• 确定对于根据古本《纪年》来订正战国纪年重要的标尺。

    To fix the beginning year of Post Yuan is very important for the correction of late Warring States chronology.


  • 盗贼将看门麻醉偷走了价值1万东西

    Thieves doped a guard dog and stole $10 000 worth of goods.


  • 说大约一年,价格会降到2000左右。

    It is said that about one year from now, the price could go down to around 2,000 yuan.


  • 数据对象准备好可以使用该对象中的数据消息验证数据输入显示消息。

    Once you have this metadata object ready, you can use the metadata and messages in that object to validate data input and display messages.


  • 有人认为可以注册中心找到服务提供者的数据,再服务消费者与服务提供者直接绑定起来,但是错误的。

    One would think that we can make the Service consumer directly bind to a Service provider after finding its metadata in the registry, but that would be a mistake.


  • 自从儿子达到入学年龄对夫妇花费了50,000赞助费以及其他几笔额外合法收费,才得以进入一所公立学校

    The couple have spent 50,000 yuan since their sons reached school age in "donations" to get them into a public school and illicit extra fees.


  • 正如阅读上篇文章可以想象那样描述这些关系数据现在可以用与存储属性列映射相同方法存储XML文件中。

    As you can imagine from reading the preceding article, the metadata that describes these relationships is now also stored in XML files in the same way that attribute-column mappings are stored.


  • 每次我们训练技能学一样新的时,显现的神经联系是很强健的,并且一段时间神经间的联系会增多。

    Every time we practice an old skill or learn a new one, existing neural connections are strengthened and, over time, neurons create more connections to other neurons.


  • 交易过程很快付了35离开了。

    The transaction went quickly; I offered 35 yuan and left with the watch.


  • 自从儿子达到入学年龄夫妇花费了50,000赞助费以及其他几笔额外合法收费,才得以进入一所公立学校

    The couple have spent 50, 000 yuan since their sons reached school age in "donations" to get them into a public school and illicit extra fees.


  • 神经一个重要特性它们接收能量不会马上反应

    An important feature of neurons is that they don't react immediately to the reception of energy.


  • 在阿尔·布莱顿绊倒约翰逊洛特利用粒点球完成了自己的大三但是结束哨响径直走出球场,既没有比赛用球没有鼓掌

    Balotelli wrapped up the hat-trick with a penalty, awarded after Marc Albrighton upended Johnson, but on the final whistle he walked straight from the field without taking the match ball or applause.


  • 乘客缴纳150新西兰(约合113美),即可自己座位旁边空座组合套"卧铺"。

    For a fee of around NZD150 ($113), passengers will be able to convert their seat and the one next to them into a seat-bed.


  • 得到绿色农村的项目资助居民们可以在制定设备所带来的增收计划申请至多10,000($1460)的贷款

    Under GreenVillage Credit, households can apply for loans up to 10, 000 yuan ($1460) after mapping out their income-generating activity from such devices.


  • 本周一中国媒体报导婴儿早熟事件,圣纳斯达克上市股票重挫27%。

    On Monday, the company's Nasdaq-listed stock tumbled 27% following reports of the infants' puberty symptoms in local media.


  • 上周触及15年高点1美兑83.57日菅直人大臣们加大口头上打压日努力试图让日让推动经济增长出口商感觉较为舒服的水平

    After the yen hit a 15-year high of Y83.57 last week, Mr Kan and his ministers stepped up efforts to talk the currency down to a level more comfortable for the exporters who drive economic growth.


  • 有个新闻个80女孩花了3000自己过生日

    Look, this news is about a post-80s girl who spent 3000 yuan for her dog's birthday.


  • 这些神经可以将痛觉、温度以及触觉传导至大脑。 (以前的研究表明,给予产生瘙痒感觉组胺之类物质可以激活STT而且这些神经可以将那些觉传导至大脑。)

    Previous studies have shown that STT neurons can be activated with the application of an itch-producing chemical like histamine, and that the neurons send that itch sensation to the brain.


  • 科比通过手术破坏大鼠杏仁核的基底外侧区域发现海马体新生神经产生数量随之减少

    Using rats, Kirby surgically destroyed the basolateral amygdala and discovered that the production of new nerve cells in the hippocampus decreased.


  • 辣椒这些受体结合感觉神经失去电子,并传递辛辣刺激信号

    After capsaicin binds to these receptors, the sensory neuron is depolarized, and it sends along a signal indicating the presence of spicy stimuli.


  • 动物肝糖分解葡萄糖

    After the animal is killed, glycogen falls apart into glucose.


  • 在上星期五创下76.11美记录,日周一的价格稳定在大约76.6日兑换1美水平

    The Japanese yen held steady half-a-yen above the record level of 76.1 yen to the dollar it set on Friday.


  • 据《京华时报报道淘宝网的许多店铺已开始批量售卖新浪粉丝,价格110个,交易完毕短时间内就会加好关注。

    Sina Microblog followers are for sale on Taobao, up for grabs at RMB1 for 10 followers of the Chinese Twitter-esque microblogging site, the Beijing Times reported.


  • 但是研究者破坏大鼠杏仁核的基底外侧区域恐惧场景不再能够激活新生神经了。

    However, when they destroyed the basolateral amygdala, new neurons were no longer activated in response to the fearful memory.


  • 认为某次别人302个神经连接,他能计算蛔虫行为

    He figured that once someone provided him with the wiring diagram of how 302 neurons were connected, he could then compute the worm's behavior.


  • 我社接到先生签署之合同即将预支先生版税五千

    On receipt of signed contract we shall be pleased to make you an advance on royalties of five thousand dollars.


  • 农村居民提供保险不仅数额而且简单农民每年几百退休每月可以领取50左右。

    The insurance offered to rural residents was not only small, but very simple: a farmer paid a few hundred yuan per year and when he retired could expect to see 50 yuan or so a month.


  • 服务员拿着200订金出去同学反应过来说:“我们女生五个男生,五个房间怎么住啊?”

    The server took 200 yuan deposit and went out.Suddenly a girl came to the realization and said, “ There were five girls and five boys here, so how can we arrange the room?


  • 服务员拿着200订金出去同学反应过来说:“我们女生五个男生,五个房间怎么住啊?”

    The server took 200 yuan deposit and went out.Suddenly a girl came to the realization and said, “ There were five girls and five boys here, so how can we arrange the room?


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