• 恶心、嗳气、泛酸、腹胀胃部灼热消化不良症状进食油腻食物加重

    There are nausea , heating , is suffused with acid , abdominal distension and scorching hot indigestion symptom of the stomach, aggravate after eating the greasy food.


  • 症状主要表现部分全身性的骨骼肌易疲劳无力波动性,活动加重休息减轻

    Its symptoms are mainly manifested in part or whole body skeletal muscle fatigue, muscle weakness was volatility increased after the event, with a break and the morning light sunset to reduce weight.


  • 正如我们上世纪70年代石油危机开始石油一样,如今我们必须开始一个全新经济视角看待水资源

    Just as we began to appreciate petroleum more after the 1970s oil crises, today we must start looking at water from a fresh economic perspective.


  • 尽管年龄最大单一风险因素乳腺癌女性患者中有80%年50岁以上,但绝经超重加重患上乳腺癌的风险。

    Although age is the biggest single risk factor - 80% of breast cancers are diagnosed in women over the age of 50 - being overweight after the menopause increases your risk even further.


  • 如此增长原因,其中就有非暴力罪行而羁押的人数增多,以及由于法案规定强制性最低刑期判罚加重等。

    That rise had several causes, among them the greater number of people imprisoned for non-violent crimes and the heavier sentences that came with new laws laying down mandatory minimum terms.


  • 这样结果是银行销售人员这些人大维拉罗萨加入银行雇用目的建立消费者特许制度

    This has given the bank a stronger focus on salespeople as a result, and Villarosa hired more of them after he joined the bank in order to build a consumer franchise.


  • 职业顾问们也建议:失业健身变得不仅有利于健康而且能促进与外界的联络,保持积极的心态。

    Fitness matters more than ever if you’re laid off, career counselors advise, not just for health, but to network and stay positive.


  • 注射木瓜凝乳蛋白酶病人体验到腰部有几天或几周加重小腿疼痛却很快消失。

    Following the chymopapain injection, the patient may experience increased back pain for several days to several weeks but may have immediate relief of leg pain.


  • 病情加重,对外友协完善接待工作班子给予无微不至照顾

    When his heart disease aggravated, he CPAFFC perfected the reception team to give him meticulous care.


  • 直到12月1号迪拜世界澄清,伊迪丝·马尔才,人们重新获得平静

    Not until Dubai World made it clear, on December 1st, that Istithmar would not be part of the restructuring did nerves recover.


  • 控方说他们可以满足这个要求。但是如果他们知道Diallo数周保护性监禁毅然决定公众开口,双方的不信任感紧张气氛恐怕会再次加重

    But the distrust and tensions could berenewed again after prosecutors learn of Diallo’s decision to go public afterweeks of remaining in protective custody.


  • 骨刺引起其它症状包括腰部僵硬活动受限活动疼痛加重休息疼痛缓解。

    Other symptoms of bone spurs include stiffness and lack of movement in the back, and pain that worsens with activity and improves with rest.


  • 一些损伤可能会因为封闭注射参赛而加重

    A few injuries may have been substantially worsened by playing after an injection.


  • 创伤组织被海水浸泡可导致伤情加重

    Seawater immersion will exacerbate the injury of wounded tissue.


  • 内塞上任加强危地马拉的各个机构

    Mr Dall'Anese is putting more emphasis on beefing up Guatemala's institutions.


  • 雅文战役莱娅前往卡巴尔星球中立星球会议”。

    Leia attended an important Conference of Uncommitted Worlds on the planet Kabal after the Battle of Yavin.


  • 如果场合,记得不要在当天洗头,因为第二天的头发更加有型。

    If you have a big event, DON'T wash your hair. Second-day hair always styles and sets better than freshly washed.


  • 背景:幼鼠脑缺氧缺血脑组织水肿加重脑组织一氧化氮丙二醛水平增高。

    BACKGROUND: After cerebral tissue ischemia and anoxia in young rats, the cerebral edema gets serious, and the levels of nitric oxide (no) and malondialdehyde (MDA) decrease.


  • 56岁男性周前摔倒出现头痛逐渐加重

    A 56-year-old man presents with worsening headache following a fall one week prior.


  • 结论细胞凋亡急性脊髓损伤神经细胞主要死亡形式也是加重脊髓损伤一个因素

    Conclusion: Apoptosis was the main pattern by which the nerve cells died in acute SCI, and it also was a factor in aggravating the injury of spinal cord.


  • 结论肝脏低温保存导致明显内皮细胞损伤再灌注损伤加重

    Conclusion: Cryopreservation leads to injury of endothelial cell and reperfusion aggravates this injury.


  • 目的探讨慢性肺心病急性加重使用血塞通治疗血液流变学改变

    Objective To discuss the change of hemorheology of the patients with pulmonary heart disease at acute aggravate stage after the treatment with Xuesaiteng Injection.


  • 部分患者治疗心电图ST - T改变,服药明显加重

    ST-T wave alternation in ECG for a part of cases before treatment was not aggravated obviously after medication.


  • 然而15再次服用拉莫三嗪症状再度出现,并且症状加重FDA声称

    However, in 15 cases, symptoms returned when patients started taking Lamictal again, and the symptoms in those people were often more severe, the FDA says.


  • FAH肢微循环流量的改变结果提示急性缺氧加重冻伤对微循环的损伤程度

    The changes of microcirculatory perfusion in FAH group post freezing indicated that acute hypoxia can aggravate the frostbite damage.


  • 很多更年期女性自我明显感觉到以前事情现在开始挑剔看不惯这样情绪产生加重失眠症状

    Many menopausal women are self-evident to feel accustomed to see things before, now critical, could not understand, this mood, he will aggravate the symptoms of insomnia.


  • 看到这个理论加重失业,他彻底改变了看法

    When he saw how the theory increased unemployment, he underwent quite a conversion.


  • 结果表明,为了测定垂直位移的高程速率测量数据形变分析精度增益十分有限

    Itturns out that the accuracy increase is quite limited by using gravity observation to analyse vertical deformation, if the aim is only to determine point vertical displacement and its velocity.


  • 结果表明,为了测定垂直位移的高程速率测量数据形变分析精度增益十分有限

    Itturns out that the accuracy increase is quite limited by using gravity observation to analyse vertical deformation, if the aim is only to determine point vertical displacement and its velocity.


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