪人安排

    Once a model has made it into the major league every detail is mapped out by her agency.


  • 一些水壶里的洗手麦加方向跪下进行晚间祈祷

    Several men wash their hands and faces with water from teakettles and kneel toward Mecca for evening prayers.


  • 在理出优先顺序设定计划开始目标努力

    I set up plans for each, after prioritizing the items, and started working towards the goal.


  • 不过分钟,只见那个没有队球迷慢慢厕所走去,敲了敲门

    A minute later the Red Sox fan without a ticket strolls over to the bathroom and knocks on the door.


  • 达到最小成员数网络将开始基本运营实现目标的方向前进。

    After the minimum Numbers are met, the network starts its basic operations and goes out to achieve its goal.


  • 菲律宾首都松城约瑟夫修道院进行八个小时祈祷,历史终于迎来了那个关键时刻

    The decisive moment came after eight hours of prayer at St Joseph's Convent of Perpetual Adoration in Quezon City, the former capital of the Philippines.


  • 等换上睡衣灯光暗淡的走去,每一件东西都简的无印良品式和“2001太空漫游白色的结合。

    After changing into the uniform, I headed into the dim sleep chamber; everything was a minimalist Muji-meets - "2001: a Space Odyssey" white.


  • 安迪歌声停止马克康妮转过身去。

    When Andy stopped singing, I turned to Mark and Connie.


  • 架飞机于早7:59起飞,向西飞行。刚刚越过阿迪·朗达克山脉便突然掉头向,开始纽约市中心地区俯冲

    The plane took off at 7:59 a.m. and headed west, over the Adirondacks, before taking a sudden turn south and diving down toward the heart of New York City.


  • 房子外面调好颜料两手颜料,腋下夹着罩衣,刷子,蹒跚着房门走去。

    He mixed the paint outside andwaddled to the door with a gallon in each hand, the drop cloth under his arm, anda wide brush in his mouth.


  • 吉米!”分钟麦茵蒂尔小姐落地窗吉米喊。

    "Jimmy!" said Miss MacIntyre a few minutes later from the French window.


  • 1月10日,随着一轮由洪水形成昆士兰州东南部城市图文巴袭来汹涌的洪水冲向了毫无准备的人们

    WALL of water charged through Toowoomba, a city in south-east Queensland, on January 10th, sweeping unsuspecting people before it.


  • 巴基斯坦拒绝入境就飞往伊斯坦布尔现在葡萄牙方向骑行,尽管欧洲签证只有十九天。

    After being denied entry to Pakistan he had flown to Istanbul and was now heading to Portugal despite only receiving a 19-day visa for Europe.


  • 雷鸣般地人们各个方向开了,来撞去的,一两分钟总算都站好了自己的位置。

    shouted the Queen in a voice of thunder, and people began running about in all directions, tumbling up against each other;


  • 洪水幸存者逃离萨贾瓦尔临时帐篷外

    Flood survivors look out from their make-shift tent after fleeing their village in Sajawal, Pakistan.


  • 闻天下》改版,央视午间重磅新闻节目《新闻30731日也悄然"变脸"。

    On July 31, the midday News in 30 minutes was revamped, following the lead of the Morning News program.


  • 然而他们拥抱一起时候呀,忽然看到在在偷看女儿,于是女主人公丈夫一同女儿走来,开心在一起。

    However, when they embrace together, suddenly saw the daughter, who was hiding behind the door, the hero of Yu Shinv and her husband together toward the daughter, happy to embrace together.


  • 人员登船立刻破坏了船上所有通讯设备还命令船员扯下船上中国国旗,把船员赶到艘船的船舱里

    The boarding party smashed their communications equipment, ordered the lowering of the Chinese flag and forced some of the fishermen into the cabin of one of the boats.


  • 分钟形成了一支队伍,开始蜿蜒穿过花园帐篷走来。

    Within minutes a procession had formed, which began to snake its way up through the garden toward the marquee.


  • 留在电话机钢琴琴键指纹小心地便乐谱放入手提包门外走去

    She stay in the telephone piano cover, the fingerprint on the keyboard carefully wipe go to after, then put musical score into handbag, dynasty the front door outside walk.


  • 而山羊听到救命毫不犹豫泥潭过去一下跳进泥潭用头把小兔顶了上来。

    Goat heard the sound of the alarm after not hesitate to run towards the quagmire of the past, it is about jumping into the quagmire of the rabbit head-top in the ranks.


  • 了解那些潜藏的力量便作出更好决策想望迈进

    As you learn to understand the underlying dynamics better, you can make better decisions, which will move you in the desired direction.


  • 黑暗中闪电一般奔跑起来,小手托着桌子底部咧着大嘴微笑着宿舍跑去

    Then out the door I went like a flash, running through the darkness with my little hands underneath the table top, smiling from ear to ear, as I headed toward the dormitory.


  • 到了着碱桶旁边的厨房走去。

    I went around and clumb over the back stile by the ash-hopper, and started for the kitchen.


  • 到了着碱桶旁边的厨房走去。

    I went around and clumb over the back stile by the ash-hopper, and started for the kitchen.


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