• 然而仔细分析数据表明名义GDP飞速增长通胀上升的主要原因,但能源冲击时期1974年至1980年,名义GDP增速实际上趋于放缓的。

    But a close look at the data suggests that the problem was mostly caused by extremely rapid nominal GDP growth, which actually tended to slow during energy shock periods like 1974 and 1980.


  • 很明显一旦名义下降美联储约束,因此经济恢复趋趋向增长,但不会金融冲击下恢复所受损失

    But obviously the Fed is constrained once nominal rates hit zero, and so the economy returns to its trend growth rate but never recovers the ground lost during the financial shock.


  • 名义全球历史标准来看她们其他地方妇女享受同样权利良好公共卫生保障较高就业平等的权力。

    On paper, by historical global standards, they have it about as good as women anywhere: good public health care, high participation in the workforce, equal rights.


  • 一个生产迅速增长新兴经济体国内实际也会随着时间的推移而上升,方式则可能要么通过通货膨胀,要么就是名义的上升。

    In an emerging economy with rapid productivity growth the real exchange rate should rise over time, through either higher inflation or a rise in the nominal exchange rate.


  • 金融部门资产负债表和名义收益都出现爆炸式增长

    The balance sheets of the financial sector exploded, as did the sector's notional profitability.


  • 由于这个额外的需求名义与关联通胀债券的收益差被缩小了,同时拉低其反映的通胀

    That extra demand squeezes the spread over inflation-linked bonds, bringing down the implied inflation rate.


  • 注意全球水平低于名义GDP增长通胀盛行的80年代90年代,利通常是更高的。

    It notes that global interest rates are still well below nominal GDP growth (see chart), whereas throughout the inflation-busting 1980s and 1990s they were mostly higher.


  • 名义收益相对较平和预期通胀双重作用下,10年期通胀指数化美国国债真实收益1.05%下降至0.5%。

    The real yield on ten-year, inflation-indexed Treasury bonds has fallen from 1.05% to 0.5%, a result of relatively flat nominal yields and a rise in expected inflation.


  • 假设乏力GDP增长在2020为2.6%,2010年的2.6%形成对比,名义已是4%非2010年的2.8%,那么美国债务到2020年上升GDP的157%。

    Assuming anaemic GDP growth of just 1.5% a year as opposed to 2.6%, and a nominal interest rate of 4% rather than 2.8%, us debt rises to 157% of GDP in 2020.


  • 第一是因为名义国债收益GDP增长之间存在粗略关系:如果GDP一计划增长5%的话,那么10年期的国债收益应该在3.3%左右

    First there is normally a rough relationship between yields, currently 3.3% for ten-year Treasury bonds, and nominal GDP growth projected at around 5% a year.


  • 双向承受的名义应力相等时,得到泡沫金属在双向等荷承载条件的载荷强度数学关系

    When the biaxial nominal stresses are equal to each other, the mathematical relationship between loading strength and porosity can be also gained for the foamed metals under biaxial equal loads.


  • 通胀降到水平时,由于降低名义工资水平受到阻力使得劳动市场调整变得更加困难

    When the inflation rate down to a lower level, due to lower wages in the name of the resistance by making adjustments in the labor market has become more difficult.


  • 如果考虑经济增长货币化过程,铸币等于经济增长贡献、货币化速度、和名义加总

    If the economic growth and monetization were included in our model the tax rate of seigniorage would be the sum of the contribution rate of growth, the rate of monetization and the nominal rate.


  • 对于一定的薄膜名义厚度,硅油基底温度越高,中心区域凝聚覆盖越小。

    The film thickness corresponding to the saturation coverage ratio decreases obviously with the increase of the substrate temperature.


  • 如果债券名义收益7%优惠券103元(1030美元)的溢价购买那么油尖计算出较低的,因为只有7%利息支付1000美元的面值

    If a bond has a 7% nominal yield or coupon and was purchased at a premium of $103 ($1030), then your YTM will calculate lower because the 7% interest is only paid to the $1000 par.


  • 如果现金假设现金每年历史回报3.7%,必须等待19才能你账户的名义资产翻倍

    If your money is in cash, you'll have to wait 19 years for the nominal value of your account to double, assuming the cash earns the historical 3.7 percent annual return.


  • 溢价债券一个比较票面折扣债券将有较高的产量比目前名义较低的当前收益

    A premium bond will have a lower current yield compared to it's coupon rate and a discount bond will have a higher current yield than it's nominal rate.


  • 通货紧缩货币成因以下几个方面:1货币供应增长下降导致名义需求疲软;

    The monetary causes of deflation are the follows:1. The increase rate of money supply is declining, which weakens aggregate demand;


  • 隆奥达亨银行保罗马尔松说道:“现在利润水平意味着未来名义盈利会出现负增长。 ” 隆奥达亨银行是一家私营银行。

    Paul Marson of Lombard Odier, a private bank, says that "over the next five years, current elevated margins imply negative nominal net profit growth."


  • NGDP某年低于目标增长时,中央银行接下来数年想法弥补实际上就是通过控制名义支出以达到目标。

    If nominal GDP fell below the target growth rate in one year, central Banks would seek to make up for that in subsequent years - in effect, following a path for overall nominal spending.


  • NGDP某年低于目标增长时,中央银行接下来数年想法弥补实际上就是通过控制名义支出以达到目标。

    If nominal GDP fell below the target growth rate in one year, central Banks would seek to make up for that in subsequent years - in effect, following a path for overall nominal spending.


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